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Boże!!!! Co ludzie zrobili z tymi psami ;(


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Aż żal pokazywac i publikowac tą stronę ale jak szukałam czegoś na google to wpadłam na to: [URL="http://images.google.pl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/fotos/Killed-by-a-Pit-bull.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/cruelty_neglect.html&h=302&w=400&sz=19&tbnid=Yjki4OKGtmkXNM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpit%2Bbull%26um%3D1&start=3&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=3"]http://images.google.pl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/fotos/Killed-by-a-Pit-bull.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/cruelty_neglect.html&h=302&w=400&sz=19&tbnid=Yjki4OKGtmkXNM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpit%2Bbull%26um%3D1&start=3&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=3[/URL]
Normalnie tragedia:( :( :(
Szkoda że strona jest po angielsku :(
ChYba sobie tam pojadę bo ten filmik troche niewyraźny ale tragiczny :((

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To jest wlasnie to owe schronisko na mojej wyspie :oops: Miesci sie ono na Curacao (Antyle Holenderskie).Ponizej zamieszczam link do strony schroniska.To tam diabel mowi dobranoc ....:-(


A tutaj juz niedlugo bedziecie mogli sledzic losy zwierzat uratowane od "nadmieru powietrza w ich organizmie" :angryy: , zabrane z wysypiska smieci :-( i inne........



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Tak wygłodzonego psa karmic tak ogromną ilosią karmy??
Skazany na śmierc. :(
Jak poszukam to:
[url]http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/-całkiem[/url] całkiem widac moze ze ludzie sie starają ale nie zawsze im to tychodzi:/ niestety :(
robi się coraz ciekawiej ... w tej tabelce co jest na tej stronce co podalam wchodźcie wszędzie w january-marth ipd.

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W sprawie tego psa (zdjecie wklejone przez kaska914186).Jest to Rhodesian Ridgeback.Tak,tak. "Kontrola poadopcyjna" badz donos doprowadzil do makabrycznego odkrycia.Owy pies wydany w bardzo dobrym stanie jak i pozostale znajdujace sie na posesji wygladaly wlasnie w ten sposob.Psy zostaly odebrane wlascicielom.Obecnie znajduja sie w schronisku.Bylam tam w zeszly poniedzialek i je widzialam.Na zywo wygladaja jeszcze gorzej :-( Drugi pies jest to Dog.

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Schronisko posiada zaledwie 40 miejsc dla schroniskowych psow oraz 15 dla hotelowych.Codziennie mordowanych jest tam okolo 20 psow.Tak mordowanych, nie usypianych.Schroniska "nie stac" na usypianie.Idzie pod igle wszystko bez wzgledu na to kiedy tam dotarlo.Tutaj nie ma kwarantanny.Jest tylko schronisko i obok budynek zwany umieralnia :-( Pojscie pod igle oznacza wstrzykniecie do organizmu psa powietrza! Psy wyja, skompla...mecza sie przez dobre kilka minut zanim padna.Padniete psy ukladane sa przed budynkiem umieralni i czekaja na smieciarke aby je posprzatala.To jest codziennosc z ktora jednak bardzo trudno walczyc.
Zwloki zamordowanego psa oraz worek ze szczeniakami mialam okazje zobaczyc po raz pierwszy w zeszlym tygodniu.Ot lezaly tam o godz. 12:30 na sloncu.Poinformowalam o tym pracownikow schroniska a otrzymana przez nich odpowiedz wrecz zwalila mnie z nog.Powiedzieli, ze to oni zrobili.Psy czekaja teraz az je smieciarka o 16:00 tej posprzata :placz:

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[quote name='Kasia_82']
[B]Schronisko posiada zaledwie 40 miejsc dla schroniskowych psow oraz 15 dla hotelowych.Codziennie mordowanych jest tam okolo 20 psow.Tak mordowanych, nie usypianych.[/B]

[B]Schroniska "nie stac" na usypianie.Idzie pod igle wszystko bez wzgledu na to kiedy tam dotarlo.[/B]

[B]Tutaj nie ma kwarantanny.Jest tylko schronisko i obok budynek zwany umieralnia :-( [/B]

