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2 puppies at once???


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Guest Anonymous

Are they both male? Two male Rotties might not be the best idea, it's "safest" to go with a female/male. But on the flipside, it could very well work out. Two puppies! Lots of work, but double the fun!

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:drinking: :drinking:

Well I'm mad, Madly in love with those 2 darling rotties. Apollo is already paid for, and he'll come home in a couple weeks, and Samson is the only puppy not to be spoken for, my heart melted at him & Apollo sleeping & playing togther. :D I guess I better do some thinking :wink:

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Get them both! :P The more the merrier. :lol:
I'm only saying this because I have 3 Rotties! I have a 1yr old, 2yr old and 4yr old. I say go for it. Their litter mates, you will be able to house break them the same time and you won't have to worry about introducing a new dog later if you get them now. GOOD LUCK!!!!

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Well I am of the "other side". I say don't do it.

I have done it. And will NEVER do it again.

For one thing, the pups will most likely bond to each other rather than you. (Unless they are seperated for most of the day.)

The good thing about ours is that they were seperated all day. They were only together at night.

They NEVER have to "go" at the same time.

If one is sick, they are BOTH sick.

You think looking after one pup loose in the house is tough? Try it when there are 2 of them and they ALWAYS go in different directions!

They wil both be old at the same time. And most likely will go to the Rainbow Bridge close to the same time. SO, you will get a "double Wammy" as far as loosing both of your friends at the same time.

There is NO guarantee that they will get along forever. Even if they are neutered. Ours are both males and they DO fight occasionally. And they really DON'T like eachother. (They are now 4yo.)

What would you do if they grew up and HATED eachother? Believe ME, It is NOT fun to have 2 dogs in the same family that can't stand the sight of eachother. I have had this happen in the past and it WAS with dogs that grew up together.

Personally, I think it is WAY better to get one at a time. If you still feel the need for a second dog, wait until the first is at least 2yo.
You have more time to devote to the raising, bonding with and training of the pup if there is only one. And you don't have to worry about them being SO bonded to eachother that one can't function without the other.

I have seen dogs that were raised together get SO bonded to eachother, that they have seperation anxieity(sp) so bad that they would do damage to themselves if seperated. (NOT a good thing.)

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I agree with GSD for all of the reasons she stated. Several years ago a very dear friend of mine adopted two female sisters hound/boxer mixes. The dogs loved each other as pups so much so that they would not tolerate any seperation. If she walked one, the other would literally flip out. They bonded so closely that they were not interested in playing with her, only with each other. They didn't listen to her when they were together. At age two one came an inch from killing the other. There was a rank battle brewing and my friend who was not so dog savvy did not see the signs. Anyway, to make a long story short, one dog had to be rehomed. They hated each other.

I am not suggesting that it can't work. I am sure many people have positive experiences. But you need to know that it can also be a very bad and heartbreaking experience.

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Guest Anonymous

I am torn... THere are pros and cons both ways.

Think hard about it. I know its cute now but two gangling rottie teens runing full speed throught he house can be a might much. i had one and had to stabalize everything. they are likely to get along fine up front but as they mature it can be hectic. if you have an absurd amount of time to monitor very closely i say go for it... they would look very regal together but there is always th flip side of the coin.

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I agree with black GSD as well, there are a lot of issues that can stem from raising littermates together. This was recently discussed on another board, and here are some links that were posted about raising siblings together:



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I'm with BlackGSD on this one, the pups will want to play and bond more with each other, and it might make them harder to train cause they'll want to be playing with each other, not learning commands. I know it'll be hard to not get them both, but it seems like it might just be in everyone's best interest. :) Good luck with whatever u choose, the decision is ultimatly up to u and Becky. :)

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If I were going to get two littermates (or even just two pups or dogs) I would always go male/female. I've seen too many people who have had same sex littermates grow up and do nothing but fight.

They may well get on their whole lives but you need to be prepared and have a plan in place for if they don't.

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Guest Anonymous

I say do it!! WE did! We got ZOey and 1 month later got Cody both were 3 months.. it was soo fun to watch them play around and now they have the best relationship!

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I am with the *nay sayer's*. It's never a good idea to get 2 puppies close to the same age, let alone litter mates, even if they were one of each sex and spayed/neutered.

If you are just looking for a companion for each other, than go ahead, because that is what the puppies will be. As other's have said, they will bond with each other and not to you unless they are seperated, and why have 2 puppies if they have to be seperated?

In one of my recent ob classes a father and son attended. The father had bought 2 female Lab pups from the same litter. The father was keeping both the pups at his house. The classes were pretty much a waste of time, because the pups were so concerned with being close to each other, that they could not concentrate on anything else.

The father, son and I discussed the situation several times during the classes. I advised him to at least seperate them and train them seperately. Later, several months after the classes were done, I ran into the father in the local grocery store and asked how the *girls* were doing. He said his son had to take one of them to his home, because the more dominant one had begun to *pick on* the more submissive one and she was becoming afraid to come out of her kennel when the other dog was around.

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Ruby is just a few weeks older than Rosie so I had two pups at the same time although obviously not from the same litter. I've had no problems, they get along very well, have not over bonded with each other even though they weren't separated, they will go out separately, sleep separately or together whatever they feel like and play together or not if their other doggie friends are around. They have most certainly bonded more with myself and Bri rather than each other. :iloveyou:

They have had their chewing moments :angel: as does every pup but I've had no trouble at all with getting them both at the same time. :D Not all are the same though, you'd have to weigh your own situation up, I am only out 2-3 hours a day and that's on a bad day. I did think about the prospect of losing them both quite near to each other, but I could get run over by a bus tomorrow, anything could happen and we can't see into the future. So I just enjoy my time with them now, (we've had so much love, fun and laughter with them that I wouldn't trade it for anything) and let the future take care of itself. I've never regretted it and would do the same thing again. :o :wink:

Like I said though, every situation is different and only you can decide, good luck. :D

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I did it brother and sister from the same litter, and from a good breeder they had toys from being two weeks old, they had already learnt to share.
I was worried my logic mind was saying [size=6]NO[/size] but my heart was saying yes then I was thinking "what have I let myself in for" I do not regret it. One of the best things we every did

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