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Head Collars work on my pullers:


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My Labs are atrocious pullers. Inside the house, I am Alpha, outside they have to be in front and dragging me down the street....

I bought two head collars today. The change is AMAZING...I went through ten minutes of head thrashing, trying to get the nose piece off, I DONT LIKE THIS..... but eventually they both settled down and I could WALK them, not being dragged and pulled down the sidewalk...

We had a wonderful walk, no yelling, lots of praise and I came home with no injuries for once....I think this is a good decision for dogs who want to be free, and running, when you cant let them do that. I'm VERY happy with the head collars....

Has anyone else used them and what do you think?
I had already bought "no-pull" harnesses to no avail...it didnt stop them.

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I've started using it on Chaos and she's doing pretty well (still tries to get it off) and yes I've also tried the "no-pull harness" and it did absoulutely nothing. Chaos is part lab so she has that pulling instict that labs have but she also picks up EVERYTHING from the ground and its helps with that too.

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LOL I have a Halti that I used to use on BK. He hated it and would spend most of the time trying to get it off (though he still got excited to see it coming out of the drawer because it meant we were going out). But it made him behave. :D I am thinking of going back to it as he is beginning to be a little tyrant on the correction chain again. :-?

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Kavik is making great progress with his halti - I always put it on him for obedience and never go for a walk without it, if he starts to pull I put it on and he is great, the more we work the less he has to wear it - I think he knows now if he pulls the halti is coming out so there is no point, he just gets excited and forgets sometimes.
Tyr does not do well on the halti - true he does not pull, he spends all his time trying to get it off, Kavik will do the head drag and paw once in a while but Tyr never stops, we are thinking of trying a Martingale or correction chain or seeing if a GL is more comfortable for him.
Until recently Zaphod was not a puller, last walk it started so we will have to see with him.

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:angel: I have 2 siberian huskies and as you know they love to pull. I bought the halti and it was the best thing. I can actually take a nice peaceful walk with both of them at the same time. I used to have to walk them seperate because they pulled so much and I couldn't hold them. They are so strong and would jerk my arm off if they saw a cat or something they wanted to chase. I tried the no pull harness also and it does not work at all. they still were pulling like there is no tomorrow. The strength they have too, you would not realize how strong they are for there size. They can pull harder than my parents german shepherd.

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The pamphlet that came with it was interesting. It said that lead wolves will take another wolf's muzzle in his mouth to correct them. I knew that, but for some reason never considered a head collar for the pulling problem.

The 10 minute battle being won, they both settled down and walked right beside me and never tried to pull ahead, so maybe it is a pack thing.

I am hoping to get them trained enough to wean them back onto their regular collars. We'll see what happens.

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I have been working with a vet who is "into" dog behavior lately with my Penny (the Pit Bull/Boxer mix). Some people here may remember that she is/was becoming increasingly dog aggressive and her attacks more volatile. Not good in a household that includes 7 other dogs.

(Ok, ok, I'm getting to the Gentle Leader part)

One thing we learned (duh) was that Penny is just being, well, a Pit Bull. Dog aggression comes naturally. We never sought out a Pit Bull, but she was a five week old rescue pup that needed to be placed at that time (she's four years old now). No time then, I reckon, to worry about the future.

Anyway, we've had Penny on medication to try to mellow her out some and have been working with this very behavior oriented vet (since the nearest behaviorist is four hours away) and was surprised that she recommended a Gentle Leader for Penny. Penny's obedience is extraordinary and she is not a puller (as a matter of fact, this vet remarked several times about how well behaved Penny is), so I didn't get it. This vet told me the same thing about how holding the muzzle somehow tells the dog that they are not in control. I have ordered a Gentle Leader from eBay and am waiting for it. It is not supposed to be the solution to the problem, but rather a way to supplement our other modifications. This vet said that perhaps it would take some of Penny's "control." At the very least, with it on, we will be able to react much more quickly during those times she might try to attack one of our other dogs. She is never ever allowed contact with them unsupervised and she isn't constantly volatile. She is just unpredictable and quick. We have to be quicker. Perhaps this Gentle Leader halter thingy will help. It's certainly worth a try. We have been instructed to keep it on her while she's loose within the house (never unsupervised, of course) and to keep her leashed. That way, we have instant control of her head and face if she does indeed decide to attack. Still, the vet said the very presence of the GL on her face may discourage her from wanting to attack (or at least lessen the desire?). That whole "control" thing.

Anyway, kind of off topic, but was just interested in reading about the control thing with these halters, being this vet just said the same thing to me this week. She has armed me with tons of literature from behaviorists and books and plenty of advice, so we'll see what happens when the GL arrives.

