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butchered tail


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Aaaaargh!! Its time for my weekly rant (geez I seem to be doing this a LOT lately)...
I know tail docking is one of those really sticky issues , and this will probably add fuel to the anti-docking contingent BUT I have to let off steam...and get some advice.
First off,I don't have a problem with tail docking...as long as its done CORRECTLY and as humanely as possible(by someone with [i]experience[/i] and [i]knowledge[/i]). That said, I just got back from the vet with Loki...he has always had some scarring and a little bald patch at the end of his tail stump,and every once in awhile it seems to bother him and he digs at it. This morning,in a particularily rowdy "tug of war" session,the rope slipped out of Hubby's hands and Loki went reeling back and bumped his hind end on the wall...SCREAMED..and went tearing out of the room....there was blood on the wall, and when I managed to catch Loki and check him out, the BONE was sticking out the end of his stub. :(
Took him to my vet and they patched him up (I feel so bad for him!!) But the vet said that by the look of the dock job ("butchering" was the exact term he used),in his opinion the tail was probably done by an inexperienced person....cut WAYYY too close to the knuckle with not enough skin left to heal over the stub properly,and it probably wasn't stitched shut. He also said that judging by the scarring at the end of his stub this probably isn't the first time this has happened to him (bone breaking thru) and he will probably always have problems with his tail "splitting"....our only other option would be to have the vet re-dock the tail,and shave the bone down a bit (he's not [i]recommending[/i] this procedure,but it [i]is[/i] an option for us)...either way it will cause a lot of pain and discomfort to my baby...if we leave it and let it heal over, there's a risk it will happen again..but if we choose to have the vet remove more of the tail bone its will cause him even more pain than he's already in and the recovery time will be longer :(.Has anyone else had this experience???? Any input or advice on what I should do would be very welcome.I don't want my boy to go thru more discomfort than he already has,but I also want to do whats best for him..
I can't stand milling and backyard breeding to begin with, and this experience just makes me even [b]more[/b] angry :x

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Lyn, so sorry to hear about Loki's tail troubles! How old is Loki? Just my thoughts, if he's a youngster, perhaps redocking the tail would be kinder in the long run? If he has many many years ahead of re-injuring his poor tail along with the possibilities of infection could cause far more pain over all. Redocking will certainly cause some pain but with proper pain meds and time it should heal properly for him. Just my thoughts, don't know all the ins and outs of tail docking, hope a solution is found for you and Loki.

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I think i would consider having that bit of bone removed,
yes re docked by the vet, it may be uncomfortable for a while but in the end should help.......

Thought 2
Try dipping the end in surgical spirit every day, i know that lots of people in wolfhounds do this to harden the skin and help stop cracking and splitting.
Good luck.
Let us all know what you decide to do

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I know that I'm a novice at this dog stuff, but when I have to make a decision like this for some creature other than myself I try to put myself in the creature's place. If my tail had been poorly docked would I rather have more pain up front and less pain later or just take the risk of less pain now and take the chance that the later pain will never happen. Sorry to hear about your troubles, hope things get better soon.

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Thanks everyone,for your input and support :D Now that I've had the whole day to mull it over,read your feedback,and watch Loki,I am in complete agreement with all of you.The best thing for him would be to have the tail re docked properly.I would hate to have to see him go thru all of this again...it is pitiful...everytime he tries to sit,his stub is just long enough that it rubs against the floor,and he yelps and jumps up.I feel awful for him......I trained him to sit when he's waiting for his dish to be put down at dinner,or his leash to be put on, and even though it hurts him he's so eager to please that he still tries :(
He seems pretty comfy right now though...sprawled on my bed...I couldn't say no to him,he's had such a rough day :wink:
I will call the vet tomorrow to schedule an appt for the docking....its funny,if it had been anyone else asking this question about their dog,I would have given them the same advice you all gave me....its just so much harder to see the "right" thing to do when its your own baby :-?
Thanks again... :fadein:

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I'm sorry,Carol!...to answer your question,he is between 18 and 24 months (he was a rescue so we're not EXACTLY sure),so you're right....he does have a lot of years ahead of him...not to mention he's a VERY active dog,so the tail would probably end up damaged frequently if it isn't fixed :-?

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AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW..................that's so sad!

When I heard his BONE came out I was like:

OUCH! I almost choked on the glass of water I was drinking....

It's really sad to see a dog go thru that! :cry:

ESPECIALLY a doggie like Loki....gosh, I looked at his pic, and I'm like...awww the poor baby.... :cry:


I think the best option would be to dock.....as long as (as you said) it's done humanely.....and with a good vet...Loki will be fine :wink:

Best wishes, and hope al goes well with you and Loki :wink:

BTW: Rowie told me to tell u that she hopes Loki gets better soon and she sends hima big sloppey saliva filled 100% Golden Retriever Kiss :D

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Awww...thanks Rowie :wink:

Just to keep you all updated,Loki seems to be feeling much better...he doesn't flinch as much when you touch near his tail.His operation is scheduled...unfortunately my vet is out of town for a couple of weeks so it won't be done til the end of October...BUT at least it will be done and over with,and I'll keep my fingers crossed that he has no more problems with it. Of course by then, he'll be so accustomed to the spoiling he's been getting from everyone,he'll probably go LOOKING for ways to hurt himself, just to get the extra treats and attention :roll: :lol:

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