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Everything posted by Aonir

  1. I recall that article. I can't believe his excuse either. "Tied his mouth so he wouldn't bite him in a bath, then he ran away". First, there is things called Muzzles. Second, how did it run away IF bathing inside(different story if he was using a hose), he'd require opening the door and letting him out before taking the tape off.
  2. I'd like to mention.. That some pet owners DO stuff their dogs heads for memorial purposes... Same with small animals like rabbits..
  3. This should be removed. I dare not open it ebcause I know EXACTLY what it is. The same thing was posted in a CAT forum yesterday. Talk about disgusted cat owners and me harrassing the forum owner for like an hour when he was offline to delete the cursed thing.
  4. Aonir


    you sure it wasn't a puppy mill?
  5. Aonir


    But look at this one :( [img]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/forumfun/sucks5.jpg[/img]
  6. I'm actually having the SAME problem with Amaya! I've taken her out, crated her, done everything. She just did not like going outside in the snow. So we put up with it for the winter. She's now 9 months old. She'll go outside sometimes now. But it's remarkable close to what we've been going through! We let her out every 6 hours still, but STILL come home to poop on the floor even though she goes outside. Not as much though. It's slloowwwlllyy progressing... White carpet is thoroughly stained from her stubborness over the months as well. Cleaning doesn't want to help anymore..
  7. Maybe I don't like kids. So is it OK to yell at your kid and call it trash because I don't like them? Now you must udnerstand when I raise my hand to your child, that I don't love children, so its OK. Am I right? Troll.
  8. I'm terribly sorry, Icey :( You'll be in my thoughts
  9. Ah me and my fiances co-worker, Joe, exchange petsitting! Joe goes on business trips a lot, and we(mostly me) LOVE watching their dog! Amaya absolutely loves her, and she's the dog that made me HAVE to get an Eskie. So I leave my dog with a friend that I can [i]trust[/i].
  10. Clyde was a kitty.. I forgot to post that :oops: I have a pic of him.. [img]http://www.mysticalflame.com/album/clyde4.jpg[/img] I love that pic because he blinked..
  11. (posted and modified from my journal) I came home around 10pm last night.. And Clyde was laying on the bottom of the stairs not moving... I could have sworn he was dead, but he wasn't. Under further(and quick) inspection, I found out he could not walk.. He started dragging his whole back-part behind. He has no response to his back legs, nor his tail.. And they are ice-cold. Sadly, Im unable to afford the ER vet at the moment.. so I had to wait til morning to get a hold of my normal vet... I've been told that this can be caused my heart problems, and he has a heart murmer.. The first time I gave him water, he threw it up.. So I gave him bottled water and hes doing fine.. I layed him comfortably on a towel and heating pad with the water just a short head lift away. Whenever he tried to walk, he yowled in pain.. I stayed up all night to stay and watch him. To move him when need-be, to get his water, and stuff.. arund 4am, he stopped yowling, the pain ended. He could now be comfortably moved without hurting him.. I got to the vet a 9:40am. It was his heart murmur.. It turnde out to be a serious heart diease that released a blood clot in his veins and got stuck in an area that caused the paralysing. First things first, they wanted to Put him to sleep.. They did tests on him like they did on Thunder(my cat at my grandmas). Moved his legs in weird ways, cliped his toes with some object to see if he could feel.. Failed.. When it happened to Thunder, his leg was amputated. But you can't exactly amputate the whole back-end of a cat. I've put him on IV's and medicine. I'm not going to surrendor myself to the fate of -1 cat to death yet. The medicine was to try to free the bloodclot and regain motion in his legs and tail again. Within 2 hours of being at the vet, Clyde started having serious problems trying to breathe, and his heartbeat was very irregular. I was called at 12:00pm to be told of his.. fate.. I arrived there at 1pm, when I was able to have someone drive me. I petted him and hugged him for around 15 minutes, although it seemed much shorter than that... His pain is now over. He died at the age between 10-13.. He is already greatly missed..
  12. I wouldnt wonder where they are. they had cameras all over my last job, and I SWEAR I've been in every room in that building, and never seen any tvs
  13. My cats chase their tail... Sometimes, Clyde will move his tail and hit himself, then he turns around hissing and dont know where the culprit is! :o
  14. PUPPIES!! Must.. have.. pictures... (while in their innocent state!) Wait until they get bigger, lol
  15. Poor little kitty. She lived a long life and will thank you and your parents for setting her free from this world to explore the Rainbow Bridge when the time comes. She will be in my thoughts, and so will you. Do you have any picture of your baby?
  16. My fiance holds her feet together.. he says we need to hog-tie her! :o She's pretty calm, but if shes not restrained, she'll run and hide
  17. LOL I love that, 2 1/2 pit bulls...
  18. Now we know where some twins come from :lol:
  19. I know personally how much you care for your fish. I remember you mentioning him before and how you now have... 4? beta fish and how silly people think it is for taking a fish to the vet. Hardly anyone would notice a fish that has a tumor. That makes you special. You care for even the tiniest of creatures, and you shall be rewarded in the future for your care and love.[/i]
  20. Aonir


    Amaya LOVES to bark. If someone walks on the sidewalk, she barks. If she hears another dog barking, she barks. And she doesn't stop. I've found that if you yell at her for barking, she barks more. If you tell her NO, same response. If you tug at ehr collar and say no, she barks under her breath. After a while of telling her NO, she starts barking slightly/growl barking. She sometimes lays down and does the barking/growl noise like she can't control herself. Water gun won't work because she loves water! Any ideas please?
  21. Com'on. Aussies look nothin like Huskies to me. LOL! longhaired pitbulls??
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