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How did your pet get its name?


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Just curious how everyone came up with their pets' names.

Macy was "Magic" when we got her. I thought it was an OK name, but it didn't do a whole lot for me. I wanted something similar, though, so we wouldn't confuse her. I thought about "Maggie," but I knew SO many Maggies that I decided against it. I was editing the soap-era column at work (I work at a newspaper) and saw the name Macy. I didn't know any other Macys, so I went with that :)

Janie and Pawnee (our kitties) came to us with their names. Nimo, my Siamese kitty's name, is "Geronimo." I think my college boyfriend came up with that one.

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I don't know where I came up with her name. It is Colby. I didn't know there was Colby cheese (I can't eat cheese!) So that's not where I got it.
She really suits her name.

We had Molson Golden - Colour and dad's favorite beer growing up
Bailey - pure white Golen, for Baileys Irish Cream
and now we have Jake another Golden and I have no idea where that came from. Everone calls him Jake the snake.

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Ben already had his dignified name when we adopted him from the rescue organization out of Chicago.

Max is named after Maxwell Smart in the OLD "Get Smart" spy spoof TV show from years ago. You know, the guy who talked into his shoe. Plus, I thought he just looked like "Max".

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Does anyone remember Puppy in my pocket toys? They were little plastic
dogs that you collect and they came with names and cards and everything.
I used to have about a thousand of them but my favourite was a Collie named Lucky.
It kinda seems like a babyish name now, especially for such a big dog.

The people at the shelter we got Chaos from called her Brat, so we wanted a name that reflects her personality. (and it does!)

The other name I really wanted to name her was Jade, but (obviously) Chaos won.

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Here are a few more...these are my parents' cats, both past and present, but I though they might inspire some ideas:

Chessie: After the kitten on the train cars (Chessie System)

Tawny: Because she was a beautiful tawny color

Jack Frost: Because he was all white

Chili Pepper: Because she was orange (it was changed to Pepper Ann once we discovered she was a girl!)

Kiwi: Not sure -- just thought it was cute :)

Sophie: I named her...I saw it online, on a list of cat names, and I thought it fit her because she was a very girly cat

Gypsy: After a song, I think

Indy: For "India ink," because he's all black

Moonshadow: After the Cat Stevens song

Starshine: Because my mom is a hippie :)

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