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A little Doggie Rant (no offense to small dog owners)

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I took my dogs on a walk today, and 3 little dogs came after me & my dogs. I'm like where are the owners of these 3 little guys. I had both my dogs on leash in the street, where these 3 were without an owner or leash. Finally the owner comes out of his house & thought the whole secne was cute!! "Isn't he a tough little guy!" "That's my little man" "That's so cute" My reply was, no it's not cute when your 3 dogs could've seriously been hurt had a car come along. And your really lucky, cause my guys might see yours as a toy. It just irks me. Little dogs can come out of their yard & try to attack someone & the owner sees it as cute. But say my 2 got out & tried to attack someone, they'd be PTS in a heart beat because the happen to be "Dangerous" in some peoples mind. Next time those 3 might not be as lucky if they get out, a car or a large lose dog would hurt them. I'd love to tell the owner to keep them leashed or inside the fence. But I don't know if I should.

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[quote]I'd love to tell the owner to keep them leashed or inside the fence. But I don't know if I should.

I WOULDA TOLD HIM ANYWAY, WITH A FEW OTHER "CHOICE" COMMENTS :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: ....if you have a leash law in your town, feel free.

you're right. It just irks me when people think little dogs are "harmless" because they're little. it's still annoying when they're chasing after you and your dogs......

:roll: :roll:

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I see where you're coming from, that guy should definatly have his dogs somewhere safe or they could be killed BUT I admit how he saw it as cute... well when Montie goes and "beats up the big dogs" it is kinda cute, not saying I LIKE this behaviour, just that its cute to see you little munchkin being big and tough... I can't really explain it - though Montie usually does get in trouble when he chases off the big dogs (at the dog park, no where near roads or anywhere he shouldn't be off) and I think it is mainly due to fear aggression, I'd be a bit worried too if someone 30 times my size came up and sniffed my butt! :lol:

Though I'm definatly with you on that it shouldn't have happend - people get the idea that just because their dog is little it can do what it wants and no one will care, and if they do care than they have a problem. Its wrong, I always make sure my dogs aren't pissing people off by getting in their way and being off lead where they shouldn't be - even at the dog park I'm trying to train Montie out of his behaviour, although I do have to admit, everyone so far who's seen him do it thinks its adorable and usually has a bit of a laugh :oops:

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I'm certainly not offended at all! It is one of my biggest, hugest, most major, holy moly pet peeves of all time. I absolutely can not stand it when people think aggressive behavior in small dogs is CUTE. I see it allllllll the time in our vet clinic. People laugh when their little beasties are lunging and snarling and snapping as if it's just the most endearing behavior. I've always been as hard on my small dogs as I have my big dogs in regard to training and socialization (well, when I knew better... have to admit that I didn't think much about socialization until several years ago... was just the average pet dummy :oops:, but have NEVER encouraged aggression in my small dogs ). I've fired groom clients in the past who believed that *I* shouldn't mind that their little beasties were trying to sever my fingers. I don't mind working with special needs or nervous dogs who just need some patience and reassurance, but screw the people who think it's part of my job to have my face gnawed off and actually encourage that behavior. Bah! Have you ever watched any of the "Funniest Video" shows where people are giggling hysterically as they try to reach for a remote control and this little monster is foaming at the mouth and just daring them to touch it? Not in THIS house! My little dogs are not allowed to antagonize my bigger dogs and they have certainly tried. Yeah, it's something I find hugely irresponsible and annoying. I love small dogs... well mannered, well behaved small dogs. What's so sad is that most of these monsters are created rather than "born" that way. What are people thinking??

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Atleast no one was hurt. But still I think it's a pain to think that these little dogs can get away with being aggressive, yet say Apollo or Zeus growled at someone, my ass would be is so much trouble. I'm proud of my 2 for not makeing them a moveing squeaky toy. I think my worst bite I've ever gotten was from a Toy Poodle, little shit bit me on the ankle.

