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I hate petland....

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Well I've hated them for a long while now. But Kari decided to get the guinea pigs from there (I was mad at her for going there in the first place). I told her to go to the new Petco store that opened up across the street from my job. And she's been wanting a guinea pig for a while now, they're just too expensive, and Petco had them on sale for 10$, but ended up being sold out when she got there. Well petland sell the "teenage" guinea pigs for 10 bucks. And she bought two females, both pregnant. And they said they were just fat. Kari had one growing up, but couldn't remember how "fat they get". So she assumed the person was telling the truth. Now we have five babies and 2 mommies.

Today I finally decided to go over there and ***** them out for selling us pregnant animals. Kari was being smart in making sure they were both females so there were no accidents (like with my numerous hamsters). It's also that time of the month so I'm on that edgy ticked off mood, where you don't want to get in my way.
This is what that ***hole told me, well you could bring them back to us, we can replace them with two new babies (I got five, what the hell do I want with two new ones). Or bring the babies back and they'd sell them if they could eat on their own (which they are), or feed them to the snakes. He also said "we don't seperate the sexes and you just get to take your chance, and most customers are excited at having babies". Yeah it's great, but what the hell am I gonna do with 5 babies, and I sure as hell ain't bringing them back to you for you to make a 100$ profit off of them.

I'm pissed that Kari went there to begin with. But I'm also glad they weren't there to have the babies so they could get an extra 100-150$ pure profit from them. But why the hell can't they seperate the damn sexes. And directly across the street is a giant pet store (privately own and do exotic animals too), where they actually seperate the animals by sex and don't ever have "teenage" guinea pigs for sale. I'm so ticked off. I'm trying to think of a way to get my money back from them, and try to get free food. Guinea Pigs are like eating machines. All they do is eat and drink. And if I was home more often they'd eat even more. For now they get fed twice a day. And thankfully the boys are seperated so there are no more accidents.

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Guest Anonymous

Well I keep dwarf hamsters, and those are hard as heck to tell the sexes apart. Although I've noticed the females are a bit more aggressive than the males. And I've had males as fat as the female pregnant ones.

But guinea pigs are easy to tell apart. I can tell them apart now and they're only about a month old. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with the three boys. I don't mind keeping the two girls. It's just that I don't have the space for them. Nor the money since I still don't have a job. I've tried giving them away but no one wants one for free. And if they want it, they don't want to spend the money on the cages, food, water bottles, ect. And I don't feel right giving them away to a pet store for them to turn around a get 25$ or more for them. Either I'm gonna make the profit or make sure I give them to some one that'll be happy with it.

As far as petland... I never heard of them before they opened up here. There's not many around, but they are international.

And whatever happened to the small little pet shops that sold kittens and puppies that weren't purebred and didn't cost a fortune??
My mom bought me a c@t once at a little pet store (that's long been closed down) for about 20$ or so after mine had died. And I remember it was one of the coolest places to go to. But you can't ever find a place like that anymore.

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That's very odd that Petland won't take the babies back. When my daughter was looking for either mice or a rat they told us they were "pretty sure" the females weren't pregnant but they would reimburse us any expenses (food, bedding, etc.) if they were to have babies and they would definately take the babies from us if we wanted. Same is true with hamsters and gerbils. Our Petco also told us the same thing.

You should have spoke with a manager. Also if you were that upset and yelling they may have taken that into consideration. My Mom (and many other Mom's) have always said "You catch more flies with honey than vinager." It's very true.

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In the future try and stay away from buying any pet (except fish) from a petstore. Especially one that is not privately owned.

You should try and find the best place possible for these babies. Can you find a small independent pet store that would take them for you?

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Guest Anonymous

Well saltwater fish I actually get from Jawz, a very specialized salt water fish store that generally custom build aquairums and such. [url][/url]

My hamsters I got at a pet store that's right next to Gamestop. We used to know a few people that worked there that knew a thing or two about animals. It's also privatly owned, and we generally see the owners in the store. They have three locations. It's also where I got moogle from. She was free, I didn't pay for her because she has an eye problem. So you can't get after me for buying a petstore puppy.

And I like to shop at beverly's. Some one told me about it when I was at wal-mart once, and have gone to it since. It's also privatly owned with only two store. [url]http://www.beverlyspet.com/[/url] I've only ever bought fish and coral from there though. But I do like the fact that they have food by the pound, so I like to get it there.

