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Dog license fees


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We got our renewal slips for the dog's county licenses yesterday-three at $16 each (the $$ goes to the county kennel, which is actually quite nice). I was just curious whether everyone has a licensing law or not, how much it costs other folks, in the States and other parts of the world.

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Here in N.Y you must license and vaccinate your dog for Rabies. The licenses are renewed yearly and Rabies vaccinations can be yearly or every 3yr. depending on which shot you get. (must have proof of this when you license your dog)
You pay more to license an un-spayed/un-neutered dog.
If you're not up to date with your license and Rabies Vac. they can fine you and if you still don't comply they will take your dog. :(

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[quote name='Debbie']Here in N.Y you must license and vaccinate your dog for Rabies. The licenses are renewed yearly and Rabies vaccinations can be yearly or every 3yr. depending on which shot you get. (must have proof of this when you license your dog)
You pay more to license an un-spayed/un-neutered dog.
If you're not up to date with your license and Rabies Vac. they can fine you and if you still don't comply they will take your dog. :([/quote]

Same goes for MA.

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Like DO said (we're both in Illinois) the rabies tags are used for identification, and a rabies tag is REQUIRED. No excuses. Here in Elgin there is no seperate licensing necessary, since they track animals by the rabies tag if necessary. But if your dog doesnt have a tag, and you cant prove he had his shots, you are in really hot water. They can and have taken dogs away from people who refused to have them vaccinated...

The county keeps track of the rabies shots, and if you dont get it done the vet will send a record of non-compliance to the county, and the county will start sending you nasty notices about non-compliance. you get 3 notices and you dont comply, they will send AC to your house to take your dog. Its VERY strict here...

You get your day in court, but its pretty much decided before you ever get there that you broke the law.

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here in L.A., you get a tag when you first license your dog, and then it's extended through mail payment every year. every 3rd year proof of rabies has to be submitted along with the payment.

$10/year for spayed/neutered dogs and $100/year for intact ones.

in my eyes for a large city like this, the amount is way too low. animal control could do better if they had a higher income from licensing fees.

when i still lived in germany, i had to pay about $160 a year in my city. that's excessive, but a happy medium like $50 a year with discounts or exceptions for seniors or low income folks would make sense.

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[quote name='Bubblezzz']Singapore is rabies-free.

Here's what we pay per year:

$14 for a male dog
$14 for a sterilised female dog and
$70 for an unsterilised female dog[/quote]

Typical the female must be sterilised but the male gets off scott free. I think both should have to be altered but if they were only gonna do one why not the male dog since the surgery is easier on them. I bet it's men that made that law. :roll:

Anyway here it's $10 a year for altered dogs and $30 a year if they aren't.

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Wildlife plates are specilaity plates were part of the fee for the plate goes to different wildlife organizations. So you pay a little extra for the plate.

An example of Ohio's is this one:


For some odd reason it doesn't want to show the whole plate. Not sure why!!

You can go to [url]www.oplates.com[/url] and click on "Speciality Plates" on the left. Then for "Vehicle Type" select "Passenger Car". It will give you a list of choices. Pick an animal one then select "View this plate"

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In PA we must get a license which is $8.00 or for a spayed or neutered dog $6.00. I think seniors get a discount. If your dog is caught without a license it is a fine of $300 plus court costs. Court costs depend on lawyer fees but can be anywhere from an additional $100 on up to anything.

Not sure what the fee is used for, it's just another tax for us.

Paula & Re-Run

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I know that Linn and Story counties in Iowa don't require licensing - they don't even have the option available! You technically need to have your rabies tags on your pets at all times, but that rule isn't enforced much, if at all.

BTW - here's Iowa's standard license plate:

Here are the custom plates available:





There are tons more, but they're all just as lame as the ones pictured above. ;)

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