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I've never been bitten, in my whole life (how did that happen?) but I was put up against a very aggressive little dachsund (my X-mom-in-law) who growled, snapped and lunged. A quick and sharp tap on that smartass little nose put him in his place. ( the "two-finger snap" - used to remind them who's boss, not to hurt them) he stepped back, astonished. I couldnt believe no one had EVER admonished him for this behavior. I looked at mom-in-law and said "y'know, you let him do this and he'll bite someone someday...." she was mad I had two-fingered him. "he cant hurt anybody, look at how small he is!!" and I fired back "what if the SOMEBODY was a toddler? your daughter has kids, you want them bitten?"

I'm divorced now...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I had the opposite, my 3 small (well, short) guys on leash and a guy with 3 big dogs off lead...I could hear him yelling at them over and over as i approached, they obviously weren't trained to voice commands :lol: He was throwing things into the creek for them to fetch, which they weren't necessarily bringing back, but were racing in circles with them.

I was on the local walking path at the time, where I happen to be on patrol. So I called dispatch and reported 3 dogs running loose. They said, there is no leash law out there.

Well there sure as heck is, so I concluded he was a cop and they knew he was out there. :evil: They didn't attack, just sniffed, but they sure gave me a heart attack. He shrieked at them while I convinced mine to walk past them. Well, I sort of dragged them really. You'd think people would have more sense......nahhhhh what was I thinking.

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There is nothing 'cute' at all about little unleashed, untrained monsters pestering big dogs, be it in a leash free park of anywhere else. They are total menaces.

Unless the little dog is trained with good recall it should not even be in a leash free park. Irresponsible owners seem to think it is Ok that these little terrorists come up to our big dogs looking to start a fight.

I have a Rottweiler, a well trained one and if a small terrorist comes up to my dog snarling and yapping and my dog decides to defend itself then it is my dog who is blamed for it and it is my dog who gets put to sleep for attacking and maiming the little one.

Much as I love all dogs I will deliver sharp and well placed kick to any little untrained monster who tries to attack my dog.....I will do this to protect my dog. I will not let your small, untrained dog be the reason mine may lose its life.

Unless you dog is trained, whatever its size, it does NOT belong in a leash free park and neither should it be out in the street unleashed. Leash free parks are there for well trained dogs to play and socialise. They are not there so little cuties can strut their stuff and annoy other dogs.

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Just yesterday at the dog park some guy made a comment re: 'At least with little dogs it doesn't really matter if they sit when you tell them to'.
HUH???? I smiled (really, I did) and nicely said 'but of course it matters, ANY dog living in my house will be taught basically the same'
I hear stories of how little dogs get away with food aggression towards their owners, people aggression, dog aggression, all because someone thinks its' cute.
BTW, I am NOT referring to you here Aroura, at the dog park is a whole 'nother ballgame, a dog has to defend itself and establish some ground rules there! Candy exhibits some minor snippy behaviour there that I would not tolerate at home or in training. She does not care for big dogs rushing at her!

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I hate it when little dogs get away with acting like spoiled brats :evil: A couple years ago in a pet shop almost got bitten by a little evil, dumb dustmop thing of a dog. The pet store's owners have two pekingeses (sp?) and I crouched down and extended my hand a little towards one of them who then started barking/growling insanely and rushing towards me. I ended up knocking into some other people and I have no idea what the dog did, cause then I was totally shocked when the woman proceded to give me a lecture about "you should't pet a dog without asking permission first". Sure, thats very true. BUT I never did pet the dog, or in any way threten it- it was several feet away from me when I bent down. And also, in a pet store I'd expect the dogs in it not to be agressive, since so many people (including very young kids) pass through it. :x That same dog has also attached itself to my leg (I pushed it off) and last time I was in that store if followed me around sniffing at my shoes the whole time. :roll:

There's a little dog who lives close by that Web's gotten to great a few times. Its pretty nice, I think. Once it bit/nipped Webby's nose though, but that I can understand seeing as Web can get very exhuberant and wild when he meets other dogs. But that dog was simply telling Web to quit it, and is otherwise perfectly civil and friendly. :wink:

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A good friend of mine works at a place where the owners have their little dogs running around. I'm not sure what kind of dogs they are because she doesn't know. All the employees have to be on their toes avoiding these dogs because they WILL bite if you get in their way. Of course the owners think it's cute... :roll:

The interesting thing is that my friend does not like dogs at all, but she at least has enough sense to put the dogs in their place when they start growling. Now she's the only one of the employees that can approach them and they even choose to lay by her desk during the day. :lol: It's really worked in her favor because the owners think she's awesome because the dogs like her. It's only because she told them "NO" in a stern voice a few times. In her words, "It's common sense, I'm not going to let some little dog push me around."

