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Everything posted by Aonir

  1. I use them after Amaya gets into the kitty litter :oops:
  2. izzy: That puppy picture is absolutely adorable!
  3. Amaya - an American Eskimo. Got her August last year.. Her 1 year bday is June 10!
  4. The poor sweety.. Having her PTS is probably the best you can do for her. I hope you can find her :(
  5. Snow in the Web site doesn't really show a picture of the left ear.. I'm surprised Deja isn't in the Web site.
  6. I think pugs are adorable! And who said German Shepherds are mean? Look at all those search and rescue Shepherds! And assistant shepherds for people with disabilities. Did you know that 50 years ago, Pit Bulls were the top family dog and Golden Retrievers were concidered mean? That's completely reversed now. Give it another 50 years, and it could change again!
  7. At least Hmmmm is honest. I just want to know the truth, you know?
  8. I have a tie-out for Amaya that sticks in the ground. We haven't used it much. But when we do use it, it's when we're outside so she's not on it unsupervised. It's not a 'chain' persay.. but one of those tieouts you can get at the petstore.
  9. I think it IS Drey! AND That is Diallo too! Someone must be attacking Rott'n'pitt or something :evil:
  10. I'd say go and get him. If not take care of him, at least have the poor thing euthanized. It's a lot better than getting no care at all. Or you could contact a rescue for funding and have him placed in their program! There is so many options :)
  11. Spitz.. There is a lot of dogs that can go by that! German Spitz(renamed to American Eskimo), Japanese Spitz(looks just like the german spitz!), Finnish Spitz was already mentioned.. I own an American Eskimo and I'll post a pic for you. American Eskimos can come in biscuit cream color and white. My Eskie is white with cream spots, darker on ears. Black nose, but I have seen some with brown, black pads and supposed to have long furr(not great quality in breed specifics). Shes the dog ;) [img]http://www.mysticalflame.com/album/amaya_lap1.jpg[/img] Better face pic: [img]http://www.mysticalflame.com/album/amaya_tummy1.jpg[/img] Top view [img]http://www.mysticalflame.com/album/amaya_lap1.jpg[/img]
  12. Maybe I'm thinking this is a bit much, but I've called around to nearly all the vet's in my area, and all their spay prices from a 20 pound dog is $130! I was expecting $70 because that's what my sister paid for her 60 pound dog where she lives! Is this price outrageous or just me? One vet said it would cost at LEAST 250!! And one said 130 WITHOUT the sedation, painkillers, and overnight stay, etc. How much did you pay??
  13. Yesterday was hell. We took Amaya outside to go potty, then two dogs that looked like pitbulls(not saying they are, just looked it) attacked her. I don't personally have anything against pits, but man. To see two dogs on Amaya who is only around 20 pounds is terrifying. They didn't do any damage and their owner ran to get his dogs.. The hard part was to get the dogs off of her, but after that, I picked her up. She was whining like there was no tomorrow. She had one wet spot on her coat, but no blood. She limped for a few minutes but that cleared up fast. I know where the guy lives, its in the same apartment building as us. I'm still considering whether to tell the police or the landlord or not. The guy acted really sorry when he came to check on her, but it's really no excuse to have his dogs off leash. His excuse was he opened his car door and the dogs darted out. He said he usually has them on leash.. I mean, Amaya darts outside if she can and we have to chase her. But she would never attack anyone. She'd run up to them barking, but if they so much as made a step towards her, she'd run away. She's a coward. Her running from the dogs is probably what made them go into attack mode instead of play mode. Anyway, it was hell. I know for sure if she was injured, I'd file it to the cops and press charges to get his dogs taken away. sigh. I really don't know what to do. I have no idea if it IS an accident and if it has happened before or not. My fiance said "it was a mistake.. if it happens again, yes" And I said, "the point is, how do we know it hasn't happened before? and if it does happen again, how do we know what the turn-out will be?" What do you think I should do? :(
  14. Emily, you're a German Shepherd! No bones, about it, you're a loyal, hard-working German Shepherd. Dedicated and always low-maintenance, people flock to you
  15. Aonir

    dog license

    You can only register dogs on the first month here. In order to get a license AFTER that you have to go to an animal rescue. That part scares me away and makes me wonder.. Why can't we do it with the governor system? Why do we go to a pet rescue? I have no real problem with it, but I have no idea where it is! :oops:
  16. My Teddy had eye surgery, and it is a very scarey procedure! I also have a cyst on my wrist, and it is very uncomfortable at times.. But that's also CTS talking ;) Be sure to ask your vet all questions and make sure s/he is capable of doing the procedure correctly.
  17. Nookie - you didn't copy the whole breed list, only half! Here is the complete update: 1 Akita 1 Alaskan Malamute 2 American Cocker Spaniels 1 American Eskimo 2 1/2 American Pit Bull Terriers 1 Basset Hound 1 Border Collie 2 British Bulldogs 1 Boston Terrier 2 Bull Terriers 1 Boxer 2 Chihuahuas 2 Chinese Cresteds 1 Doberman Pinscher 1 English Setter 2 English Springer Spaniels 1 Flatcoated Retriver 1 German Shepherd 1 Irish Wolfhound 1 Irish Setter 1 Labrador Retriever 3 Lhasa Apsos 12 Mixed breed dogs 4 Newfoundlands 1 Rat Terrier 5 Rottweilers 4 Saint Bernards 1 Samoyed 2 Shar-peis 2 Staffordshire Bull Terriers 2 Standard Poodles 3 Toy Poodle 1 West Highland Terrier
  18. I got a rabbit(but he'll be going to my Dad's girlfriend with 2 other bunnies! I'm happy), 2 ferrets( 1male and 1female), 1 betta fish, 1 snail, and 6 cats.
  19. She so adorable! Absolutely precious! The picture with them together is great
  20. I agree, you're not a hoarder! BUT, I must warn you, anyone can unintentially become one. I think THAT is what your vet is worried about. You already have a lot of dogs, he just doesn't want you to keep taking in more and more, until you CANT take care of them the way you already do. Money doesn't just appear ;) but dogs seem to lol Just watch your budget and current dog happiness, if its high, NO. Your not a hoarder :) I think your great for wanting to take in the special need Dobie, and I KNOW you can handle it!
  21. Aonir

    Pet Abortion

    Although adoption is also a senstive subject, I've met 3 adopted people. All have great families. One's mother died(she was technically her grandmother though), another lives with her Aunt(adopted as Mother), and another I absolutely hate, but has a great life as well. It's rumored that adopted kids grow up much happier, although I'm not sure how true it is. I would love to adopt if I ever am unable to have a kid.
  22. Aonir

    dogue or cross

    Just because your dog is purebred, and has papers, and the puppies are purebred and have papaers, doesn't mean the pups won't be PTS. Most the dogs in pet shops have papers, and VERY few of them live to be 5. Research on the population problems. Research on the breed standard OVER and OVER again. If she doesn't seem to even make it as a show dog, the fact is she isn't breeding quality either.
  23. Aonir

    dogue or cross

    If she doesn't have papers, there is no way of telling. You also shouldn't breed if she doesn't meet up to breed standards. Re-consider breeding by going to a shelter and ask how many dogs are PTS daily. You'll be surprised of the number. Do you really want to add to the over-population problem?
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