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Who let the dogs out!?!?


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A little background to this story...

During the day while we're at work, we keep the dogs in a 10 x 10 run in the basement. Its basically an chainlink outdoor run set up inside.

Whoever get home first lets them out. When I get home first, I liked to get them all riled up by singing very loudly (and badly) "Who let the dogs out!?!? Who!? Who?! Who?! Who let the dogs out!?!?"

This gets them all hyper-excited, especially Zeke who starts howling and yipping and making all sorts of high pitched noises. Its really cute.

Anyhow, last Friday we're at the cottage watching South Park (Turd Sandwich vs. Giant Douche episode) when during the show they play about 15-20 seconds of "Who let the dogs out?!". Zeke, who was half asleep, suddenly jumps up, starts howling and yipping and runs over to me acting all sucky.

I turn to my wife and say "You think he recognizes the song?". He'd never heard before aside from my lame rendition. "We'll do an experiment tomorrow" I say.

So, on Saturday, I fire up the notebook and download a short clip of "Who let the dogs out" but don't play it yet. I first play 5 other songs, watching Zeke for a reaction - nothing. Doesn't even bat an eye.

Then I play the clip. By the word "the" in the first line "Who let the dogs out", Zeke has jumped up, come running to me crying and whining. I kept letting the clip play and he got so agited he tried to climb into my lap.

Then we tried a different tack and I sang a few refrains from some favorite songs - no reaction. "Who let the dogs out?!?" Zeke flips out again.

I was just amazed. He actually recognizes the song. I'm not sure what goes through his head when he hears it, but he acts the same way he does when I'm actually letting them out. Just thought it was neat.

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