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Puppy Schedule I've done up in my spare time...


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Well I don't know if i should call it spare time, I'm supposed to be doing uni work but the thought of a new puppy is sooo distracting!!! Little darlin isn't even born yet :wink:

So, in efforts to satiate my "thinking of puppy" cravings, I've done up a socialisation schedule - didn't work on the cravings, but thought I'd post it here to see what you all think!

Don't mind all the q's and funny symbols, I just copied it straight from a word document, it looks better in real life lol

9 Weeks Old
7th of August

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Good prep but as Kendalyn says its only human nature to bend schedules. Just be flexible with your new puppy and take things as they come, so that the pair of you can bond first then you can start training after that, but having a good bond is priority and the foundations of a good pet/working dog. All puppies develop at different rates both physically and mentally, which is why strict guidelines won't always work. Good luck and keep us posted! :wink:

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Thanks :D

I wont live and die by it, but it will give me a list so I can remember where I'm up to etc.

Mouse, I've looked in to puppy pre school, I have to ring them closer to the date as they can't tell me yet when they'll have classes starting and I'm not getting the puppy until August. I'll be getting a pup from a litter due in less than a week, so will be able to have pics for you all soon! :D

Kat, bonding will occur on the first few days where I won't be teaching anything other than to accept being walked on a lead, the first thing I will be "teaching" is pretty much rewarding the pup for looking at me, I figure this will tie in with bonding and will be a good foundation for future obedience etc, having a pup that thinks its great to look at you because it will get rewarded is a good thing, and if you can get it to do this from an early age (its not even really training so much as rewarding for a desired attention) it should be easier to train more complex things later in life such as agility. I believe being able to take food away from a dog (and of course, give it straight back!) is important for any dog to learn, and the sooner a pup learns this and realises it will get it STRAIGHT back, the better :wink: As for sit in the second week, well its something that everyone who meets it will probably tell it to do (everyone tells dogs to sit!) so if he learns it first he wont get confused when he's been told it 100 times and its introduced to him later! Also, its the first thing they teach in puppy pre school. As for "here", thats just something I can say when he is running towards me so he builds up an association with the word, then I can build on it later - nothing formal, just handy to start training at a young age for a strong association. As for the rest of the list, I'll do what I can, of course if he doesn't pick things up very quickly I will go more slowly, but over all they are all pretty simple tasks and he'll only be learning one or two new things a week, and with a couple of training sessions a day of a few minutes each I don't see why he wouldn't be able to pick up a couple of commands by the time he starts training!

I know you werent having a go at me Kat, but just thought I'd explain the first week so you can all see where I'm coming from :wink:

AussieLover, I'm getting a Whippet puppy - not exactly a typical "obedience" dog, which is why I want to try to get him focused on me from an early age! :angel:

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Nor can I!!! Can't wait for those first pics of mum and her babys.

What is the best page for photos? Since my web page has gone down I haven't been able to post any pics, I don't have most of them anymore anyway because I'm on a different computer that can't upload photos from my digi - but I do have a couple I'd like to post on occasion!!!

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