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Meg was attacked


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erf last night at the dogclub was a bit eventful. A guy that has been coming for quite a few months has a GSD called Tyler who is a rescue dog and is rather unpleasant. Last night I had Meg up at the far end of the hall in a down and was setting out some dumbells for the directed retrieve.

Now fair enough Tyler has been good the past wee while but the idiotic owner took his lead off last night. (Leads don't come off unless an instructor says so). I saw him coming racing down the hall and before I knew it, he was on top of my baby snarling at her and nipping and with such a look in his eyes. :puppydogeyes: I told Meg down down down because if she moved, he would have had her. Now Meg is a wee dog and Tyler covered her whole body towering over her, but it was like a quick decision thing and I went with instinct, if she was submissive he wouldn't see her as a threat. His owner rushed down the hall and grabbed him and he went to bite Meg. At that point when he grabbed his dog, I grabbed mine. She isn't physically hurt or anything, just her fur was all ruffled up and slobbered on . :shake: She came over to me and looked at me as if to say "Did i do something wrong there"? Now thinking about it after, she didn't move when that big bugger was over her, even though she must have been sh!t scared and known she was in danger, yet she obeyed me. I actually feel really guilty now.... She is fine emotionally and physically and we had a cracking training session last night and tonight, but I feel so guilty. She is such a good wee dog and she trusted me enough even though she knew I was jeopardising her safety>.< :(

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GUILTY??? You should be PROUD!!! you did exactly what was necessary to keep Tyler from biting her. Had she tried to defend herself, it could have ended up a bloodbath.....A dog showing submission to an aggressive dog is much less likely to get bitten than one that tries to defend itself....

Good for you! Your instincts served you well. You did the right thing for Meg.

This owner needs a smack upside the head though...he broke the rules and almost got poor Meggy hurt....


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Poor little Meg, I really hate it when people disobey rules! :evil:

Keep Meg's confidence up, as you know after an attack "some" dogs can become offensive or fearful...I have had many of my dogs attacked by other dogs...the worst was with my Rottweiler...she was attacked by 2 male Golden Retrievers...she has severe hip dysplasia and when attacked her legs buckled and she fell to the ground....the darn dogs just kept on tearing at her! she was on lead and I was beating the leash over the 2 dogs heads...I finally had to drop the lead and forcefully throw the dogs off my fallen down Rottie...I find that with alot of dogs once the "victom" has fallen down the attack can escalate...at least from the attacks I have seen. The owners were no where in sight...they just open their front door and let the dog exercise them selves! :evil: people have complained about them....but, nothing has been done. :evil:

I hope every thing goes alright for you...and don't feel as though you did any thing wrong...we all go by instinct...and instinct is usually right. :wink:

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Awww poor Meg, give her big hugs and kisses for me please. I hope she is not emotionally scared. I hope she is okay. What a good girl, she knows you are there to protect her and she trusts you so much.

Is something being done at your club to prevent this from happening again?
The dog should never be off lead ever again! The owner is going to have to accept that, I did... Don't hate me but I have an adopted German Shepherd and she does not like other dogs at all. I cannot trust her with other dogs but I have learned to accept it. She is perfect in everyother way and I wish she could have a normal dog life but she cannot go near other dogs, she always has to be on a leash. She cannot play with dogs or go to Petsmart or go to dog parks. It really sucks but that's just the way she is.

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Guest Anonymous

Awe! Poor Meggy! She's very lucky to have an owner like you! And what a GOOD girl for listening to you like that! I know Coal sure wouldn't listen to me in that situation, he hasn't had that much training yet either. Good job to the both of you! You both managed to cooperate in a situation to prevent it from being even worse then it already was! Now THAT is an amazing example of the dog-owner bond :D

Cassie - you should tell your story to the newspapers, now ain't that an Oxymoron for them?? Golden Retrievers attacking a Rotweiler... :wink:

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[quote]Cassie - you should tell your story to the newspapers, now ain't that an Oxymoron vers attacking a Rotweiler[/quote]
HazelNutMeg, These dogs live in my parents neighborhood...I hate to start any bad feelings between my parents and these people....especially where my parents are in their 70's and cannot handle conflict... and I live quite aways away from them....beleive me, I have told many people in my area about this! :wink: my Rottweiler became very "offensive" after her attack...perhaps she was on the road to dog aggression any how...but, after that attack she became really bad....so usually when I tell people my Rottweileer was attacked by 2 Golden's and people see my dog acting offensively on lead toward their dog...they tend not to believe me. :roll:

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Kat you should be proud of yourself and of Meg you both handled it very well,did the owner of the shep apologise ?

MajiesMom no-one is going to knock you I think people who have friendly out of control hooligan dogs are far far worse than a dog aggressive dog that is under control.
You know your dog and you know her limits there is nothing wrong with that hun :wink:

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It was the look in her eyes , just staying down with her ears back. You know the look :( Tyler's owner was a prat. To be honest he wasn't very remorseful at all and just kept on going on about how Tyler didn't like other dogs..all the more reason for him to be on a lead :roll: Michael (head trainer) reprimanded his owner well and truly and i got well stuck into him after I had checked Meg over and gave a right rollicking to him :evil: . He didn't even scold his dog at all. If that was my dog that had attacked I am afrraid that he would have got a right yelling until he was clear that his behaviour was not acceptable. His owner is on his last warning anyway, but I don't think he will come back...not that I care if we lose his membership.

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So sorry to hear of Meg's fright. I too think you did JUST the right thing and saved your Meg from physical injury or worse. It is a bitter pill to swallow seeing your dog lose their confidence upon being attacked like that. I've seen it happen with Candy. She did go through a time of being VERY defensive around dogs that she had played with before. She still can be that way but not as bad as she was at first. One thing I've done that I HOPE has helped her, at the dog park if a dog is 'picking' on her and she tells that dog to BACK OFF BUSTER, I praise her and back her up. Now by picking I just mean the other dog is trying to play with her and perhaps being a bit annoying, never ever ever would I stand back and allow another dog to be aggressive towards her or any of my dogs. I WILL step in right away.

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