[B][COLOR=red]Pojscie pod igle oznacza wstrzykniecie do organizmu psa powietrza! Psy wyja, skompla...mecza sie przez dobre kilka minut zanim padna[/COLOR].Padniete psy ukladane sa przed budynkiem umieralni i czekaja na smieciarke aby je posprzatala.To jest codziennosc z ktora jednak bardzo trudno walczyc.[/B]
[B]Zwloki zamordowanego psa oraz worek ze szczeniakami mialam okazje zobaczyc po raz pierwszy w zeszlym tygodniu.[/B]

[B]Ot lezaly tam o godz. 12:30 na sloncu.[/B]

[B][COLOR=red]Poinformowalam o tym pracownikow schroniska a otrzymana przez nich odpowiedz wrecz zwalila mnie z nog.Powiedzieli, ze to oni zrobili[/COLOR].[/B]

[B]Psy czekaja teraz az je smieciarka o 16:00 tej posprzata[/B] :placz:
[CENTER][B]czy nagrałaś to i zfotografowałaś? bo nasz płacz na nic-przecież logiczne jest, że osoby które tam pracują mają to gdzieś i zwracanie się do nich-skieruje ich najwyżej do łopaty ..... lub łbem o beton.[/B]

[B]zgłosiłaś to po zrobieniu dokumentacji jako świadek z imienia i nazwiska (nie anonimowy)[/B][/CENTER]

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Holandia ma wplyw w pewnych kwestiach.Czy rowniez na schronisko?Szczerze mowiac nie wiem.Trudno jest sie tutaj czegokolwiek dowiedziec.Dziala tutaj wszystko na takiej zasadzie.Pomagasz OK, pytasz BYE.
Organizacja zwana Dierenbescherming walczy z nimi nie od dzisiaj.Tak bynajmniej mi powiedziano.
Od dluzszego czasu jestem w kontakcie z pewna osoba z tej organizacj (nie moge podac danych).Nie wiem czy moge jej ufac :roll: Tutaj naprawde stapa sie po cienkim lodzie....
Moj donos nic by w tej sprawie nie zmienil.Donosilam wiele razy, jak widac nic nie wskuralam.Widocznie rozmawiam z nieodpowiednia osoba...
W najblizsza srode mam spotkanie z osobami, ktorym los zwierzat rowniez nie jest obojetny.Z tego co sie orientuje sa to byle wolontariuszki......
O tym co sie tam dzieje mogla bym pisac godzinami......W niektore rzeczy jest mi samej trudno uwierzyc............

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[I]Suffering from mange[/I][/B]
[B][IMG]http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/fotos/schurft-3.jpg[/IMG][I]Suffering from mange
[I]This dog was wounded during a fight. His owner did not seek medical care for him[/I].

[IMG]http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/fotos/wire-collar-2.jpg[/IMG][B][I]His owner tied him with wire, inflicting deep wounds into the flesh[/I][/B].
[I][B]Severe case of mange[/B][/I]
[B][I]Too tight chain caused deep wounds[/I][/B].

[B][I]Abused dog with leg injury[/I][/B]

[B][I]Mistreatment caused broken bone[/I][/B]

[B][I]Neglect: Cat with newborn kittens, found dead in the bushes[/I][/B]

[B][I]Neglected by his owner and starved to death[/I][/B]

[B][I]Neglected: Starved and full of ticks[/I][/B]
[B][I]Suffering of mange[/I][/B]

[B][I]Neglected horse[/I][/B]
Killed by a Pit-bull [/I][/B]

[B]Abandoned cross Doberman rescued. [/B]
This sweet, affectionate fellow was rescued by a volunteer from the premises of an abandoned home where he was waiting in vain to be fed. Skeletal, with a coat in bad condition, he was taken to the shelter where he receives extra care and soon will be completely recovered from his ordeal. His new name is: Dober.

[I]Dober was fortunately rescued by an animal lover[/I].

[B]Four Dalmatians confiscated. [/B]
On February 9th four Dalmatians were confiscated by cruelty inspector Glen Aniceta. Their owner had severe financial problems, could not afford to feed his animals and unfortunately did not contact the shelter for help. The poor animals, two males and two females, were all skin and bone. One of the females was so weak that she could no longer stand and she also refused to eat. Fearing for her life, volunteers brought her chicken broth which she accepted and she started to eat. Her companions also receive extra food to improve their poor condition. We hope that the four of them will soon be in good health again.