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[quote name='K']We had to deal with a very small unleashed dog jumping at the throats of my leashed Staffs once...the owner thought it was cute as well..with the comment "isnt he brave taking on them two at once"...I was stupefied and said..."actually no he's suicidal"...she soon hurried to pick it up..and glared at me...I have never seen her or the dog before that day and never seen them since... :-?[/quote]

GREAT COMEBACK!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You tend to see it more in little dogs than big because people seem to think that little dogs cant hurt anybody. you can push them away, or whatever, but even a little dog latching onto your hand (like Divines incident) hurts like hell....my CAT nipping me hurts like hell....well, my cat IS bigger than some dogs, but still...

and as I pointed out to my X-MIL....what if its a baby, or a toddler, on ground level with the dog? You want your grandchildren's face mauled?

they need the same training as any other dog.

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I don't have anything against little dogs either, only there owners who are complete idiots. I've told this story so many times that I can't remember if I told it here so if I did, my apologies! Anyway I was out walking K a little while back and we decided to stop and gab with a woman and her shih tzu. The dog and K were getting along okay so me and the owner chatted. She was so sweet..at first. Then the little brat bite K on the "cheek". K moved back a little, looking unsure. I saw the whole thing and told the lady that her dog had just BIT K! Lady told me "no you're wrong, she's never even nipped anyone I think your dog bit mine". Uhh..okay. She was senile or some thing. Then I think she went on to spread rumors around the dog neighbourhood that K was a biter. K would NEVER bite anyone! ARGH. :evil:

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Ok I think I gave a bit of a wrong impression about Montie, so I might just jump in here and defend him! :lol:

Montie doesn't rush after other peoples dogs and attack them, more like he stands near me, wagging his tail, but barking all the same, kicking up the ground like he's a big tough man, I think this is why people think its endearing, he's not being nasty, just saying "hey, look at me, aren't I tough?". There was one or two occasions where he did run after another dog and chase it away, both times when a large dog came up and bowled him over (remember, he's only about 3 and a half pounds!) and he's turned around, quite disgusted at their boisterous behaviour and chased them back to their owner - but his recall is VERY good and he'll stop in mid flight and come zooming back to me any time I call him :wink:

He doesn't get away with ANY growly behaviour at home. He's the gentilest little angel :wink:

As for other little dogs I've seen - my cousins mini foxi was a terror, he put stitches in about three people. You couldn't go near him without risking being bitten if he was in a bad mood. I've met dozens of maltese like this too, I've only ever met one nice maltese, the rest have been happy, snappy little things that even I was scared of, and it takes a lot to scare me! :o

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No dogs should be off leash. I have two small ones and they are always on leashes. They aren't fully trained, they are only 5 & 3 months old, so they get a little excited when they see people who want to pet them. They will sit and stay for 10-15 seconds and then they start getting jumpy. So we are working on that.

I have a neighbor who has two large dogs, who has a fenced in yard and they bark at you and run at the fence as your walking by. I can handle that but sometimes she lets them run loose and I was walking Missy and one of them came charging at us, I had to reach down and grab Missy up into my arms and the lady just ignored it and kept working on her flowers.

In our city, we have a leash law, dogs have to have a rabies tag and license tag which is registered at city hall on at all times. My dogs are also microchipped.

They cracked down on the laws a few years ago because there were dogs running loose everywhere, people and kids getting bit. Dogs being put down because of them not knowing if they had rabies. So it's much better now but every once in a while you will run into a loose dog with no tags. At least the tags jingling give you a warning that a dogs in the area.

