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Lump on shoulder...


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I was just feeling Tessa over a minute ago for any scratches or anything she might have when I came across a little lump on her upper right shoulder blade on the muscle. Its a little smaller than a ping pong ball and its not an absess because there is no scab or anything on top. Its a little mobile and will move when you wobble it.
Its got me kinda freaked out :o Could be some kind of cyst? Any ideas? If it doesn't go within the next few days I'll have to take her to the vet :o

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My guess is that it's a cyst. They're really pretty common. If it is a cyst, there's really nothing to worry about because they're benign. You can have them removed but sometimes it's more extensive than you'd think because apparently there are tendrils that run out from the cyst itself. All of these tendrils should be removed too. My wife's Great Dane has a cyst that she's had for several years and it doesn't bother her at all.

You should definitely bring your dog into the vet and have it checked out to make sure that it's not something else.

Hope everything turns out okay.

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Damn, I hate having to take the dogs to the vet! :o
Well its the weekend now so I can't do it right away, I'll take her on Wednesday (I'm not putting it off but I've got a REALLY important exam on Tuesday that I think I'm going to fail).
I thought it would be benign, which is why I wasn't paniking too much, but still, I will take her to the vets. Maybe he'll give me a discount for having such a cute dog :roll:

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Could be fatty tumors (I have some, you can move them around under your skin) You do need to see a vet, but you should be ok until Wednesday providing they DONT GET ANY BIGGER....If it starts to grow, then get your dog in immediately.

And let us know, OK?


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I was feeling around for it today and couldn't find it anywhere. Then I had a look for it later and found it, it is very small.
I'll keep you posted but I was wondering, seeing as prices differ around the world, how much more/less would it cost to remove than desexing?

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  • 7 months later...
Guest Anonymous

I Have a 4 year old Lab...whom I love so desparately....but I have recently felt a strange lump on his shoulder. Labs seam so strange in that the never exhibit paih, so I'm not sure if I should take him to the vet...I so don' want to lose him but I don't wat him to be pain either. And plus he's such a mental case when we go to the vet.

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It is probably a limpoma. If you can move it around then you will find it is more than likely not serious.

As dogs get older most get these lipomas. My GSD has a large one on his neck that does not interfere with him in any way and the vet does not want to do surgery as he is getting on in years. He (the dog) has a number of them on his body. I had a cell test done on all of them and they are only lipomas.

My old rottie has a few as well. In actual fact limpomas don't usually have tendrils at all. They are encapsulated. They do tend to grow very slowly over the years and I don't know what age your dog is but usually with oldies, the vets tend to leave them be.

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[quote]Labs seam so strange in that the never exhibit paih, so I'm not sure if I should take him to the vet...[/quote]

If it can be moved under the skin, actually "travel" a little, it's probably a fatty deposit. Dont know if thats the same as Limpoma or not...I have a few, and Laurel has one on her tail. They dont appear to hurt at all (mine dont) so it may not be causing your Lab any pain. As long as it doesnt get any bigger, you can wait it out. I've been told Laurel has had hers for 4 years, it never gets any bigger. At first I thought she had damaged her
tail, from slamming it into walls and doors (her tail is dangerous) but have been told by the rescue people that it's been there for a while. She was at the vet yesterday, and she said the same thing. As long as it doesnt grow,
rapidly, it's either fat or fluid...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Anonymous

I have a 4 & 1/2 year old choco lab....last couple of days he's been drooling excessively, which he never doees, not even when prime rib is in front of him.

I've also found a lump on his left shoulder and now I'm wondering if there's a connection between the drooling and the lump...maybe he's in pain? Or maybe he has a stomach problem?

Any thoughts?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Anonymous


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Guest Anonymous

I had a terrible experience with a "lump" in my last dog. It was a miniature pinscher...he had problems with his health since he was a pup. First he had some sever skin problems and parasite..ok so we took him to the vet for that...the vet bathed him in some orange liquid crap..and gave him some hormones..which made the dog gain alot of weight...he was obese from taking so much medication for basically half his life...I still blame my vet for pounding pills into that poor thing...

Anyways, when he was 8...he got this big bump on his neck and from that moment on he wouldn't eat, drink or sleep properly..he was very uncomfortable and our whole family went crazy with worry. We had to feed him baby food because his teeth had also fallen out...and he was blind (had that white film over his eyes)..not to mention, he could barely hear and would knock into poles when we took him out for walks..it was quite tragic...he was our first family dog and he was constantly having alot of health problems....what a great way to experience a dog for the first time huh?

Well, when we went to the vet with the bump, he said he did not know 100% what it was and that he'd have to do testing...and if it was to be removed...blah blah blah..it would cost alot of money...it wasn't even so much about that anymore..but we were sick of having him suffer constantly...we felt miserable for him and he was getting older..and his health was getting worse....so we put him to sleep :( the last time I saw him, I was holding him in my arms at the vet clinic and looking into his eyes...he was trying to cuddle into me so desperately because he was very nervous when the vet brought out the needle for his last injection. He fell asleep in my arms and I cried for days on end...I still remember him...

Oh...and his bump didn't move under the skin, so I am pretty sure it was a type of cancer..it was thick...and hard...:( R.I.P Pimpek.

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Guest Anonymous

not to change the subject.. but [size=7]ROWIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THAT YOU???? ******huuuggggsssss************[/size]

Zoey has a lump on her elbow, it's smaller then a ping pong, they siad it's calcium deposit with scar tissue built up around it..

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