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Hurricane Isabel, on her way!


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Anyone else in the path of Isabel? The storm track currently has her marching right by Richmond. The next day or so could be VERY interesting. The wind in Richmond is already starting to whistle and light debris is starting to fly. I am preparing to store anything out back that might be able to become airborne and have to trim some tree limbs away from the house. Jesse is going to be VERY anxious as the wind picks up, when the rain starts lashing at us, he will be a jitterbug. The new storm drains in the neighborhood are going to come in very handy I'm sure!
I hope all of you in the path remain safe along with your loved ones and dogs or other pets.

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Oh yes -- here in baltimore there has been a run on batteries and bottled water. we're ready .... probably won't be AS bad up here, but you never know ..... brought everything up from the basement last night because we always get water.

should be fun -- oscar really hates to 'go' outside in the rain ....

good luck to all.

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A few years ago, I drove up to MD in the midst of very high winds and slashing rain, the fringes of a hurricane that passed nearby. Hey, I had an agility trial to go to the next day! 8)
Seriously, would not want to do that again. It was not that bad, I kept my speed WAY down on the interstate, scariest moments were when a tractor trailer was passing me. I was in the right lane, out of 3 other lanes he chose to be RIGHT next to me. The truck kept drifting over the line, I backed off as quickly and safely as I could, that was scary!
I know where my lantern is, my flashlight, jugs of water lined up on the counter, lots of dog food, canned goods etc. Hm, wonder where my manual can opener is....and my deck of cards! Really hoping the power stays on but if it goes, we'll manage.
It's gonna be rough on the dogs, especially Jesse and Candy, both are nervous during routine storms.

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[quote]it said about the amount of people being advised to leave was as if we wanted everyone here in NL to go to Belgium[/quote]

I always found that strange about European countries - I travel 700km nearly straight north to go to my favourite canoe park and it is still only a small way acrossed my province and you guys can travel through some countries in that distance. :o I wonder how that sort of thing causes different national behaviours between us?

Anyway from what I've heard its all very orderly and there are plenty of planned shelters and many areas have only suggested evacs not mandatory evacs. Many people treat it like Midori's neighbours. My second Aunt twice removed (or something like that) has a vacation home near the coast somewhere in the region and they are/were on vacation there, they packed up the kids and had an [b]adventure[/b] of traveling to places further inland that they don't normally see on vacation. Its easier for people with resources and vehicles though, I worry about the elderly and those who have limited recourse.

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I have POWER! And so does my house! 8)
I hope everyone who was in Isabels path has or will check in soon. I hope everyone is ok and getting closer to 'normal'.
The electricity went off at 4:30 pm Thursday and came back on about noon today. No running water from Thursday evening til Friday evening, still under a boil/bleach advisory until perhaps Wednesday.
So so SO glad electricity is back on, I have fans running, it's been quite humid though thankfully not truly hot.
Very minor damage to the house, the pipe covering the electrical wires that is normally bolted to the house pulled away at the very top and left a hole in the siding. Some water must have blasted through, a small area of the ceiling in the bedroom shows discoloration from being wet. NO trees down, fence still in place though small area needs attention. I did have about an inch of water in my laundry room that blew in. I walked out back with the dogs and water was up to my ankles.
Tomorrow I will do some serious grocery shopping, EVERYTHING in the fridge/freezers is trash. Well, not my can of coffee, that is still good and tomorrow I can make some!
Hopefully will be able to get some more bottled water, it and ice have been extremely hard to come by, not to mention batteries! I have a battery powered lantern and a crate fan that have seen heavy use over the last few days.
A Shoney's restaurant burned to the ground Friday as the firemen simply did not have a steady source of water with which to combat it.
Friday and Saturday, some morons in the neighborhood were setting off firecrackers. Good thing nothing caught fire as there was no water to fight it. Plus they scared the dickens out of Candy. Most traffic lights are back in operation but many stores are still on generator or simply dark. Many many more HOMES are still without power, some still don't have running water.
There are hundreds of trees down all over. A friend just north of me has about 10 laying on his fence and many more behind it, all down.
My mother in MD opened her back door Friday to see a huge limb off the old maple tree lying just off the back step. Thankfully it missed her house. Many other large limbs from trees down back of her yard also came down, my sister helped her stack them. My brother and his wife were without power AND water for 3 days as they have well water that is pumped with electricity.

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I just found out a tornado ripped through the area late last night/early this am. I blissfully slept right through, it passed about 3 miles north of me. My mother told me about it, she'd heard it on the news up in MD.
I noticed that my power had gone off overnight, it was back on when I got up but a clock was showing 88:88 and my pc had shut down.
I truly sympathize with folks in its path, just when life is almost back to normal...

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They had put out warnings that the hurricane could have spawned tornadoes in the area....In some ways, tornado's are more dangerous, because they whip up out of nowhere and the wind speeds are incredible....

and you get little if any warning.....

plus the spiraling twisting action rips everything up in their path....

what a mess... hurricane and tornado's at the same time....

at least tornado's dont last too terribly long before they dissapate...

I hope everyone is ok and back to normal now.


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