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How do you break up a dog fight?


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I've heard alot of people say "don't". A few years back a man was killed trying to break up his dogs fighting... but when your own dogs are fighting you can't just sit back and watch them into each other... so what do you do?
I had someone tell me tonight to kick them, but I know thats not right!
The reason I'm asking is because today when Lily got her birthday present she wasn't interested in unwrapping it, while Tessa sat back and struggled to get it! So I let Tessa open it and then at the last minute Lily got jealous and all hell broke loose, in the middle of our lounge room! Of course I jumped straight in and grabbed Lily while the rest of the family watched me single handedly try to break up the fight (which was basically impossible). As soon as they were apart Lily went straight for Tess again... this time I screamed at my sister to grab Tessa so they would actually stop fighting and we pulled them apart and put them in seperate rooms.
For the rest of the day Lily has been growling at Tessa and Tessa has been really scared, she was sleeping in my cupboard before because she saw Lily on my bed :(
They've never been in a fight before and Tessa has always been the more dominant one. What do I do?

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I have heard and read of all sorts of ways to break up a dog fight, kicking, twisting testes (wont work on bitches, no way) throwing salt, never did find out which end you threw it on, bucket of water, hosing, not really feasible in the lounge. Fortunately, over the many years I've had very few fights among my dogs. Small dogs aren't a problem, one in each hand does the trick, good shaking and stern words have fixed it. Big dogs, another problem. My first dog fight was with two big dogs and I was in a panic. Lot of screaming later I got them apart, I was later told that the high pitched yelling makes it worse. I was told you must be totally dominant over them, let them know you just wont stand for that behaviour, give them a whack with a newspaper, stick, not your hand. I had big breed bitchs get stuck in one day and this worked, maybe I was lucky, then they were put in opposite corners of the room and made to stay, if one looked sideways at the other I would sternly reprimand whoever. When they were both totally aware that the 'boss' was cross with them both, they decided it was not worth it, and settled down. I guess there will be lots of others with experiences to relate and then you can sort out what is best for you. One other thing, I found that a bitch fight was always more serious than a dog fight, Do others find the same thing?

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A lot of people on the ACD list recommend ground pepper- it's not harmful to the dogs in any way-all it does is make them sneeze, apparently, and distracts them from trying to kill each other long enough for you to grab them. Personally I don't know if it works but it's maybe something to keep in mind.

This is a good link that gives several suggestions:


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[quote]If there are two people available, both dogs should have their hindquarters lifted off the ground and then be dragged backwards by the tail. This will confuse the dogs and may cause them to relax their grip on each other. If the hindquarters are not lifted first, the dog may anchor itself by its front feet. Further injuries can then be caused to the other dog. In dogs without tails, the hind legs should not be substituted for the tail, as the dog can easily turn around and bite the person holding it. Grabbing the head or shoulders of one or both dogs is dangerous unless the person doing so can get directly behind the dog's shoulders and have the strength to control its head. [/quote]

I don't like the idea of tugging a dog by its tail, plus it never says what to do if it has no tail!

LOL BK, could you see me running around the house searching for pepper when I'm worried the dogs might tear each other apart? Its a good idea, but what about when there's no pepper around (we've only got that grindy stuff thats not yet ground... if you get what I mean)

Bensam, I've heard about the 'no high pitch squealy noises' thing. Guess its a good thing that when I'm angry I lower my voice.

What made it even harder was because its Lilys birthday and I still wanted to treat her like the special birthday girl so it was hard to be angry with her, meanwhile Tessa is the one who copped the worse of the fight and has little bruises around her neck :(

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Ha ha, no can't really imagine you doing that Aroura! I guess if you have a container of ground pepper you could use it at home (if it was handy), or take some on walks if you think there might be potential situations where you might have to use it...

I've heard that grabbing the hind leg or legs of one of the dogs is also a good method to at least break them apart. Don't know what you'd do with the other dog if you were by yourself though :-?

Poor Tessa! Having to sleep in the cupboard to get away from big bad Lily!

