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True loony dog laws.........


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:o [color=red][u][b]Yes, these laws are all true.[/b][/u][/color] :o

*Madison, Wisconsin, will not allow joint custody of a family pet when a couple divorces - the animal is legally awarded to whoever happens to have possession of it at the time of the initial separation.

*Dogs in Foxpoint, Wisconsin, may not bark profusely, snarl, or make any menacing gestures. In Wanassa, New Jersey, a dog is breaking the law if it is heard to be "crying."

*If your dog gets your neighbor's dog pregnant in Danbury, Connecticut, you are responsible and must pay for the abortion if the neighbor chooses to have it done.

*No dog may be tied to a shade tree in Birmingham, Alabama.

*An ordinance in Belvedere, California, states "No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash."

*Another misworded ordinance is this one from Arvada, Colorado: "If a stray pet is not claimed within 24 hours, the owner will be destroyed."

*Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited by statute in Barber, North Carolina.

*In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit.

*Dogs cannot nap in barbershops or beauty salons in Duluth, Minnesota. The law also makes it illegal to let a dog, horse, or any other animal sleep in a bakery.

*In California, animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

*In Hartford, Connecticut, it is illegal to educate a dog.

*In Zion, Illinois, it is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals kept as pets.
*In Collingswood, New Jersey, no dog is allowed to bark or howl between the hours of 8 pm and 6 am.

*Dogs are not allowed on the streets of Provo, Utah, after 7 pm.

*In Smithtown, New York, dogs can't bark for more than 15 minutes at a time (punishment for the third infraction is a $500 fine and a 15-day jail sentence).

*In Pateros, Washington, dogs are expressly forbidden from getting in the way of people walking on the streets.

*In Kentucky, dogs are not allowed to attack or bother cats, though they can legally fight with each other.

*In Shorewood, Wisconsin, however, no more than two dogs or cats can be owned by the same family.

*In Eastlake, Ohio, you'll be fined $25 or 10 days in jail if you "molest a dog."

*Dogcatchers in Denver, Colorado, must post a warning notice before they can go out hunting for stray dogs.

*And in Virginia, state law prohibits a dogcatcher from bothering cats while he or she is looking for dogs.

*A policeman in Paulding, Ohio, may bite a dog to quiet him.

*People can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog in Oklahoma.

*Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, dogs are prohibited from going on private property unless the owner gives his consent first.

*In Chicago, it is illegal to take a French poodle to the opera.

*Dogs are strictly forbidden from riding in ambulances in Westport, Massachusetts.

*Wallace, Idaho, decreed it is unlawful for anyone to sleep in a dog kennel.

*It is against the law for people living in Idaho to participate in dog fights.

*During the month of April in Massachusetts, all dogs must have their hind legs tied.

*In Denver, Colorado, a dog may not transfer on the tramways; on the other paw, all dogs must pay full fare. In 1936, Denver also passed a law that a dogcatcher must notify dogs of impounding by posting a notice for 3 consecutive days on a tree in the park.

*In Joliet, Illinois, if a female dog is caught running loose, the owner can be fined.

*A law in Chicago prohibits anyone from feeding whiskey to dogs.

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oooh!! ooh!! I can explain the Chicago and Joliet ones....

The upper level opera people (with the box seats and best view, usually the wealthy) would take their poodles to the opera with them because they owned the box....bought yearly like season tickets. When the dogs heard
certain singers (like the aria) they would often start to bark and howl, which irritated the other listeners. Poodles seemed particularly bad about this, and for a long time it was a fad for the rich to own poodles, fru-fru cut and all. They couldnt evict the box owners, since they owned the box and were generally in some politicians back pocket, so they evicted the

The other one came about on Rush Street. There are a number of bars (and other assorted "pleasure palaces") in that part of town...these idiots would get their dogs drunk, and they would run out into the street (and sometimes onto Lake Shore Drive, a major hiway) and cause accidents.
And they would pee on the floor in the bars.....

The one in Joliet was because they had a major dog overpopulation
problem. They were losing at the effort to get people to have their dogs spayed and neutered, so the law was meant to keep female dogs in
heat off the street. That's why they "may be fined" instead of "will be fined". Depended on whether the bitch was in heat or not.

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[quote]*Dogs cannot nap in barbershops or beauty salons in Duluth, Minnesota. The law also makes it illegal to let a dog, horse, or any other animal sleep in a bakery.[/quote]

I MUST got get a horse and entice it to sleep in the Positively 3RD Street Bakery.

Thank you I now have a new mission.

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Now this one:
*If your dog gets your neighbor's dog pregnant in Danbury, Connecticut, you are responsible and must pay for the abortion if the neighbor chooses to have it done.

with certain provisions, I could go along with! I do of course think it is the responsibility of ALL dog owners to prevent random matings, any bitch in season should not be outdoors unsupervised of course, but there are times when I'd like to see this enforced.

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[quote]*In Denver, Colorado, a dog may not transfer on the tramways; on the other paw, all dogs must pay full fare. In 1936, Denver also passed a law that a dogcatcher must notify dogs of impounding by posting a notice for 3 consecutive days on a tree in the park.

I like this one :lol: :lol: :lol: :o

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