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TOO funny....


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So Laurel is making me crazy today. She keeps jumping up on the chair,
licking my face, and when I get up she goes straight to the kitchen and stares at the counter. There is a bunch of stuff on the counter, and she's been fed already, so I keep telling her to lay down, and she keeps going back into the kitchen, with Freebee in tow.....Both of them stare at the counter...Laurel whines....

I let them out. No good. I give them each a biscuit, no good. Still staring at the counter. Finally, Laurel jumps up and puts her paws on the counter and whines. She's not allowed to countersurf, and I almost yelled at her, till she started scrabbling for something....

I look where she is scrabbling, and there, behind the toaster, are two new unchewed rawhide bones....I put the rawhide up when I;m not here, for safety reasons, and these two somehow fell behind the toaster. They are all out otherwise, and I was going to get some more today.

Now for the funny part....I pull both out, and hand one to Laurel (since she's making the stink over them) and she proceeds to drop it at FREEBEE's feet, and then comes back for the other. Freebee picks it up, goes to the living room and lays down to chew. Laurel takes hers under the desk, lays down but doesnt chew it....

They CRACK ME UP....Freebee tells me when Laurel needs to go out, Laurel tells me when Freebee wants to chew....HOW DO THEY KNOW THESE THINGS????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest Anonymous

I swear I'd love to be able to read dogs minds. All of our dogs know exactly where everything thing is kept. The cookies are kept in a closed china cabinet and they are always over there sniffing at it. The rawhide bones are kept in a plastic container and they are so funny sniffing and scratching at it. Dogs know what they want and when they want it! :lol:

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