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Oh can this REALLY be happening to me???!!!


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I just got a reply from one of the Papillon breeders i contacted!!! She sent me a photo of two of her boys that are looking for homes and they are just adorable!!! I'll post them on here when I'm at home... this computer is a little hard to work out :-?
Oh every body, please wish me luck!!! If i can pick up one of these boys (and the black and white boy is just a gem!) on the way back from Melbourne it would be every thing I've been dreaming of over the past few months come true!!! Ok, I've been dreaming of owning a Pap for years, but I've only actually decided it would be ok for me to get one recently, and you all know how much I'm going crazy waiting!!!
Fingers crossed!!!

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Oh oh oh!!!! I just had a look at her web page (I tracked her email down while looking for Paps for sale so hadn't seen her page before) and she sounds like a REALLY GREAT breeder!!!! Oh and the best thing is, she feeds a raw diet!!! And her goals of breeding are clearly stated, there is a long questionairre i have to fill in before she will consider selling me a pup.... how lucky is that??? After spending soooo much time trying to track down a Papillon i find a breeder who is absolutly GREAT!!!
Her page is - [url]http://www.joyvnture.com/homeaustralia.htm[/url] :angel:

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Here are the pics!!!

This is Frankie, this is the boy who has stolen my heart and I'm sure you can see why!!!

This is Tempo. Isn't he just adorable? If for whatever reason I can't get Frankie, hopefully I can have this boy instead!!! :angel:

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Oh I'm so happy I could cry!!! I nearly am crying!!! I want Frankie more than any thing else in the world right now and it sounds like I'm going to get him!!! Is there an exploding with happyness emoticon???
I just got an email back from the breeder saying she thinks I would make an ideal home for a Papillon :angel:
She has emailed Lilys trainer to confirm what I said in the questionairre and I don't see why Veronica would say that any thing was wrong (she's visited on a few occasions to see our dogs in their home situation) and then I think I can get Frankie!!! And to top this excitement off I was so happy I rang my sister and told her all about it. She asked how much he would cost and I told her I could scrape the money together, I'd just have to go without any thing else for a few weeks, but then she said, although she never borrows out money, that she would quite happilly lend me $200!!!!!!!!!!! :angel:
Can this be happening? Really? Or am I just dreaming??? I don't believe it!!! He's the cutest little thing!!! Only 8 inches tall!!! He's going to stay pretty much permanantly glued to my side, so small, so cute... awww!!!
It means I'm going to have to quit my trip to Melbourne (sorry BK) because that would just be stretching money/time out too much, but anything for this cute little dog!!! I have to go to Wollongong to pick him up, which is only around 9 or so hours from here and I will be breaking the trip up over Sydney, Gosford and Newcastle so it wont be too long for him... Malamum, maybe I could visit you and you could meet him??
Ahhh I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :D :D :angel:

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Oh I am so happy for you. I could just feel your excitment from reading your post :D

When do you get him, how old is he now etc.?

Of course you can stop off for a cuppa and a rest at my place. I'm actually in a very good spot for a break - I'm about 5 minutes away from the F3 at Berowra so you will actually be pretty much going past my place anyway.

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Thanks Malamum! :D
I'm going down to Wollongong on the weekend of the 26th, so I'll arrange it around that. The funny thing is I'm not even exactly sure how old he is!!! I just saw the picture and fell in love!! I've emailed the breeder asking his age though, I've also got alot of other questions for her. I can tell she is a good breeder, but is he the right dog? I'm sure of it!!! But I'll still ask some questions, in particular, she said he is shy, I'll have to see exactly what she meant by that. Things aren't 100% sure yet, but hopefully I'll know tomorrow for sure if I'll be getting him! :angel:

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Oh he is just adorable...I hate to admit it, but I had never even heard of Papillon's until the "Rufus" (Zyrtec, or something like that) commercial came out and I thought they were just the cutest dogs. I still do. I am becoming very familiar with "shy" right now, because of Laurel.....I'm really happy for you!!!

:D :D

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Will do Malamum :wink:
Havn't had another email back from the breeder so far today, fingers crossed though!!! I read the contract i have to sign when I get him, its very detailed!!! I must crate him when I'm not at home so he's not squashed by the other dogs (I'm sure I'll have alot of q's about crating!), I'm strictly NOT allowed to tie him up at all, he has to be an indoor dog, if I don't desex him and he has pups I have to pay $1000 per pup that is born!!! :o If I need to rehome him he must be returned to the breeder, I'm not allowed to find a home for him myself unless it goes through her etc etc etc... you get the picture, and its a leagal document... I think its kind of cool, and its great to know the breeder values her dogs so much.
I'm very nervously waiting for the email from the breeder confirming that I can have him, I'm sure it will all go through though and I'm so excited!!!!
I'm not looking forwards to calling my friend in Melbourne though, and telling him I can't go... :-? :( :o

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I am glad your breeder has those clauses in her contract...that means she really cares about the dogs and will rehome them if you dont work out.

I got Laurel from a Rescue Society with the same clauses. I had to sign a contract (legally binding) that if she doesnt work out with me, I will bring her back to be rehomed. I will follow certain procedures in her care, they can check up on her whenever they want, etc...

I have no issues with this. I am glad they are working this hard for dogs. I have emailed and called since I got her, and they have given me good advice on how to deal with her. I have never had a hound before, and she is really shy and timid. They have given me advice on what to do to make her more comfortable, and less timid, and it's working. I am glad that some breeders and rescue societies are taking the time to CARE....

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I signed a really similar contract when I picked up my Perry from a Poodle rescue group last year. I can't give/sell/rehome him unless I turn him back over to the rescue people (as if...). There were lots of things I had to agree to. He can't ride in the back of a pick up truck (again, as if...) and lots of other things I can't think of now. There were several pages of that contract. Also, my contact from that group stays in constant touch with me to ask how it's going and likes to see pictures. She is also a major Poodle exhibitor. I love it when breeders are so active in the rescue of their chosen breed.

It sounds like that breeder is truly concerned for the welfare of her pups. That's a good thing. That's much better than the ones who will turn over a pup to anyone with a credit card or enough cash. You can bet she'll be in constant contact, wanting updates and pictures (so have them!). She'll also likely be the best source of information when you need to pick someone's brains regarding anything from training and temperament to, well, anything. It's great to have someone to call on like that.

I'm not going to say congratulations yet because I'll just jinx you. I'll just say good luck. We had a beautiful little Papillon at our clinic today for a bath. She's the only one we see regularly and she's a wonderful little dog. If she's typical of the temperament of the breed, I can see where they'd be so hard to resist.

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