Rinny is missing a little piece of his ear from a time about 5 yrs ago when he tried to steal BK's dinner (and this is when Rinny was alpha)... that's one of 2 times I've ever seen BK get nasty, the other was earlier this year when Rinny tried to take one of BK's bones. It's really scary to see how a well-adjusted, even tempered dog can get so territorial and aggressive over certain objects.

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I might just get some pepper, for just in case and take it to training and walks etc where fights are more likely.
I know what you mean about dogs getting nasty over certain things, Lily always does a warning growl and a snap if another dog is around while she is eating, so I always make sure I either feed her inside when the other dogs are out or outside when the others are in. This was completely unexpected though!
Yes, poor Tessa, I wanted to take a photo (it was kinda cute :wink: ) but my camera was in the car and the dogs saw me go outside and ran after me!
It would have been alot easier for me to break up the fight though if someone else would have used their commonsence and grabbed the other dog! Agh, family huh? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Anyway, only 5 minutes left of Lilys 1st birthday so I'd better run off and give her a cuddle before I get to bed!
G'nite! :sleeping:

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Boy is this topic timely, between my two girls they were in 3 fights last night. I do not know what got into them, they were both witchy. At the agility session, setting up the course, many of us let the dogs run about off leash. Always been just fine.
Last night, after running about for several minutes, my girls got into a brief fight with each other. I walked over, yelled 'knock it off NOW' and made them lie down side by side for a bit. Released them to play a bit more. When we were all gathered in a bunch for the judges briefing, Brittany got into a fight with a springer spaniel. I did not see it start and am not sure Britt was the instigater as the spaniel had jumped Candy last week. Again verbally broke it up and made Britt sit right by me. On the way out of the ring, Candy got into a snarly scuffle with a collie! She was right on his heels so perhaps she crowded him, he turned on her and she WILL NOT BACK DOWN from a dog. It was a short scuffle, she trotted off with a wad of his chest hair in her mouth.
Next week I will bring them out individually, perhaps they are egging each other on. Don't want to get kicked out of agility cause of their witchiness!
Most fights I've broken up using my BIG STERN VOICE, on occaision I've had to wade in with knees flinging dogs aside. As an adult have not been bit doing this but know full well it could happen. If the other person can grab their dog I can grab mine, either by hindlegs or a two handed grab, a hunk of skin over the shoulders and over the rump.

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Guest Anonymous

[quote name='sashagirl']d*** it!!! I just posted a really long reply and lost it!!!

I don't have time now, but will try again later. :x[/quote]

That happened to me last night as well...

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[quote name='mouseatthebusstop']water if it is outside. If it is inside throw a coat over them. :o[/quote]

haha, just hope the thrower of said water is accurate. Some years ago, I was visiting my friend Sarah. Her dog, Lady, and my Brittany used to scrap every now and then, both thought they should be top dog. Sure enough the girls took to fighting, Sarah picked up a bucket of water and threw in their 'general' direction. Trouble is, I was right behind them and got most of the contents of the bucket. All worked out well tho, my shriek of surprise stopped the girls from fighting so they could laugh at me.

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Guest Anonymous

[quote name='Carolk9s'][quote name='mouseatthebusstop']water if it is outside. If it is inside throw a coat over them. :o[/quote]

haha, just hope the thrower of said water is accurate. Some years ago, I was visiting my friend Sarah. Her dog, Lady, and my Brittany used to scrap every now and then, both thought they should be top dog. Sure enough the girls took to fighting, Sarah picked up a bucket of water and threw in their 'general' direction. Trouble is, I was right behind them and got most of the contents of the bucket. All worked out well tho, my shriek of surprise stopped the girls from fighting so they could laugh at me.
To this day I maintain that I WAS NOT FIGHTING I WAS AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER![/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Ground pepper is like pepper spray, it will work on some dogs but will not work on others.

If a person tries to break up a dog fight by grabbing the tail, the tail could be broken and the person is setting themself up for a dog bite (redirected aggression).

The "wheel barrow" method will still get you dog bit if you are not carefull.

