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Australia's most dumped, aggressive & barkiest dog breed


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Well, anyone who love's dogs, hates Don Bourke, however, I think the general idea of the latest research he has done for his show in conjunction with the RSPCA has some good behind it. However, I do believe his summary is way off, instead of consentrating on dissing the breeds, he should be pointing out how to spot a responsible breeder.

Anyway, here is the link - Maltese lovers, you may not want to hear the truth! :o


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:x :x :x That was the biggest load of crap I have ever read. Why can't that man stick to plants and leave talking about animals well alone as he obviously has no idea!!

[quote]The aim of the exercise was to ascertain a satisfaction rating for each breed. The presumption was that loved or good dogs are less likely to be surrendered to the RSPCA[/quote]

Bull!! Most dogs are dumped due to their selfish, lazy and ignorant owners.

[quote]Without doubt the survey indicates that the Maltese is Australia

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Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't agree with what he said. I was in a bit of a rush when I posted that, what I did think was good is that I enjoyed seeing the research on what breeds are dumped and why they are dumped. If I was watching that and I was concidering to breed one of those top ten dumped breeds I would be able to say "no" to myself, and to tell people that if they want that breed of dog to get one from the pound. As whippets are in the bottom ten that doesn't affect me so much!

His attitude really pissed me off though, it was on a money savers episode, saying that if you want to SAVE MONEY to get a particular dog breed!!! NOTHING about loving what you've got, rescueing from the pound, or socialising your dog so it doesn't turn out like that, let alone researching lines and breeders before you buy so you're not dissapointed by a dog with in bred aggression etc. :roll:

Pretty slack if you ask me :agrue:

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he also favors shoo-doodle mixes (I made that name up - it sorta covers all of them) and for a while was pushing them on his show.

[quote]Two other breeds, the Finnish Spitz and the Foxhound also had extremely high dumpage rates. We left them off our most-dumped list due to their very low overall numbers (4 and 11 respectively) which render the statistics questionable. Nonetheless, these breeds remain suspect.

this made me sad, as well as the bit about basset hounds being too noisy.
Foxhounds and Bassets are HOUNDS. If people did their research, they would realize that they dont bark, they BAY, and its an annoying ear- splitting sound. Laurels bay will drive you up the wall sometimes. The command to shut up (or be silent, or whatever) seems to have no effect.
They get "whiff" of something, and they are going to alert you to it. same with Bassetts. I have found the way to stop it is to pretend to investigate.
After all, the bay is only the dogs way of "calling you"...."I found it! Look! Look! I found it!!" It's not an alert so much, like a bark, but a request to come check out what they've found....I'd bet the people that bought/adopted them never realized how much patience you have to put into a hound....I also bet they never bothered to check. Both are really cute as puppies, of course.

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The thing is, Don Burke did not do any research whatsoever. He got a list from the RSPCA who are notoriously bad at identifying breeds in any case.

Research would be to get information from all pounds, shelters and rescuers.

Chances are the list would mostly consist of the cross bred puppy mill dogs he has been promoting for so many years.

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I was just thinking about it before, about how horribly WRONG these stats probably are! Just stop and think about it, most of the top ten breeds are subject to puppy millers and being crossed with other breeds. How many dogs in the stats were actually registered? Probably not many, that means for every 100 registered maltese there are probably at least 500 maltese and maltese crosses that are born and pass off as a maltese. Do the math, if just 10% of these crosses or unregistered malts get dumped that makes 50% of registered malts "dumped", well according to HIS maths anyway! The westie on the other hand, most of them are pure breds and registered, of those pure bred, registered dogs but one has been dumped in the past year, not so much because of the dog, but because the breed isn't in the wrong hands, yet, though unfortunately they will be more as millers have seen the show and get it in their heads that thats where the money is now. Unfortunately whippets were also on the list, I will go mental (trust me, you wont want to be anywhere within 10kms of me) if I see a splurge of ill bred whippets because that dickhead has got it into peoples heads to buy that breed if you want to "save money" - people who buy pets on a budget are the most likely to end up dumping them :evil:

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