[I]Brown spotted male, skin and bone[/I][I].[/I]
[I]Brows spotted male, skin and bone[/I].
[I]Black spotted male and female in poor condition[/I].

On April 12th 2005 this box with three puppies was thrown over the fence of the Animal Shelter!

These poor creatures were suffering from mange in an advanced stage and could not be saved. Mange can successfully be treated in an early stage but unfortunately most owners do not seek medical assistance.

Two victims of neglect were brought in!
On March 15 these poor dogs, who were suffering from advanced mange, were picked up at their owners’ home and brought to the shelter. Mange is one of the main causes of premature death in animals brought to the shelter and yet most people are not aware that this disease can be successfully treated in its early stages. Unfortunately most owners do not seek medical assistance either because of ignorance or indifference or because they cannot pay for the treatment.

[B]Dierenbescherming seeks information!!!![/B]

Last week the poor dog in this photo arrived at a home at Sun Valley. He was covered in serious burns to his head, back, large parts of his left side and leg. Extensive burns like these undoubtedly cause terrible pain. The inhabitants of the home where he arrived were deeply moved and called the Animal Shelter for help. Employees of the shelter picked the poor animal up and brought him to the Veterinary Clinic where he received medical treatment. It was decided to give this beautiful brown male a chance to live. He is in the Shelter’s pension now where he is receiving intensive care to recover from these dreadful wounds.
Although it appears as if someone threw hot water over this dog, the Society does not want to exclude the possibility of an accident. However if these burns are the result of cruelty, the Society will do its utmost to have the person guilty of this inhuman behavior, punished. Dierenbescherming requests the cooperation of anyone who has information about this poor dog. Please call the Animal Shelter, tel. 465-4300.

[I]Bronzy is recovering fortunately. [/I]
[I]Shortly after an appeal for information was made via the media, the Shelter manager was informed that the poor dog is a friendly stray that used to live in the streets of Sun Valley. He was fed by the inhabitants of that neighborhood and was named Bronzy. Some of his caretakers came to the shelter to see Bronzy and burst into tears when they saw his condition. Fortunately Bronzy is recovering and his coat is slowly growing back. Despite his ordeal he has never lost his trust in people and is as friendly as before. The case is still under investigation.

[/I][B]Update 2:[/B][I]
Though we hoped to find a new owner for Bronzy to give him a new chance to live a happy life, we did not succeed. It was therefore decided that Bronzy may stay at the shelter as our house pet. Bronzy is happy and comfortable in his surroundings where he is welcome and loved by personnel, volunteers and visitors.[/I] Staffordshire terrier inflicts serious wounds to pedestrian hiking on public road.

The Staffordshire terrier pictured, together with another dog, attacked, on March 6 th 2005 a female hiker on a public road, throwing her to the ground and wounding her seriously on the hip and rear. Thankfully the driver of a passing car saw what was happening and used his horn, and the dogs eventually ran away. The pedestrian did however need hospital treatment. The Staffordshire terrier, named "Sharky" was later confiscated and at a legal hearing which took place on June 29 th 2005 and the owner was sentenced to pay a fine and to have the animal put to sleep. However the owner appealed against this sentence and Sharky stayed in his cage at the Animal Shelter awaiting the decision of the Superior Court on December 20 th 2005. The owner also lost this Appeal and again Sharky was given the death penalty. At the moment Sharky is still at the Animal Shelter waiting for a continuation of legal action by the owner. This means that the poor dog has been enduring an unsettled existence, effectively on 'death row', for more then a year, purely because his owner would not take the proper precautions to prevent Sharky's access to the public road!
In 2005, 23 dogs which attacked people or animals were confiscated and had to be confined at the Animal Shelter awaiting the decision of either owner or judge. In the meantime they were of course taking valuable space which might have been used to house other animals suitable for re-homing. Given that the Animal Shelter exists in the first place for homeless animals, and that neither the personnel or the volunteers are trained to take care of dangerous animals, the Society for the Protection of Animals has decided it is no longer able to accept confiscated animals and has left this matter in the hands of the police and the governmental Veterinary service.
Via the media, a serious warning to owners of dangerous dogs was issued, to emphasize that these dogs have to stay inside the owners' premises, and precautions have to be taken that they cannot escape. When on the road, these dogs should be muzzled and walked on a leash at all times. Buying and training a dangerous dog comes with a responsibility to the owners' immediate family and to the public, but we should also look at the happiness overall of any dog - if he is trained to be so aggressive to the public, he is unlikely to be receiving the balancing love and attention he would otherwise receive from happy relationships with other animals and humans around him.
A wounded puppy was found on a trash bag
On Thursday January 20th one of the Society Board members discovered a puppy abandoned on a trash bag whilst she was taking a hike. The poor animal was very weak and had a serious wound to his left leg. The puppy was taken home, bathed and brought to a veterinarian who tried to save the puppy’s leg. The puppy, that was named Twinkle, is comfortable now but we are as yet unsure if the leg will function properly after it is healed.
It is unbelievable that there are people in our community who are capable of throwing away living creatures as if they were trash!!!!
[I]“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its’ animals are treated.” (Ghandi)[/I]