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Guest Anonymous

I am so sick of hearing about little dogs this and little dogs that. Yes there are owners who don't teach their small dogs but there are plenty of big dog owners who don't either. It has nothing to do with size it's training. None of my dogs even the chihuahua would ever bite a person. Did you ever think that maybe small dogs act that way because they have to make up for thier small size by seeming tough. And yes they can do damage to a person but unless your a toddler your not going to die that is why they receive more slack when they do show aggression. No dog should be allowed to show aggression but the difference is between a few stitches and possible death. You think it doesn't bug me when Toto used to show aggression towards other dogs and people are laughing. It made me really angry he may be little but he has gigantic teeth for his size and could do damage if he wanted too but has never hurt another dog he is all talk. We have since trained him to stop that but it took time and effort and every dog is capable of learning.
My point is if you simply talking about the attitude of owners that is fine but this comments referring to the little dogs as little sh*t and suggesting they be hit on the nose is not right. No dog should ever be hit. Also everyone here are probably some of the same people who like to defend the behavior of every pit bull that attacks a child and blame it on the owners yet turn around talk about small dogs like it's all thier fault.

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[quote]Did you ever think that maybe small dogs act that way because they have to make up for thier small size by seeming tough.[/quote]
Since I don't believe that dogs perceive size in the same way we do, I'd say no. This is just me, but it seems to me like if a small dog perceived a larger dog as a threat just by its mere presence, he wouldn't run at it snipping and snarling, but rather would stay away. I'm scared to death of spiders, but I don't run at them and try to act menacing just because I see one. I don't but it. I still think it's because owners, whether unwittingly or not, encourage that "cute, take no junk" aggressiveness.

The other question could be... did you ever think that maybe so many people are down on small dogs because irresponsible owners have encouraged aggressive behavior in them?

[quote name='Mei-Mei']It is not acceptable for ANY dog to snap at people. Once again, the point of this thread was that SOME dog owners think it's cute when their dogs misbehave.[/quote]

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I remember one time, a Toy Manchester Terrier decided to have a go at Shenanigans. It took a nasty bite as his jowels and proceeded to hang off them growling the whole time. Shenanigans who could have ate the little guy just looked up to me pleadingly. The owners thought this was soooooo cute.

They didn't think it was soooooo cute when I handed them the vet bill and instructed them that according to our bylaws, since my dog was on leash and theirs not, I was completely on legal ground to expect payment.

I also made a report with Animal Control. Which they thought unnecessary, but I'm an equal opportunist, if a big dog had have bitten Shenanigans, I would have reported it, so same with a small one. I told them that had they been more responsible with their dog in preventing it from attacking others, then they wouldn't have this problem. Myself afterall with a GSD and Newfoundland have never had that problem!

I just don't see why so many people (barring the other half of so many who properly train their wee dogs) think it's acceptable for their small dogs to behave atrociously. Maybe I'm just grouchy because I live near several toy breeds who's owners think it acceptable to put them out early in the morning and let bark for an hour straight.

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[quote name='Shenanigans']Maybe I'm just grouchy because I live near several toy breeds who's owners think it acceptable to put them out early in the morning and let bark for an hour straight.[/quote]

You have every right to be grouchy, in my opinion. It sounds to me like your neighbours aren't really too concerned about anyone else around there getting any sleep. Selfish butt holes. :roll: That's exactly like the Scottish terrier that lives behind us. What a pain in the butt! The little yappy thing is put outside at 6 a.m. and is left there to bark until about 8. Of course, if I let K out, she goes to snoop and take a look and then the dog starts barking at HER..which causes her to bark. It's like a neverending circle of barking. :x I just wish they would put the dog out to pee or whatever, then let him/her back in minutes later..not hours. It's really annoying in the morning to wake up to that "Rrrrrruff"!

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My friend who grew up on a farm told me once of a naughty thing he did when he was a kid when his neighbour's dog would not stop barking.

He greased up his hands and made a big ball of honey, peanut butter, molasses and corn syrup and pitched it to the dog. The dog spent the rest of the day licking the concoction from the roof of it's mouth he finally got some rest. Unfortunately it's a short lived solution and in the end not so good for the dog. Personally I'd like to take a rolled up newspaper and whack the owners with it. It's not fair that I should have to listen to their blinkin dog all day when I have three (on of my mom's shelties is staying with us) that people barely hear a peep from.

