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Help with Rory


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As many of you know, we are fostering Rory, supposedly a Shepherd mix. At first, it was pretty much all sunshine and lollipops, things were good. Every now and then, we'd see Devil Dog come out and then she was well-behaved again. Kind of doing a Dr. Jekyll/Mr.Hyde thing.

Now, Kevin is at his wits end. We have had a solid week of misbehaviour from Miss Rory and was my fianc

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uh, DO? silly girl, you didnt post the thread.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you can tell me what she's doing, the general atmosphere at the time she nips, maybe I can help. they nip for lots of reasons, attention, teething, even reacting to being scolded. (A BIG NO NO in my opinion)

wolves nip each other in play, in correction, for many reasons. I'd need the situation to help you


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[quote]Here's my favorite thread on NILIF (it's on another board... sorry...I just love this training forum...). It's in deapth and couldn't explain things better. [/quote]
DO, thanks that was a really nice compliment :oops: , especially coming from someone who's pretty damm dog savvy herself :bigok: !

And we just covered mouthing and bite inhibition this week in this thread
[url]http://dogden.proboards21.com/index.cgi?board=Aggression&action=display&thread=1113946308[/url], but feel free to pop in and ask for some specifics!

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='pwrpufgirlz']ML, I'm having some of the same issues with Gunther. He more like, mouths, when he wants to play (when we are walking in the backyard he will dance besides and try to grab my arm), or if we are throwing something for him, he will jump up at it and get my arm, not actually biting down or anything, but it's not a good habit that's for sure![/quote]

Rory does almost the same thing. If she is excited or nervous, she begins to nip. I don't like it [u]at all[/u]. The other day she was playing around with Steph and she had a kong in her hand, Rory tried to nip her hand to get the kong from her. It's just unacceptable. Thanks for your reply.

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[quote name='DivineOblivion19'][color=indigo]Are you doing NILIF with her? That would be ther best place to start! Basically she will have to work for everything. It may be wise to put her on a leash and keep her with you so that you can correct "bad" behavior right away. [url=http://dogden.proboards21.com/index.cgi?board=articles&action=display&thread=1079736429]Here's[/url] my favorite thread on NILIF (it's on another board... sorry...I just love this training forum...:oops:). It's in deapth and couldn't explain things better.[/color] :wink:[/quote]

I actually previously tried to join that board. Unfortunately, as soon as I started reading it or replying, my browser quits. It's weird. I get extremely frustrated! Though, I really would love to hear more about NILIF. People have mentioned it here but I'm not sure I fully understand the concept.

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[quote name='Canis erectus']She could also be herding you. Some dogs, such as Heelers, are notorious for that, Though I don't know the solution for that particular problem. Probably extra excercise and/or a job to do.[/quote]

I definitely see where you're coming from. Rory is walked about once a day and she usually goes to the park for a romp to. K sometimes gets 3 walks a day, but only because she is better behaved than Rory on a leash.

K just goes with the flow now. She sniffs the other two dogs I'm walking and goes about her business. Rory has to always be unique. She'll pull me one way while the other two are pulling the other way. It's difficult to take her on seperate walks. If I have a slow day, she will get about two walks and a romp.

What other forms of exercise would you suggest?

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I dont know if you ever got the link open, but if not hope this helps.

NILIF is Nothiing In Life Is Free...its pack rules with a human twist. your dog needs to earn everything, no freebies...

for anything he wants/needs, including meals, walks or games, he has to do something for it. Start simple, with a sit. then a stay, etc. he does NOT get the intended meal, walk, playtime until he obeys. EVERY TIME.
you cant do this occasionally, it has to be every time, or it wont work.

you're teaching the dog that YOU are the boss, no matter what, and if he wants something has to please you first. when he nips, turn your head and YELP loudly, then dont look at him. resist looking at him at all, just turn your back, and walk away. he will get that confused look on his face, may even tilt his head, and follow you. let him stew for a couple minutes, then turn around and command him to do something. when he does, reward him. if he doesnt, walk away again. again without looking at him.

this takes some time (the nipping part, the NILIF should be instituted immediately, and followed explicitely) but he will learn.

good luck


p.s. Kevin has to do this as well

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