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grooming shep mix


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Bongo, my 11 yo shep mix is shedding up a storm..... we brush and bathe and brush some more(with an undercoat rake), but still the hair comes out like crazy. Our summers have been gettting hottter the past two years and he gets miserable being so hairy and black to top it off. I have heard that you should not clip a breed with an undercoat, is this true or is there any type of clipping or shaving a bit that might help us and him out??
Thanks so much!

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have you tried a "zoom groom"?


i use one for my dogs and cats and it works really well. they are made of a soft, rubbery material that pulls out dead hair really well.

i have a dog with a double coat and i can remove most of his undercoat using this brush, so he is a lot more comfortable in hot weather. you might also want to look into feeding a diet with a higher protein and fat content or giving a fish oil supplement to help maintain coat and skin.

personally i wouldn't clip or shave a dog who isn't otherwise groomed regularly.

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Don't shave him!!! I'm not a groomer...yet :) but I've heard that with some dogs (not intended to be shaved) their hair never grows back at all or never grows back properly.
I bathe my German Shedder once a month and brush and blow dry her. It helps reduce shedding. I use an undercoat rake and curry brush - it's pretty much like the kong brush TDG mentioned.
The best way to solve your shedding problem...get use to it! LOL :lol:

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I would suggest brushing or at least running your hands over and through the coat in the shower or tub. This works for our lab/huskey cross because the wet fur clumps up a bit and comes out easier, also, it doesn't fly away when wet. If you load him up with conditioner first it may help, depending on fur type.
As for the oil supplement and dull dry coat:
Is his health fine?
What are you feeding him?

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the excessive shedding may well have to do with switching to a better food. so be patient and keep brushing.

it happens quite often that dogs blow a lot of coat when a higher quality diet is introduced and the new coat will grow in much denser and healthier. :)

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TDG - Thanks for that, that very well may be it, we fed a "cheapie" food for awhile :oops: then nutro natural choice for a month and now they are both on chicken soup.....
when I bathe him I have rubber gloves with rubber "nubs" on them to help get out the hair, and it definetely gets out a ton (I always joke I could make a new dog with all the hair left in the tub!) but it doesnt get better, theres always tons shedding

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I agree, you generally don't want to clip a double-coated dog.

If you can afford it, you could consider monthly grooming appointments; at least during shedding season. Be sure to find a groomer who uses a high-velocity dryer and understands that your main goal is to cut down on shedding hair. Many groomers offer regular programs designed to do this. A groomer with a good conditioner and a high-velocity dryer can get as much hair out in minutes as you can in hours, or even days, of brushing at home.

Or, if you have decent bathing facilities at home, you could consider buying a professional-quality high-velocity dryer; as well as a few tools like groomers use. You'd have to invest a fair amount of cash but in the long run it would be cheaper than going to the groomer.

Otherwise, continue to brush, and buy a shedding blade to add to your home routine. And yes, wet your dog down first and then comb/brush- you will get out much more hair.

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