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Dog Age


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This website is kind of fun. It tells you how old your dog is in human years! It is pretty long though, so don't do it unless you have about 10 minutes to spare.


It said Buck is 11.9 years old. He's about 2 in dog years. It said that was about 4 years younger than the average dog age for Buck's size and "breed".

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I did that test and I can't believe how accurate it is!! And I am going to take the advice I got from there to help Ben and Bella!
The exersice I can't do right yet, but hopefully as soon as the snow melts.

According to that test Ben's dogAge is 15.3! That's 0,3 year younger then the average DogAge for Ben's breed. And Bella's DogAge is 4,3! That's 1,6 years younger then the average DogAge for bella's breed!
If I get more and regular exersize, regular feedings (right now the bowl is there 24/7 and more time training, Ben's and Bella's dog year should decrease. Oh, and I should allso get Ben on light food.
I already orderd a few test bags of the light food from the company to see if Ben can eat it or not (with his allergies) so that I don't have to buy a whole bag that he might be able to eat just little of.

I'm very pleased with that and sent the link to everyone I know!

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i didn't like that test very much. :(

- the page to pick a similar type of mixed breed dog doesn't have enough variety. it would be more accurate to let people pick 2 or more breeds from a text list.

- the questionnaire on vaccinations suggests that the more vaccinations a dog has, the better. i am vehemently against over-vaccinating and avoid unnecessary vaccines as much as i can. what's the point to vax for rabies every year when the shot is good for 3 years, or to give heartworm prevention when it's not required? and no, lyme disease and bordetella vax are not necessary everywhere - and if it's not necessary i don't risk giving it.

- the questionnaire on feeding has the options "always", "sometimes", "hardly ever" and "never", but something along the lines like "mostly" or another happy medium between "always" and "sometimes" is missing.

- i wouldn't consider Pro Plan, ONE, Hill's Science Diet or Iams "super premium foods" and Dog Chow, Pedigree and Kibbles 'n Bits aren't "premium" either. true quality foods like Innova, Solid Gold, Wellness, Canidae etc. aren't even mentioned.

- the "what kind of people food" section is missing a lot of good things that is okay for dogs to eat.

- "what does __ chew on between meals" doesn't list raw bones. pretty much everyone should know that it isn't safe to feed cooked bones.

- the section on car rides doesn't mention dog seat belts as an alternative to a carrier.

while the result is somewhat accurate, i do not appreciate being told that i have "poor feeding practices" and "missing vaccines". i am told to provide teeth-cleaning chew bones. what's better for that than a nice, fresh lamb shank or knuckle bone - which i wasn't allowed to mention? :p definitely not the chew bones you can buy at the grocery store.

sooo...nice test in general, but too biased towards what the mainstream dog food manufacturing giants want you to believe.

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I wonder why you have to be 18? That's kind of weird.

I did Kody (my standard poodle who died a year a half ago at 10) I'm still really bitter at the vet about the way he died. The test said he was 50 which was 5 years younger than the average. Then why did he die?? Maybe I should redo it and say he had cancer because there was some question about that.

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