There is no safe way to break up a dog fight. The best way to is watch body language and stop it before it happens. Sometimes, though, it starts very quickly with no warning.

Male dogs usually do lots of posturing, chest bumping, name calling, making faces, circling, tails up, ears up, head up, very rigid appearance.

Females on the other hand, will just get after it. They are worse to fight than the males. They don't waste energy threatening each other, they just fight.

Yelling and screaming only adds fuel to the fire, as does using a newspaper. Water doesn't work for us because they all like water and are not opposed to being wet.

I've only had to choke one heeler bitch down because she would not let go and had ahold of the other female's throat (which could not breath and was fading fast).

Since our dogs know that we are alpha and do not put up with that sort of nonsense; we can stop it before it happens. There is always that one or two that will challenge our authority and would rather face the consequences than to not fight. Normally, when this happens we can usually break it up verbally.

One person can not break up the fight, because the other dog is going to think they are being helped.

Aroura --- let's see: you gave Lilly the present [b]first[/b], right; thus making it her property? Then Tessa took it or you gave it to Tessa?

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[quote name='Hobbit']Male dogs usually do lots of posturing, chest bumping, name calling, making faces, circling, tails up, ears up, head up, very rigid appearance.

Females on the other hand, will just get after it. They are worse to fight than the males. They don't waste energy threatening each other, they just fight.
Hobbit, you are so right on this. Jesse BSD has NEVER been in an actual fight. Posturing and name calling sure.
Both girls have indeed been in fights. When Brittany was younger she liked to start fights I swear just for the fun of it. There was a period of a few years that she never was in a fight. Candy is getting scrappier as she matures, gonna have to keep a close eye and leash on her. The girls will once in a while fight with each other and will fight with other dogs, male or female.
Candy will also rush between Jesse and another dog who gets in his face, I've seen her do this twice so far. She will snap and drive the other dog away from Jesse. Guess he's her boy toy and no one better mess with him.

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Guest Anonymous

Carol, I was JUST replying to the same thing! :lol:

Kika is the fighter! Kenzo is so laid back.....she'll yell at him like crazy and he'll fight back for a minute but she is boss....

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[quote name='Carolk9s'][quote name='Hobbit']Male dogs usually do lots of posturing, chest bumping, name calling, making faces, circling, tails up, ears up, head up, very rigid appearance.

Females on the other hand, will just get after it. They are worse to fight than the males. They don't waste energy threatening each other, they just fight.
Hobbit, you are so right on this. Jesse BSD has NEVER been in an actual fight. Posturing and name calling sure.
Both girls have indeed been in fights. When Brittany was younger she liked to start fights I swear just for the fun of it. There was a period of a few years that she never was in a fight. Candy is getting scrappier as she matures, gonna have to keep a close eye and leash on her. The girls will once in a while fight with each other and will fight with other dogs, male or female.
Candy will also rush between Jesse and another dog who gets in his face, I've seen her do this twice so far. She will snap and drive the other dog away from Jesse. Guess he's her boy toy and no one better mess with him.[/quote]

I don't worry about the boys as much as I do about the girls. We know which males (neutered and intact) not to let out together --- even working they take cheap shots at each other until the other one is just so mad he can't see straight.

I KNOW some of them fight for the fun of it and just for the pure aggravation and just because they are hateful and like being mean to the other girl. Just hateful bitches, especially before they cycle.

Candy and her boy-toy -- :lol: :lol: Yep, we have some females that are sure that the other dog is "their property". :lol:

You know -- men are just like male dogs when it comes to fighting!! And women are just female dogs when it comes to fighting! If I had to chose, I'd rather fight a man anyday than a woman. Because a man will posture around, bump chests, then go have a beer with you ---- a woman will torture you, then beat the tar out of you and you'll never get a beer! :lol:

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Being the owner of 16 Boerboel dogs (BIG) running loose on my property i can comment on dog fighting... :(
I absolutely despise my dogs fighting. I am not the Alpha, but [size=6][color=red]THE ALPHA[/color][/size]!!!! If they even try to have an attitude, they will get it, smack bottom that is.
I had a smallish female who was big trouble - any dog or human other than our family was targeted, and boy, where she bit she locked - you might as well welded her jaws together!! Kicking, hitting, pepper spray, pepper (all i did was destroying my own sinuses), wheelbarrow method with two adult males.....nothing :( I fought so hard with her that my chest usually was burning from exhaustion!!
All that worked was a water hose up her throaght for at least 15 seconds!!!!!!!!!And then she was calm as hell :-?

