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Asim's Vet Visit

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Ro had to take Asim to the vet yesterday because his face was breaking out and he has a terrible (sp) rash on his belly near his penis. The vet say the face is an infection from tapping is face and neck on his food bowl while eating and rubbing his face across the sofa and rugs. The rash is an allergic reaction to Febreeze and Arm n Hammer carpert stuff. The rash I can understand by the infection? Has anyone heard of that? He is on antibiotics. My poor baby.

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[quote name='xavierandrea']Ro had to take Asim to the vet yesterday because his face was breaking out and he has a terrible (sp) rash on his belly near his penis. The vet say the face is an infection from tapping is face and neck on his food bowl while eating and rubbing his face across the sofa and rugs. The rash is an allergic reaction to Febreeze and Arm n Hammer carpert stuff. The rash I can understand by the infection? Has anyone heard of that? He is on antibiotics. My poor baby.[/quote]

[color=darkred]What is the rash like, is it black or red, like sores on his belly ?
Charlie had this quite bad a few years ago and it was due to flea bites.[/color]

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Guest Anonymous

aww poor guy!! I hope he is feeling better soon..

never herd of it being from the food dish though.. we feed from metal bowls

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some dogs are allergic severely to the chemicals in carpet cleaning and furniture cleaning products. Same as people. I cant be anywhere near Febreeze...

when I had carpet, I cleaned it with baking soda and seltzer water. I would spray the seltzer on the carpet, then sprinkle baking soda. Let it all dry and vacuum it up. also, spreading baking soda on the furniture, letting it sit for a while and vacuuming gets rid of odors. Febreeze is easier, but I cant tolerate it.


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I would definitely recommend stainless steel bowls if the infection is around the muzzle area, and if your dog is a very messy eater ( some are more messier than others) then it doesn't harm just to wipe over his muzzle afterwords with a sponge. Dogs with wrinkles around their muzzle are especially prone to facial bacterial infections compared to dog breeds that have smoother longer snouts. Hope Asim is feeling better soon. :wink:

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Sorry I didn't respond sooner. We used the stainless steel bowls for all our guys but I must admit it do not know when was the last time I washed them. I will start from now on. Someone asked if the face looks like what he has on his belly and the answer is no. His belly is red and looks just like a rash he is always licking it... His face looks like :hmmmm: umm big open sores the size of a small coin with puss comming out of it. YUCK..... He seems to be taking his meds pretty well. He has to be on it for 3 weeks. I'll keep everyone informed.

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