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Everything posted by mouseatthebusstop

  1. I cannot understand people moving and not taking a dog with them :cry:
  2. so sorry Kat- Zoe will be with the other dogo dogs at the bridge
  3. nice to see all those old names again BUT THIS IS ANOTHER OLD POST
  4. I can see them and they are very good -nice work
  5. [quote name='Rowie-the-Pooh']How do people manage to dig up these old threads anyway? :-?[/quote] google search
  6. I am so sorry- but glad Tina is ok
  7. I've signed I can't belive anyone could be so stupid
  8. you should have molked her before she was taken back home
  9. :shocked!: [size=7][color=blue]38 votes behind[/color][/size]
  10. our possative thoughts and prayers were answered it would have been a shock for him to get stolen he will be himself again in a day or two
  11. I would not let anyone pet sit for me who may let any of mine run loose especialy by a road
  12. I don't know how anyone can steal someone elses dog I hope you get him home safe and sound
  13. :cry: votes needed now we are 21 votes behind in second place
  14. phone the vet and ask if they will take a post dated cheque hope it all goes well
  15. 18 more votes needed to talke the lead -you can vote every 24 hours
  16. [img]http://skins.hotbar.com/skins/mailskins/img/Flower/Flowers_Rose_blooms_prv.gif[/img] I am very sorry to read your sad news- (((((hugs)))))) to you and your family to be strong
  17. Paddy didn't mind at all- he has not missed his - his recovery was fast too The next day he was back to normal I hope Riley does as-well
  18. more votes needed we are only second-and it's very close
  19. [img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0WgANAxQdWUeo*Q5ALVOQJz0XvuHwjdcaPP!NpJ8KG4scdYCO5PxI*cHpwuG!FJw7iW5BGJRgd!nocwpTFZopmsplkxhzmp7q94OwZtxe!*4EA4s0lcyDcWlJh5xcQsJnuR7GZQqN5R0/Pictureaa%20427.jpg?dc=4675530066485921819[/img] thanks for the birthday wishes for her- she's still a puppy to us- we gave her a new soft toy duck that quaks just like a real duck and a bag of pigs ears to share with paddy and gladis
  20. Happy First Birthday Tiggie- 9 July [img]http://skins.hotbar.com/skins/mailskins/img/030105/030105_aniMI16_prv.gif[/img]
  21. board out your daughter untill she finds somewhere else she is very wrong to tease your dog
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