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Hi I'm new (Alfie's dad)


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[color=darkred]Hi everyone,
I would like to thank everyone on this site and my other doggy site for their support and kind words regarding Alfie's illness. It has been a great help and comfort to know that soooo many people care.
We are going to visit shortly, and I will send a progress report later.



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[color=darkblue]Just been out to see Alfie. Looking much brighter. They are feeding him small regular amounts, and since 6pm last night he wasn't sick. Still on the drip.
Obviously still quite weak and suffered weight loss. When they oppened him up and found enlarged lymph glands they were thinking in terms of cancer, but due to his age (6months) said it was most unlikely.
Results of the biopsy should be back Monday/Tuesday, but they are now thinking of sending him home probably sometime this coming week all being well.
We'll have to gradualy wean him on to his normal food and pamper him lots


(things must be looking up, because he wanted to raid the bin, typical Alfie!)[/color]

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[color=red][size=7]hello Fred[/size][/color], :P [size=6]and welcome to doggo[/size]. I`m so glad you`ve decided to join our family. :D

We`ve all been praying hard and keeping all our finger, toes and paws crossed for little Alfie :angel: I`m so very glad that he`s starting to improve, it`s [color=red][size=6]FANTASTIC[/size][/color] news :multi:

sending Alfie big hugs, love, kissess and get well wishes :iloveyou:

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[color=darkblue]Alfie was [b]very frisky [/b]and bright tonight, kept all his food down.
When I groomed him he wanted to bite the comb, which was the first time he did this since being poorly.
I don't know if he has been tested for Leptospirosis, and I don't know what this is, but I'll ask the vet tomorrow.
When we left him, we could hear him barking which again was the first time sice being there.
It really seems that at last he has made that breakthrough.


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