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lawn care from puppy urination.

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

8 month old female pitbull terrier has been urinating on backyard lawn. Her urine is very toxic it has literally destroyed the lawn and earth. I have tried some chemical deterrent but she just sniffed it and then peed on it. Anyone have a suggesting that could help besides putting up a fence.

Thank you

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her urine isn't "toxic", it's just very rich in nitrogen - which acts as a fertilizer in moderate amounts, but burns the lawn in spots where it is too concentrated.

if you value your dog's health more than your lawn, do [i]not[/i] use any of those silly nutritional supplements that are advertised to keep your lawn green if you feed them to your dog. that stuff changes the PH level of your dog's urine and is basically an open invitation for all kinds of urinary tract problems - and in most cases it doesn't help your lawn either.

you basically have two realistic options:

(a) take a watering can or a hose and water the spot where she pees each time after she is done, to dilute the urine. this isn't a solution for lazy people tho.

(b) train your dog to pee in one specific spot and make it a place where you don't care if the lawn gets damaged.

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I have found with all my dogs that if fed dry food only, they tend to burn the lawn more. I have always fed mine a mix of dry and canned, and if I happen to have no canned I put water, and a little vegetable oil in the food.

the key here is the water. only water will dilute the nitrogen enough to make it not burn. Like suggested, a particular "pee place" will work too.

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K, I've been doing it for the past two months, and really have seen a decrease in the burning, but I also feed my dogs a raw diet, and that might be doing the trick too :-? .
In any case don't let my girl hear otherwise and we'll chalk it up to a placebo effect :lol: .

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Lol, thanks, the little man in the middle was a foster pup. I adored him to pieces, smart as all get out, extremely trainable (that pic was his first day with us, and first lesson!), and an all around lovepuppy :iloveyou: . He was adopted last Thursday, and him I truly miss :cry: him, but he went to a great home!

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[quote name='Horsefeathers!']Or you could just install a rock garden... over the entire yard. I'm seriously considering it. :o[/quote]
That is what I had to do with a portion of our yard. The whole things wasn't covered in grass thankfully so I just pulled up the lawn and put gravel over it and I thought they wouldn't like the gravel on their paw they don't care at all they have been pooping up a storm over there I have even seen one of two of them lying on it.

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