One side note... she adamantly insists that a GL is NOT the same as a Halti and told me to go with the GL. I don't know the difference (except that she said the Halti could come off in a critical moment?), but I suppose I'll find out.

So they're not JUST for dogs that try to pull, huh?

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That's interesting - mine are GL's but I was looking for Halti's....

They only had two Halti sizes - for Rufus' and Maas' - (toy and giant)
so I bought the GL's....All the other sizes were sold out....It's interesting to know that a vet recommended the GL's....

Thanks HF.


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Hmm... I have a no-pull harness that I use on my husky, and it helps. No, it does not illiminate the problem, but it helps to some extent. Either that or I'm just wishing it to work so much that my mind is willing it *smile* lol.

I've heard that a head collar thingamabob is suppose to work for pulling, but I've never tryed one. See, I never really needed Rocky to be by my side. I live in an area where it's ok to walk in front of me... and I like to know where he is because he's the master of escaping anything including a collar, I'm suprised he hasn't mastered the harness yet. lol. I jog with him alot, and so it's easier (for me anyways) for him to be in front of me, so I'm not constantly looking down beside me... I have issues with having to know my dogs' every moves. lol. I'll have to look into the head collar thing, though. I'd like to try one.

Does a GL or Halti really help with dog aggression (please please please)?? Shadow has great obedience, and she never pulls, but she's dog aggressive. Horsefeathers, you'll have to let me know if it helps at all.

One more question: what's the difference between a GL and a Halti??

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The GL was possible suggested over the halti as a GL will actually close the dogs mouth but a Halti will not. That in combination with the dog dragging a line around the house will enhance your contol over it and therefore reinforce your dominance and its subordination (thereby letting it no its not its place to correct or dominate other dogs) and allow you to stop it before it attacks other dogs. Smart vet, best of luck.

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It's not just for pulling, in fact it is touted for training purposes. The pamphlet was four pages long folded up!! with all kinds of suggestions on how to use the GL for training a puppy. I bought it because I had heard that it helps with pulling issues, but the pamphlet was quite good about other training issues. There's even a warning - DO NOT use this halter until you have read this entire pamphlet.....

My dogs only real training problem is recall (labs...whatchya gonna do?)
so this may help with that issue too....I want to get them used to walking on them first, then I'll try a little recall training.

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[quote]My dogs only real training problem is recall (labs...whatchya gonna do?) [/quote]
Labs? Oh that's simple - FOOD, call 'em with food in your hand and they'll come runnin'. Then move to holding the food behind your back when you call, then only have treat there every other time and reduce from there but always praise, praise, praise, Labs are also love hounds.

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I use the halti on Indy and it is fantastic. If I could guarantee I would never see another dog then he would be fine on his normal flat collar, it's just when we encounter another dog he goes nuts and wants to go over to it. Not agressive just wants to play :roll: When this happens he is just too strong.

The other day we at my b/f's parents place and as I was only taking him from the front door to the car I just put his leash on his normal collar, well one of their neighbours dogs was loose :evil: and was running round in their drive way, Indy went to take off after it and dragged me down 4 steps before I could get my balance enough to anchor myself and stop him :oops: so without it on a normal walk I would have no hope.

Hopefully as he gets older his interest in other dogs will die down so we can then go back to the standard collar.

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Daisy, recall training is when you call your dog to come to you (recall your dog). Some people use special words like cookie or birdy, and others (like me) just use the traditional "come". You teach your dog to come to you on command. Recall. Training. Recall Training. LOL.

What do you call it??? I usually call it the come command. he he. So profesional, ain't I?? lol.

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hmm...the no pull collar never did really work for me.
I tried one out on Roxie, and I followed the directions, but she really didn't seem to get the idea! She just kept pulling and pulling...and I felt bad because her neck kept on getting snapped back over and over. By the end of the walk I had a VERY sore shoulder and a frustrated dog. I tried it a couple more times following all the directions...but it really wasn't working for Roxie and it made the walk no fun! We make much better progress with the prong collar. I guess the no pull collar just doesn't work for every dog... :roll:

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With Alex, food will work. That's all he thinks about, that and being petted.

I tried food to bring Freebee back - it works in the yard, but if she gets out she will completely ignore it and go on her merry way until she is cornered and caught...

Thats the whole issue - in the yard they come back because they have no choice...when loose, they know I cant catch them.

I did get Freebee back once with an offer of "ball" (her favorite game)
so I have been working on that angle....

I wish I knew what other kind of dogs are in her - alot of her is lab-like, but alot of her isnt as well....

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