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Most likely she wont want to walk. I have a jack, very high energy. The night of her surgery she wouldn't move. I had to carry her out to potty but only did that one time right before we went to bed. However, she woke up the next morning as if nothing ever happened. :lol:

I also recommend picking up some soft food to feed her. The most important thing is to try to get her to drink or lick ice cubes and eat at least a little something. That will speed up her recovery and keep her from getting dehydrated.

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My Peppermint that I had spayed years ago came out of surgery full of pep and energy, but she was a small little thing! I went to pick her up at the vets and I could hear her barking in the back. It never slowed her down at all. She hopped right on the couch that same night. Your girl will rest for the evening if she needs to, or longer if she needs to!

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well i got dresden spayed through the spay neuter clinic that the pound works with. they said to keep her from running, jumping, playing etc for TEN days (yeah right, worked for three) and to make sure she did not mess with the stiches- which she didn't. hope it goes well, she'll be fine.

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Hey Dad4Duchess!! Where have you been??

Don't worry, erything will be fine :wink: Don't let her mess with the stitchess ok? :wink: And if she's tired don't forc her out on a walk or anything, she'll be tired on the first day or two but then everything will be fine :wink: Rowie looked as if nothing had happened to her on the second day, but on the first she was a mess! Oh, and she might vomit. Oh, and one more thing, if it's by anesethic don't let her eat breakfeast or she might vomit during the operation which is dangerouse....no water either. According to my vet...

Good Luck! :D

Rowie-the-Pooh And Rowie :D :D :D

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I wouldn't let her jump about if I were you, a dog that I walk got spayed and obviously felt alright , the owner let her jump on the bed and the sofa. Well the next morning the dog was showing pain and wouln't get up or eat so the owner took her back to the vet who found that she had torn all the inner stitches so it was back on the opperating table. I'm just telling you this because some people don't realise there are stitches inside that can come apart. The best of luck for Friday, you ARE doing the right thing having her spayed :D

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When I had my dogs spayed and neutered I just made sure that they had a nice warm comfortable bed to rest in away from draughts, and a clean fresh bowl of water, little food nearby which all is needed. Secondly keeping watch over them so they dont lick the stitches which can become itchy. With my Bullmastiff Charlie (because he had to have an operation to remove his one testicle) the vet gave me some ointment to put on to prevent the itching, and when taking him outside to toilet...I just made sure that he was calm as not to pull the stitches. Exercise of walking the dog is a no no while the belly is still healing....just plenty of rest, clean water and a little bit of cooked chicken and rice to gain her energy back, as well has a steady walk into the garden to toilet. The first day she will be too tired to do anything but sleep, but over the next few days that will change.

Good to hear your getting her spayed. Doing the right thing!

GOOD LUCK! :wink:

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Watch the stitches for any signs of infection... redness, swelling, oozing or puss. If you notice any of that, she needs to go back to the vet. Keep her from chewing/pulling at the stitches, but licking is ok as long as she doesn't bother them too much. She'll probably just lay around for a day or two afterwards, then be back to her normal self after that, so you'll have to keep her calm.

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She'll be ok. My freebee girl actde just like that. She was kinda dazed and lazy the first night, then stiff the second day. I think in some dogs the anesthesia has different affects.

Check her stitch site every day, make sure it's not getting "angry looking",
(redder than it was when she came home) or swollen. Other than that, dont let her chew on it. I let Freebee lick hers a little, but no teeth.

If you let her set her own pace, she'll be fine. If the site starts to look redder tho get in touch with the vet.

Alex acted like nothing had happened! He was bouncing off the walls an hour after he got home, but that's not as major of a surgery as spaying is.

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