Twinkle, the puppy that was rescued….[/I]

On New Years Eve at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, a box was thrown over the fence of the shelter.
In it was a female cat which was giving birth to six kittens! Fortunately one of the society board members came to the shelter to see if the animals were secure. She found the box and rescued mother and babies. The family is comfortable now in the quarantine cage and the mother was named Belle.

editor'S NOTE:
Sterilization solves the problem of the overload of pet animals!!
People who are confronted with an overload of pets, often become desperate because they do not have the financial means to take care of so many animals. In their desperation they leave the animals in the bushes, near hotels or in the neighborhood of the Animal Shelter, often ashamed to bring the animals to the shelter office. It’s all so understandable but so sad, and not necessary at all! The “Dierenbescherming” can help pet owners who cannot afford to pay for sterilization of their pets with a contribution from the sterilization fund. If you know people who need financial help to sterilize their pets, do not hesitate to inform them that they can contact the Animal Shelter (Tel. 465-4300)
External Services
[B]Action against neglect, cruelty and animal abuse[/B]
Complaints about neglect, cruelty and animal abuse can be lodged with the Animal Shelter, tel. 465-4300. The complaint investigator assigned to the Dierenbescherming initially tries to convince the owner of the abused animal to take better care of his pet. If there is no improvement, an official report is issued and an appeal can be made to the Public Prosecutor who has the authority to confiscate the animal.

[I]Photo: Neglected animal, picked up by the Shelter truck.[/I]
Old and incurably sick animals are put to sleep daily in the Animal Shelter. Also a considerable number of neglected animals in poor health and newborn or sick puppies and kittens have to be euthanized. This is definitely the most difficult and sad task of all.
For more info please click the “[URL="http://www.cura.net/dierenbescherming/figures.html"][COLOR=#0000ff]Figures[/COLOR][/URL]” button.

[I]This poor dog, suffering from mange in an advanced stage, tries to escape. Mange can successfully be treated in an early stage but unfortunately most owners do not seek medical assistance. [/I]

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furciaczek o tym sposobie wie zaledwie garska ludzi.Reszta mysli, ze wszystko wyglada tak pieknie i kolorowo jak na filmach z USA. Asystent tuli psa, lekarz robi bezbolesny zastrzyk i piesek odchodzi do krainy wiecznej szczesliwosci.

Tak oktawio6 to jest codziennosc.Obecnie mam takie cudo z wysypiska smieci ...

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A co z tymi psami co wyodrębniła z tamtej strony oktawia??
One nie zyją juz czy cos???
Bo ich stan jakos nie wygląda ,,jako stan do wyleczenia,, przy ich srodkach finansowych :( :( :(
A to co jest???? Wygląga mi na wybudzanie z narkozy ale nie jestem pewna bo takie rzeczy to się raczej nie odbywają na podłodze :/ ZAl mi normalnie tych wszystkich psow na tej wyspie. Chociarz ludzie na tej wyspie mogli be tez zadbac o psy przeciez w schronisku nie doprowadzą psa do ,,takiego czegos,,..........ChyBa..............


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