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Guest, I suggest you go back and [i]read[/i] all the posts before you come in and start firing off at us - most of us own little dogs ourselves, why would we come on here and go on about how nasty they are? :roll:

SinCity, thats pretty scarey... luckily we don't have rabies here, but we still do have leash laws... the only place dogs are supposed to be allowed off leash is in off leash parks. Microchipping is also mandatory in this state, I think its a great law, but they don't inforce it enough and my way of thinking is why have laws if you're not going to enforce them? :-?

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[quote name='Horsefeathers!'][quote]Did you ever think that maybe small dogs act that way because they have to make up for thier small size by seeming tough.[/quote]
Since I don't believe that dogs perceive size in the same way we do, I'd say no. This is just me, but it seems to me like if a small dog perceived a larger dog as a threat just by its mere presence, he wouldn't run at it snipping and snarling, but rather would stay away. I'm scared to death of spiders, but I don't run at them and try to act menacing just because I see one. I don't but it. I still think it's because owners, whether unwittingly or not, encourage that "cute, take no junk" aggressiveness.

The other question could be... did you ever think that maybe so many people are down on small dogs because irresponsible owners have encouraged aggressive behavior in them?

[quote name='Mei-Mei']It is not acceptable for ANY dog to snap at people. Once again, the point of this thread was that SOME dog owners think it's cute when their dogs misbehave.[/quote]

Actually I can't see how they wouldn't perceive size considering they like to make themselves as small as possible to the other dog to submit to the other animal and when threatened they make themselves look as big as possible by putting their head straight up and ears erect and out. I really do think they perceive size. As far as small dogs are concerned. How do you feel about Pit Bulls do you think that is right for people to get down on them because irresponsible owners are encouraging aggressive behavior. Perhaps we should be faulting the owners and not picking on small dogs. My dogs are all under 25lbs not a one is yippy or nippy. How many of you here who dislike small dogs have a small dog? If I were to start a thread that said I can't stand pit bulls because they are all aggressive and the owners don't train them right. Is that a generalization? Is that true or not?

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[quote name='Cairn6']
Actually I can't see how they wouldn't perceive size[/quote]
I said I don't believe they perceive size the same way we do. Of course they do have some perception. I just don't buy into the whole thing of having to be blatantly aggressive solely because they are small. It just doesn't make sense to me.
[quote]How do you feel about Pit Bulls do you think that is right for people to get down on them because irresponsible owners are encouraging aggressive behavior.[/quote]
Start a thread on it and we'll discuss it. The whole Pit Bull thing has been done to death here while there are very few discussions on small dogs, so if you want to mull over some Pit Bull issues, you can go back and look up old posts, or start a new thread.

[quote]Perhaps we should be faulting the owners and not picking on small dogs.[/quote]
From everything I've read so far, that's EXACTLY what we've been doing... complaining about the PEOPLE who think it's cute to let small dogs show aggression. I don't see where anyone has placed the blame on the dogs alone.

[quote]How many of you here who dislike small dogs have a small dog?[/quote]
I don't see where anyone said they dislike small dogs. I think the general consensus is that people dislike irresponsible small dog OWNERS and the results of the irresponsibility... NASTY small dogs. No one is saying that ALL small dogs are nasty and aggressive.

Still, for the record, I have 3 Lhasa Apsos, 1 Chihuahua, 1 Toy Poodle and a Mini Schnauzer. I have more small dogs than big ones and am still one who thoroughly despises ill mannered small dogs, though through the fault of irresponsible owners (of course... should go without saying).
[quote]If I were to start a thread that said I can't stand pit bulls because they are all aggressive and the owners don't train them right. Is that a generalization? Is that true or not?[/quote]
Start a thread and see.

I really don't know why you're taking this personally. Everything I've seen indicates that most people posting here do not like irresponsible dog ownership, whether dealing with Pit Bulls or little darlin's who would just as soon rip your face off as say hello. If you dig around here enough, you'll find that it's ESPECIALLY the Pit Bull people who loathe irresponsible Pit ownership. Still, that's another thread.

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