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Everything posted by Daisysmom

  1. I called the SPCA and they think it is a regional thing. You would have to call the individual township and ask. She said in VA, it is 4. I guess she used to live there.
  2. I have three, and will do a little research on it. I'll get back to ya.
  3. I thought Natural Balance was made by Royal Canin. That's the holistic food, right? I feed Jake that, but there are a couple out there with similar names :roll:
  4. RIP sweet Bo, so sorry Mary's Mama :cry:
  5. [size=6][color=red][b]Happy Birthday BK!![/b][/color][/size][img]http://us.greet1.yimg.com/img.greetings.yahoo.com/g/img/corbis1/htr019.jpg[/img]
  6. I also feed my dogs whole, raw eggs (shell and all) and yogurt. Never had a problem.
  7. Yeah, that was just my legal training kicking in.... but my heart wouldn't think like that if it were really happening.
  8. We could all learn a lesson or two :roll:
  9. Oh good!! I have been thinking of him all day!!! So he was on a big adventure :nono: :nono:
  10. Well, you should know that we would all agree with ya :lol: you should find the post that has the poem about these are my dogs, this is their home, from which we hope they never roam..... I have it on my fridge. Hang it up and it will send the message for you :wink:
  11. Wow, that's a hard one. Do you have any family members that would be able to help? Or how about contacting your local shelter, maybe they would be able to offer some suggestions. My first thoughts were to just introduce children to the dog from a distance, while the dog is on a lead. They little by little have the child interact with the dog. Good luck!
  12. Just thinking about more, I would probably break the window too.... :roll:
  13. I think I would have the authorities break the window, with people today, it would be my luck that they would sue me. (I would do all it would take to get somebody there quick!!)
  14. [quote]Just remember when they are swimming to keep an eye out for catfish!!! [/quote] LOL!!!! :lol:
  15. [quote]it's a lab thing I think[/quote] I think so too!!! :lol:
  16. [img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TwANGaQWf3eTH2LmyvLGswxHrXe1DVWrQEUoEbvoNA7FsSxhILZUrvXueHoJXSUotaDRh1yfUjYpng669LYiFI9jR0KB0D6wSc3WdRtt9Dpeut1kV*aWTA/Dogs%20at%20park_0923.JPG?dc=4675432054569397957[/img] This is the way to cool off on a hot day!!! Took the babies to the park today and they had a ball!!! Jake just dives in right after Chelsea! [img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TwAQA6oW1niTH2LmyvLGswxHrXe1DVWrQN7bNcYUu7IHQ3JiJH*rQMnfywg3XC4gvJVs3J3D*c!aQQThlS5qyZy8VR0yjZ7NHjkuvJrVBLf8MfoPNF!CGA/Dogs%20at%20park_0938.JPG?dc=4675432054807218250[/img] Here's one of Jake I just had to include!! - Has nothing to do with swimming, but isn't he soooooooooo cute?? :lol:
  17. Oh no!! Sending all my positive thoughts your way!!!! Good luck, I hope everything turns out well and he is just on a great adventure!!
  18. Oh, they look soooooo snuggley :angel:
  19. Geeze, lizzie. Did he pay by check? I would still turn him in :evil: , or at least fling a couple of maggots his way :o
  20. Daisy got these symptoms after eating socks and rawhide. She has IBS and was tested for Giardia. I finally took her to a homopathic vet who told me to feed her a raw diet w/bones and it has really helped a lot!!!! If you have questions about it, feel free to ask. It really has made a difference in Daisy, and I was sooooo against raw before :wink:
  21. We will all be thinking of you on Monday :cry:
  22. [size=6][b][color=blue]Oh, Congratulations!!!!!! [/color][/b][/size] :beerchug: [b][color=red]Can't wait to see more pictures!!![/color][/b] :lol:
  23. Now my vet said 6 months for Jake :confused1: So to me, it's a little early :roll: K, don't worry she will be just fine, they perform so many of these operations, they are experts.
  24. Geeze, those our my kids names.... pick up your mess DAMNIT and who left those dishes in the sink DAMNIT :lol:
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