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Is this an inconsistancy?

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I let Web rest his head on the table when we eat, as long as his tounge (sp?) doesn't come creeping out. Or unless he tries to take food (which he doesn't anymore). If need be I can tell him to lie down and he'll lie until I tell him he is free to go. But is letting him put his head on the table somehow being inconsistent and sending double messages that its ok to pick trash out of the trashcan...? :-?

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Guest Anonymous

I personally would not let my dog have their head on teh table when i eat. that is begging for food in my eyes... My dogs are put in a lay down/stay while we eat. they are under neath the table laying down, but we can't see them, and they aren't beggin for food. The second one of htem moves and tries to beg, in the kennel they go!!

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Yeah I know lots of people don't like begging, but personally I think its rather cute and enjoy having him there. Its easy to slip him my vegetables, which he glady eats! :lol: And everyone in my family thinks its nice to have him there too. :) So thats not an issue. And if people come for dinner (well, depending on who it is :wink:) he lies down and is fine with that. But last night I went to someones house and got chewed out about how its "not fair to Web" and "being inconsistent" and "see!?" when he grabbed something out of the trashcan (this was before dinner had started and he was walking around the house, once we started eating I asked him to lie down which he did). I thought that seemed a bit strange that his head on the table would have anything to do with the trashcan...

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[color=darkred]Nea it is possible.....some dogs will try to eat anything if given the chance and i honestly do think that allowing them to rest there head on the table, given titbits from your hand etc can course this behaviour.
Have you tried feeding him after you have eaten ? .....maybe he won't beg has he knows he will be fed next. Our three are fed this way..and it is always put in there food bowl never from the hand.


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I think it's not wrong unless you don't like it. If you can live with it do what you want. I think this because I let my cairn terrier Toto sit at the table. :oops: He doesn't eat off the table in fact he isn't allowed to even put one body part on the table. But he likes to sit there and watch us eat. We don't feed him he knows he eats his food out of his bowl on the floor.

This actually started when we were playing board games he didn't like to be left out so he would cry to be let up on my lap. Well I frankly got sick of holding him while trying to play. So I put him in the seat next to me. He has always been very curious about everything that we do. If there is any activity going on he must watch and try to be apart of it. So I thought why not if it entertains him. Now at dinnertime you can see the whole family around the table with one little cairn terrier sitting there very quietly watching us eat.

Oh and none of the other dogs are allowed to do this he is the only one that will behave himself. :lol:

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It doesn't sound like you are sending mixed messages as its a form of stealing and is the same type of thing as when he would lift something from another room/on street. As for his head on the table, I would really tend to discourage my own dogs doing that as the drool is too much :lol: , but if you and your parents are ok with it then whatever you feel is right, go with that. :wink:

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Cairn6, do you have any pictures of Toto at the table? It must look very cute! :lol:

Web doesn't whine, or bark, or anything- he knows that doesn't get him tidbits, he may only use his eyes to beg. I'm glad it isn't bad to let him rest his head on the table, partly because I like it and partly because I [u]hate[/u] being judged by people. And its nice if they aren't right... Not that I'd take their "advice" anyway. :x
As for drooling, he only does that when he's waiting for his food. When I was gone evidently my brother taught him to do that. He wouldn't let poor ol' Webster go to his foodbowl before he drooled! So now the puppy sits there with puddles forming at his feet... :roll:

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You know I don't but I should take one. :lol: And your right it's not wrong at all. When it comes to things in your daily life with your dog it's up to you what you find exceptable. If it doesn't bother you that fido eats on one end of your sandwich and your eating on the other it's your business. We just if we go to someone else's home we have to abide by their rules I seriously doubt anyone I visit with Toto would appreciate him sitting at the table. :lol: I think it's cute that your dog puts his head on the table though and he would be perfectly welcome to do so at my house. Of course I suppose all those non dog lovers would think we suffer from the same mental illness. :lol:

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I can see how being at the table can instigate 'trash sniping' from Web, espescially since you're feeding him people food at the table. We all know how much dog's love people food of most any kind, and what is your average trashcan full of? Yes, that's right, people food.

I don't have any qualms about 'begging' dogs, unless they're staring right at me, watching every little morsel my fork picks up and puts down my neck, drooling the whole time. It's not uncommon for my girls to be milling about underneath me as I eat, or to have one of them rest their head in my lap on occaision with those big hopeful eyes. If they get overly obnoxious I can just tell them go away and I won't see them for a good ten minutes or so.
However, one thing that I NEVER do is give them people food. They can nab the little bitty scraps that fall to the floor, but otherwise people food is off-limits. As a result (or as I'd like to think is as a result) the only trash-pilfering problem that I have is of them swiping kleenexes out of the bathroom trash, or the occaisional diaper, but never 'food trash'.

Ah, well that's my thoughts for what it's worth.

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