Big dogs fighting is always big trouble, so i had to make plan to break up a fight in seconds, no matter how tough the dog is. A friend told me this, so dont laugh - you embrace the culprit and bite his ear - HARD. It works if it is a good natured dog, but what if the male dogs weigh the same as you and is as strong as a flipping steer? You get yourself a shock apparatus - the ones they use for self defence and voila - you have super control over all your dogs!!

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Hey Everyone,

Just thought I'd throw a little personal experience into this. My malamute met his brother last year and we had him around for a good six months. Willow (my mal) hated his guts and would launch at him everytime he came near me. Both were altered.
Since they were in a standoff biting eachothers faces my husband and I each grabbed a dog by the scruff and threw them apart.
I have learned a great deal since that day.
I now have a bullhorn that is at the ready. All I have to do is blow this and it startels the dogs enough that we can get to them and seperate them.
An airhorn or dog whistle works just as well. A little easier to carry a dog whistle then a bullhorn when out and about.
Another idea is a squirt bottle with water in it. Aim at their faces and fire when ready. Doesn't get water everywhere!
I think all dogs are different in the way they fight and the ways to seperate them. Just keep trying different things until you find something that always works.
Mine is the bull horn.
Good luck to you all.

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[quote]One person can not break up the fight, because the other dog is going to think they are being helped. [/quote]
And the dog being pulled out/broken off is likely to feel extremely vulnerable since it can't defend itself, and may bite you in an attempt to get you to let go. Then you'll be bleeding on the floor and the dogs will be back at it :roll:

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[quote name='Hobbit']You know -- men are just like male dogs when it comes to fighting!! And women are just female dogs when it comes to fighting! If I had to chose, I'd rather fight a man anyday than a woman. Because a man will posture around, bump chests, then go have a beer with you ---- a woman will torture you, then beat the tar out of you and you'll never get a beer! :lol:[/quote]

Oops, meant to add, this is cause females hold grudges longer than males 8)

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[quote name='gooeydog'][quote]One person can not break up the fight, because the other dog is going to think they are being helped. [/quote]
And the dog being pulled out/broken off is likely to feel extremely vulnerable since it can't defend itself, and may bite you in an attempt to get you to let go. Then you'll be bleeding on the floor and the dogs will be back at it :roll:[/quote]

Goo, you are so right. Redirected aggression! Everyone gets bit, including the person.

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[quote name='avaloniaboerboele']You get yourself a shock apparatus - the ones they use for self defence and voila - you have super control over all your dogs!![/quote]

Ava, if you are referring to a "cattle prod" --- this only makes a dead-set-on-fighting ACD just fight harder! :roll: They are dog aggressive (most are at least), because they are so dominant in personality.

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Aroura, I carnt tell you how to break up a dog fight but I can tell you ways of preventing it from happening next time.

What i do with my dogs when they have presents given them....the dog its meant for (say Penny for instance) is the only one allowed to open hers, if she doesnt have any interest....then i open it for her without any fuss as not to cause any jealousy from my other two dogs.
Penny is then given her toy to play with on her own, not that my dogs will bother her anyway but precautions should always be taken, and if i see penny being interrupted by any of my other dogs going near her thats when i come in and immediately pull them away!
They all play well together anyway but im always watching them.

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I doubt this would work with most dogs, but I've also found that if you can break the dog's(') train(s) of thought, you can sometimes get them to listen to a command. Of course, it's easier to just stop the fight before it ever get's started :lol: . Also, if you're trying to break up a fight (or get a dog off off yourself), remember that pulling them off of a grip will most likely cause serious damage. It's better to wait (if possible) until they try to regrip, then pull them apart.

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