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Anyone know how much Gravol you can give a dog?

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My mum's dog is flipping out. She is shaking so bad and salivating she is made so nervous by fireworks. My mum has given her a small amount of gravol before as it calms her but it isn't doing much to take the edge off. How much can she safely give her 10lb dog?

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My mom left the tv on and put her old plastic crate (door removed) beside the tv stand, closed all the windows and blinds and gave her a pet skullcap and valerian pill. She was still a nervous wreck but a bit better.

Kavik is freaked by fireworks too, he tries to scare them away by barking at them. I give him half a melatonin tablet and take him too the basement bedroom - works pretty well.

Polly - most people here are very knowledgable and educated pet owners. It is good you are concerned about animal welfare but you can probably assume we have checked to see that the products we are giving our dogs are safe. Vets of ok'd and even encouraged the use of people medicine for pets before especially things like - aspirin, gravol, melatonin, pepto bismal etc.

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I have used melatonin MANY MANY times during T-storms, does not make them sleepy or knock them out in any way. Just seems to help take the edge off of their fears and keep them more relaxed. It is possible that melatonin in a dog that was NOT excited or fearful might induce some sleepiness but is it not a sleeping pill per se.

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