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Agility Lead?

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Okay, I am SO not smart with dog equipment :oops: (smarter then I was years ago though!! :wink: ) and I've seen these one types of leashes, which my agility instructor said their called "Agility Leads" and are also known as "Training Leads"... so their the same thing? They have a loop on the end that you just slip it over the dogs head so you don't have to fuddle (shhh, it's a word) around with the clip. Makes sence that it would work well with Agility. I've been searching for one for quite some time now, does anyone know where I can get one? I will keep searching at "local" (2 hours away :o ) Pet stores, but they seem very scarce!
Does anyone else even know what I'm talking about? :o :hmmmm:
I will see if I can find a picture to try and be more clear...

Oh yeah, it's not like I need one ASAP, but starting the search sounds reasonable... judging by how I can't find one, and how fast Coal is growing... I should be able to (HOPEFULLY) find one by the time he grows up! :wink: :o

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Guest Anonymous

OKay, I found these pictures...



really doesn't look like the ones my instructors had though :o
Theirs looked more heavey duty, and they had a clip on them too... not just the loopy thing...
Were they not using a real one? Or using just a Training Lead... if there's a difference!

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Are you looking for something that is more of a martingale style? I have been considering getting one for Mary for agility. Lots easier than the clip and collar.

Might sound silly but [url]www.thejackrussellstore.com[/url] has really nice collars/leads/harnesses etc. You might just want to check it out. I am sure they would work great for all kinds of dogs. JRT people use the slip on/off kind often at JRT trials. When you gotta get them in the box quick a collar/leash is too much work!!

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one of my dogs (shaddow) does agility and has the training agility lead that it sounds like your instructor has....it`s not the same as the picture you showed though, that looks more like a slip lead. I got mine from a local dog food/eqipment supplier who goes to a big pet cash "n" carry warehouse to get leads etc. But if you can`t find a supplier then ask your instructor wher she gets her`s from...or ask her if she could get one for you :D Sorry i can`t be of anymore help! :D

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My Conar has the bottom lead in the picture. ( except it's red) We don't do agility, but with all the hair he has it's a lot easier to use that sort of leash for him. I like the lil leather "stop" thingy so it can't get loose enough to slip off. It is a lot more convienent that messing around with a regular collar/leash combo.

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Guest Anonymous

Hmm... yeah, I'm thinkin I even like that kind better then what my instructors had! :lol:
I can't ask them, we're not speaking and I punched one of their kids in the face :o
They also really messed up Hazel... when she was aggressive, they'd scruff her :-? It's a long story, but yeah, I quit and was really mad at them. We haven't talked since.

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Go here: [url]http://www.cleanrun.com/category.cfm?Category=204[/url] They have tons of agility related stuff including the slipleads. If you are seriously considering agility it would also be a good idea to subscribe to their magazine.

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Guest Anonymous

Ooo! Thanks for the link Nancy!


I think that's a lot like what the instructors had...

Of course I'm seriously concidering it... I would have taken it more serious with Hazel if she was [i]allowed[/i] in a trail :-?
I've been playing mainly with him in the tunnel, and I've been holding him on the teeter, going very slow, at his pace. Putting him on the contact zones (holding him, I won't let him on there unless I have a hold of him) and praising him TONES! Hazel always had trouble with the contact zones.
I'm guna train Coal a lot different then Hazel, but so far it's really working! :D

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