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puppy vomiting and diarrhea, what to feed


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So I had to bring Hunter to the vets this A.M. because hes been vomiting and diarrhea since last night. She took xrays, no blockages, and the stool sample was normal, so she gave us Metronidazole to give him and said to put him on a bland diet for a few days, rice mixed with baby food for flavor. I had read on another post somewhere that pumpkin was good for diarrhea but he threw that up, and I recall reading something else to give but I cant remember what it is, yogurt seems to ring a bell. Any suggestions?

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i would fast the dog for 24 hours, giving nothing but water. this will give his digestive system a rest where it doesn't have to divide resources between digesting food and healing. don't be afraid to do this, it won't hurt your dog.

pumpkin is good for diarrhea, but diarrhea happens at the "rear end", and you have to deal with the "front end" (keeping food down) first.

after the fast, start with small amounts of food several times a day. cultured, plain yogurt is good (some common brands that contain all the important, beneficial, live bacteria are brown cow, stonyfield farm and horizon organic) and also small amount of rice or oatmeal, cooked to mush.

go easy on this and gauge reactions. i once had a dane pup who had to live on oatmeal and yogurt for about 3 weeks until he was able to tolerate normal food again. the probiotic bacteria in the yogurt are really, really important, so don't buy mainstream products that don't have any or not all of the live cultures. if you can't find this kind of yogurt, buy whatever plain yogurt you can find and a good, human grade probiotic supplement.

once your dog is able to keep food down again, slowly start on the pumpkin if it is still needed. you don't need to give a whole lot, one teaspoon per 30-40 lbs of body weight per meal is often enough already.

hope this helps. :)

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generally, even puppies can be fasted, but it depends on the age and they need a little bit of nutrical or honey to keep blood sugar levels under control.

the only situation where i'd completely advise against a fast is very young puppies, toy breeds and animals suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia.

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Yay, Hunters feeling much better now. The only thing I can think of that might have upset his tummy so bad was a new treat we got for him called "Scooby Snacks". My youngest son is a big fan of Scooby Doo and thought they were the coolest thing ever. He only had 2, but after he got sick I read the ingredients (lesson learned!) and theyre made with some really nasty sounding stuff including plasma (is that normal in dog stuff?) and dyes. Yuck, that wouldve made me sick too.

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ugh scooby snacks are nasty. :(

your dog would be better off with a slice of human grade salami or lunch meat or even a few of those little animal-shaped baby crackers than with that kind of garbage.

it's really sad how so many manufacturers of poor quality pet products are deceiving customers. :(

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I guess I'm a little late... but one good thing to do is give Pedialyte. It's a baby/toddler liquid that helps with dehydration. It's very important to keep a puppy hydrated while they are ill with digestive problems.

Glad he's feeling better though. :) And stay away from those nasty snacks. LOL

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yeah, thats another thing I was wondering about, if I could give pedialyte or gatorade or something to that nature like I did for my kids when they were babies and sick. Its funny how with my children I knew exactly what to do for them, but with my four legged one I just feel so clueless sometimes. Thank God for the internet, Ive learned more about raising a puppy than I ever thought I needed to know

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