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Do dogs get warts?

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Deja has a bump on her head, has for a few weeks. It never worried me before, but now the hair has fallen off of it. We are going to the vet this weekend to have it looked at but, I was curious if anyone had any idea of what it could be. its looks like a wart to me. IT boterhs me that the hair fell off of it and I wonder if people wart remover works on dogs....

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As far as I know, dogs don't get warts. And for sure don't use wart remover on it, the OTC wart removers are a form of salycytic acid, that'll possibly make some more hair fall out :o . Is it the only bump she has? How big is it? Feel soft and fluid filled or hard and scaly? It could be pyoderma, a common bacterial skin infection, just off the top of my head.

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Dogs certainly do get warts, also called 'cutaneous papillomas,' thesae occur most commonly in young dogs. Many are thought to result from an infection with a certain virus called 'pavavirus' (not parvovirus). They usually occur on the dog's face including the lips, tongue, inside of the mouth, and eyelids. The warts are generally light colored and have a cauliflower-like appearance.

Warts caused by viruses are usually benign and will generally go away by themselves in several weeks or months. Therefore, treatment is generally withheld. If, however, the warts are interfering with eating or become very large, they can be removed. Generally, cryosurgery (freezing the tissue) is the method of choice.

I would wait until you have your dog looked over by your vet...don't try to treat them at home yourself.

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Guest Anonymous

Of course I would never do the treatment myself, but a friend asked me the wart remover wuestion and I had never thought it and was just curious. I hope it is something very small, being that deja is a blue dog it could very easily be a skin irritation or something similar. i guess we will see friday.

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Floyd, my niece's Blue Staffie has a wart on his head and one on his back. The vets kept giving her cream and anitbiotics but he still has them.

She's changed her vets now and they've told her they will probably clear up as he gets older. I remember when I was younger I had them all over one hand then they just disappeared over time.

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