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My smart puppy! (Abker - look at this!)


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I just had to share this with everyone. Maya is SO smart! She is 13 weeks old, and she can sit, shake, down, roll over, sit pretty(beg), up(on hind legs), and we are working on stay-get it (make her stay and throw a treat, then get it when I say), dance, and [color=blue]-[size=6]thanks to Abker!!!-[/size] [/color]paw on the nose!!
Now, if we can just get her to come when called when she is outside, and only chew on HER toys!!!! :wink:

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After another day of working with her, now she does the paw on the nose, and most of her tricks I can have her do without verbal directions, just by a hand signal. Since she picks things up so fast and loves to learn, I was really thinking I'd like to get her in some specialized training. What do you think would be possible? Would agility be a possibility - there is a training area close to here, but I have NO idea what it is about - except what I've seen on TV!
Thanks for any ideas!

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Agility is definatly a possibility! Any breed can do it. It's lots of fun, usually the dogs really like it and catch on fast. I do agility with Abby, and it's really helped to strengthen my bond with her. I hope to eventually compete! :D I say go for it, u can sign up for a class near u, although some classes only take dogs over a certain age. If u need any info on how agility works, just ask, I've done lots of research on the subject. Here's a web page to get u started:
This site had some info on agility, plus loads of other things that u can do with your dog! Here's another one that I like, all about agility:
Good luck on whatever u decide to do! :D

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Yah, I think so. I need to find the place around here that trains, and look into it some more. My biggest problem now is that she wants to run so bad, she won't come when I call her outside. :evil: She doesn't run away, she just runs around me in circles to get all that puppy energy out. I guess I need to get a longer lead and work her more with that?

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Abby has those also, I like to call them "zoomies" :lol: Usually it's a puppy thing that they will grow out of, although Abby is almost three years old and she still has them sometimes. For some dogs these "zoomies" are a way of try to get more attention. So maybe u should try ignoring the zoomies, and praising her when she is sitting quietly. she should come to know that calmness=praise. Hope that helps some, it's never been a problem with Abby so I can't offer u much more advice.
Goodluck!!!!!! :D :D :D

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Great job!!!
Jake is learning quickly too. I think it helps if you have other dogs at home to learn from. He sits and gives me his paw already, and I really haven't been working with him on it yet.

I have to get the other two out of the way and really start with him. They think they are getting a treat everytime I ask for their paw :wink:

How often do you work with her?

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I usually work with her 1-3 times a day for about 5 minutes each time. My daughter has started working with her, she taught her High-5.
Our worst problems right now are the jumping on people, walking on lead, and coming when outside. She is just so much more energetic than other dogs I've had (schnauzers, chihuahua), she reminds me of my husband's lab!!
The walking on lead frustrates me. When I did obedience as a youth, we always used choker collars. I may be resorting to that again, if this "turn around when she's not where you want her" method doesn't do the trick soon.

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Daisymom - no, I didn't see that. How did they say to teach it?

Danyell - Abker told me this one, put a piece of tape on her nose, as she tries to rub it off, say whatever code word you want (I say Paw, but my husband says I should've said Cry or Nose) and give her a treat. Keep tiny treats handy, because she'll do it many, many times in a row until she gets the tape off. I tried a couple of sessions with the tape, then tried without, and after aout 3 sessions she had it. I did work on that trick the longest, and she must think it's her best, because whenever we are eating, she sits in front of us and just about rubs her nose off to get some!!

I tried it with my mom's dog (mini schnauzer) but had to use the tape over her eye, she has so much beard that she didn't feel it on her nose!!

By the way, my mom always told her dog "We're eating, go lay down" and now all she has to say is "we're eating" and the dog goes out of the kitchen and lays on the rug until the dishwasher is opened! We stayed there last week, and Maya started to do that, too.

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Well, I think I solved the heeling problem. I just went back to the way I had originally been taught, used a choke collar, and after two training sessions, she no longer pulls and walks very nicely.
Now, how do I get her to come when she's called when she isn't on a leash (she is a little escape artist!!)

Please, don't jump on me for using a choke collar, i felt it was better than letting her pull until she was gasping for air, I know how to use it responsibly (small, light jerks on the leash) and I NEVER have it on her unless I am on the other end of the lead!

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By the way, about agility, I checked into it, and the group in our area doesn't start dogs until 10 months, so I will have to wait until spring. Then I plan on taking her. I'm trying to get my sis-in-law to take her female Boston Terrier, also, I think it would be good for both of them!

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