But guinea pigs where on a whim thing. I really didn't expect Kari to get them. But she had just recieved a bonus check from work so she was all happy that she could afford it. The initial buy is more expensive than the food at first. But we could afford the extra 10$ a month to feed the two. And we already had pine shavings for the hamsters. Thankfully the new petco had big ol bails of it on sale for about 9$. They sure do like to poo and piss a whole lot. At the next grand opening I'll have to buy at least 2 or 3 to tie us over for a while.

And I did at first I was very polite but stern when I walked in. I asked the girl if I could speak with the manager. She asked me why, and I told her because I was upset that my two guinea pigs were both pregnant and that I have five babies to deal with. When he said, well you could bring them back, and we'd feed them to the snakes. That sent me over the hill. That's when I got real pissy with him. Nor did he ever offer any help in keeping them. I love all animals very much, and try my best to take care of every one I have. I want to make sure that the babies do end up in respectable homes with caring "parents".

My first animals were c@ts that lived outdoors, so all we did was feed them and give them attention. Then in high school I finally bought a 10gal tank. Which was my sole responsibility, and I took care of very well. Till I got plants with snails on them. Then went to Canada for four months leaving feeding duties to my aunt. My fish were alive, but overwhelmed by snails.
But now I care for every one of my animals and Kari just "tortures" them. She's about as bad a little kid when it comes to playing with the animals, and I'm always having to watch her and tell her to not do it. Occasionally she's good and will just pet them, she's not bad bad, just likes to be rough and I'm the very gentle kind. Although she always has to torcher the c@t no matter what (she doesn't like the c@t at all). Although after a heated arguement she finally agreed to do everything for the guinea pigs, give them water, food, a clean the cages. She still isn't great at it, but she doesn't give me lip when I tell her to fill the water bottles. And her idea of feeding is giving them a handful of hay. But she does work 45-50 hours a week, so I don't give her hell unless I'm in a bad mood. This also happened before I lost my job, so I had the responsibility of giving the c@t her food and water, walking, feeding, and giving the dog water, and making sure the hamsters had food, water, and clean bedding (all four cages) on top of a 15-20hr work week. So even though she had more work, I had more responsibility at home to deal with. And she was the one that wanted guinea pigs so badly to begin with.

I've also have never come across any other pet store that does not seperate the sexes. So I think it's completely irresponsible of petland to not seperate them, no matter how big or little the store/company is. Walk into a petsmart, every one of them has a cage for female animals and one for the males. I mean, bird I can understand, you generally can't tell them apart unless there's an apparent difference in the way they look. But if they're such pet experts, they should learn to tell the sexes apart and seperat them accordingly.

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Guest Anonymous

No one wants them. Even if we offer them for free.
And Kari works for the home depot, and she's practically asked every single person there, with no luck.

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[quote]And we already had pine shavings for the hamsters[/quote]

Pine shaving are extremely bad for small animals. They produce phenols that cause respiratory problems. Cedar is even worse. I use aspen shavings (only wood bedding that dosn't produce harmful phenols) or CareFresh small animal bedding for my hamsters and rats.

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[quote]And whatever happened to the small little pet shops that sold kittens and puppies that weren't purebred and didn't cost a fortune??
My mom bought me a c@t once at a little pet store (that's long been closed down) for about 20$ or so after mine had died. And I remember it was one of the coolest places to go to. But you can't ever find a place like that anymore.[/quote]
As cool as they are, the animals are still not from a breeder so it still isn't right. And their selling mixed breeds.. no-no.

I'm sorry about the guniea pigs! :( How horrible, now your stuck with five babies.. things like that happen all the time here. I once bought two "female" hamsters only to find out one of the "females" got the other one pregnant. :-?

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Guest Anonymous

Pine shavings too?? I heard about the cedar and have steered clear of it, but haven't heard anything of the pine, and that's what every pet store uses practically. I have tried the korn-kob bedding, that ball stuff with my long hair hamster cause the shavings would get matted in is fur. But that stuffs expensive, so I went with a larger shaving for him.
Well I already have a huge bail and I can't afford to change it to anything else till I run out. Although Teddy (the long hair hamster) is a year old, and I haven't had any problems with him.

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