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My daughter told me that Chelsea humped her yesterday :o SHE IS FIXED, AND A FEMALE :o She said she picked her up and she humped on her chest :-? This is too weird!!!

Does this happen often, and how do I prevent it from happening again. Chelsea is already on our weirdest dog list, this just adds to it :roll:

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Sky humps Badger - she's speyed, and he's entire (for the next couple of days anyway). She's just trying to tell him who's boss, however, Badger has now taken to humping Sophie, my 5 year old daughter. :o
He's getting neutered next week.
(He's a lurcher, and Sophie is small for a 5 year old too, so she was understandably a little upset) :(

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Dominance again :x What is with this dog? She knows better than to do that to me!!! I have really trying to demote her!!! I make her wait for food, she is fed after Daisy and I make them both sit for their food first.... UGH - she is a lot of work....... but very sweet and cute and soft and cuddley and...... Oh well, you get it!

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Macy does this every now and then. I was mystified at first, because she doesn't have a dominant bone in her little body. The vet and a couple of other friends think that she might just be confused, because she wasn't spayed until she was 4 years old. (Before we got her.) Perhaps it was something she was used to doing when she was in heat, so she's just used to doing it.

I just tell her "no" very firmly and put her down.

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depending on the age of the dog, and when she was spayed, it could be both a dominance thing and prior learning. If unspayed (just FYI) they will hump to relieve sexual tension, hormones out of control, that sort of thing. in a young dog that is....if past 1 1/2 years, and spayed, then humping is dominance...Every dog/wolf in the pack is going to try to reign supreme over every other... the whole pecking order thing. And if they think they can go up another rung by putting another member down, they will do it. They may not challenge the Alpha, ever, but they will challenge each other. This is where small children become a problem with a "wannabe" dog...they dont understand, they dont know they are being
challenged.....Personally, I would never leave a small child (and 5 is small) alone with any dog. Not saying that you did anything wrong, just a precaution. Even he "nicest" dogs in the world can turn on a child, if they are trying to move up in the ranks...I know I have said this before, so bear with me. There is a Golden Retriever here in the hood who bit off half of a childs face, because the kid had the dogs toy and he wanted it back -
no one ever suspected this dog of being dangerous (Goldens never are y'know...this is a touchy subject with me) and the child is now disfigured for life. The kid was only 6 years old...and no one ever thought eh GR would hurt him.....but a dog is a dog is a dog - descended from wolves, and the pack instinct remains....I would suggest just not letting the dog and the snall children be alone together. and definitely dominate the dog if it shows humping and other dominance behaviours toward the children.

It may never turn on you, but it has to understand that it is bottom of the pile, even around the small children.

Best of luck - it's an easy thing to miss, since humping doesnt really hurt anybody - but it can (not always WILL, but CAN) lead to other unpleasant
dominance behavior....

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Guest Anonymous

Chelsea was spayed about 2 months ago :roll: I think, and the "child" is 17!!!! Do you still think it is a dominance issue? I think this dog is weird :o She does try to be the Alpha though...

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could be Guest, could be a lotta things...

does the 17 year old have issues with other family members? (dont ALL teenagers?)

The dog may feel the child is out of line, especially if there is tension
betweent he child and the parents....the dog may feel the child needs to be "put in his/her place" so as not to upset the parents...

Dogs have been known to turn on teenagers that are giving grief to the parents, especially if they are more bonded to the parents than the child...

there's a lot of things going on....only a real behavriorist could tell you...

Dogs want the "pack hiearchy" to be in place, and followed by all...
maybe the 17 year old is breaking that hiearchry is some way....

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I don't have any advice but i do have a question. Everytime Lucky and Chaos play together they get really riled up and lucky startes humping Chaos. We stop him when we can but no one is home during the day. The problem is Lucky is 75 lbs and Chaos is only 30 and i'm afraid that he's gonna hurt her hips or something. What can I do to discourage him?

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not alot, actually, unless you are there...the one dog may be trying to move "up the ranks" and showing position by humping. Only the alpha can
stop that. Sometimes, tho, you just gotta let them work it out amongst themselves, unless it looks like an injury is possible.

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Rinny and BK would hump each other a lot when they were playing and play-fighting. First off Rinny was alpha so he would always be humping BK, then BK would roll on his belly and pretend to have given in but instead he would bite Rinny's ankles and get him off balance so he could hump Rinny. :lol: Rinny being top dog would get really annoyed when BK did this but as BK was younger and very agile he would jump all over the place and never get caught. It never got vicious though.

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[quote name='courtnek']Personally, I would never leave a small child (and 5 is small) alone with any dog. Not saying that you did anything wrong, just a precaution. Even he "nicest" dogs in the world can turn on a child, if they are trying to move up in the ranks...I know I have said this before, so bear with me.....[/quote]

I didn't say she was alone :-? It was in front of me, and I stopped him, but in that minute space of time he had knocked her over. It was literally a split second, and he's not done it again. Bear in mind that this was when he was very new to us, he now knows that the kids come higher up than him.
I would [b]never[/b] leave my children alone with a dog, not even Sky who we've had for 2 years. I dont know where you got the impression I did :-?

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Spark has his own blankie...it is the only thing he humps and he humps it in circles around and around...

Then it gets a big mouth full and falls sound to asleep

I finally got his picture under my name...new picture too just took it this morning. Ain't he cute

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Wanna hear something funny? I have an unneutered male and he's never tried to hump anyone. The one time I saw him try it was with a pillow. He got so into it he backed himself right off the bed. I guess he was so embarrassed he never did it again. The pillow fetish was short lived. :lol:

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Very cute picture of Sparks!!

We haven't had any more humping episodes........ :roll: Umm... maybe it was a fluke!! Hope it doesn't happen again. (My daughter also had her period, and I wonder if that had anything to do with it - because, my older daughter got attacked by a Male Chow [he was my mother's rescue for a very short time] while she was having her period too... WEIRD, isn't it???)

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[quote]I didn't say she was alone It was in front of me, and I stopped him, but in that minute space of time he had knocked her over. It was literally a split second, and he's not done it again. Bear in mind that this was when he was very new to us, he now knows that the kids come higher up than him.
I would never leave my children alone with a dog, not even Sky who we've had for 2 years. I dont know where you got the impression I did

I apologize Lisa, I didnt mean that the way it came out. It was a generalization on how I feel about kids and dogs alone, not any kind
of chastisement for you.....


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Sorsha has gone NUTS since she's been in heat...Saxo is too young to breed (he's only 6 months old) but that doesn't stop Sorsha from trying...she mounts HIM...his head, his back, however she can get on him and he just lays there and takes it :roll: :roll:

she is almost 2 now, and this is the first time she has been around another dog when she's been in heat...she is one big walking HORMONE!

the new puppy comes home tonight...i would like to get everyone's opinion on how Saxo will react...since Sorsha is in heat, and Saxo has been the only male around her (even though i haven't let them mate), do you think Saxo will be aggressive against the new puppy? i hope they all get along well :-?

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AS A GENERAL RULE - very few dogs will hurt a puppy. They seem to know that this is the next generation....HOWEVER - my guess is that Sorsha will get even more hormonally unbalanced with a puppy around, because she will want her own even more. You may have to watch the male, so he doesnt get jealous. He's still young, but he may consider the puppy is taking up too much of Sorsha's time. Is he neutered?

If not, then definitely watch him. He may consider the puppy an "outsider" in his territory.

and dont be surprised if Sorsha "mommies" the new puppy....

she may even try to nurse him.

Are you planning on breeding her?

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