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I am rethinking what breed I should get. I dont think I can handle the exersize requerments. I am not a very active person. I would like a smaller dog, anything below 20lbs. one that is ok with kids. grooming dosent bother me and neither does shedding. my guy said no labs, goldens, beagles or poodles. I really like the toy breeds. I am looking at the pom and maltese. I would never leave the dog and my son alone. thanks guys

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I also like chihuahuas, but the soft spot (cant think of what its called, starts with an M) would have me worried. I also love italian greyhounds, but there legs break so easilly, and they have that death scream lol. dont think I could deal with that lol

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look into the pom, definitely! we have one, she is 11. they live a long time, are decent watchdogs, and can get the exercise they need in the house. they do require quite a bit of grooming, however, and puppies are notoriously difficult to house train. they can get along well with other pets but do not realize how small they are which can get them into trouble with bigger dogs. they are not really a kid's playmate, but a great lap dog. there are a TON in rescue for some reason. Again, best of luck!

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I'm not sure where the idea that Poms are hard to housetrain came from- both of mine were relatively easy, and all the folks I know who have them have not had problems. Cricket rings a bell to go out, and has been mistake free since she was about 8 months old. It could be the stubborness, they definitely can be stubborn, but as long as they have a firm, consistent training regimen, you should be OK.

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there is a animal shelter near me, well one is 1/2 an hour away, one is an hour away, and another is also a 1/2 an hour away. and I keep checking them on pet finder, but all they have is labs, german sheperds, goldens and such. I have found some I was interested in, but since we havent gotten our loan to buy our house yet we cant get one yet. we live in a no dog or cat building right now. and the dogs I liked were in other states like texas and such.

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I am hopeing. I did find a little girl poodle I really like, but she is in illinos, and she dosent like cats. I would be taking the dog over to my moms with me and my sister has 3 cats. I dont think I will be getting a dog untill sometime after september. we are going to a dog show over labor day weekend, to check out all the breeds, see what we like. and if I like a dog I hevent done research on then I have to do tons of research.

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good for you! you will love the show, and you are doing all the right stuff.
Another thing to consider re: exercise requirements, a lot of the giant breeds have, when full-grown, limited exercise needs, for example, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Great Dane, English Mastiff...

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I have always had dogs growing up. but they were always big dogs. mostly german sheperds, we had a pointer once. I did have a very old lhasa apso once. we dont know how old she was. someone gave her to us. she had cataracts in both eyes, her nails were curled all the was under, and she was horribly matted. we fixed her up and groomed her. she lived for 7 years after that, at about six years she started going down hill. she coulnt hold her urin in, and would often pee on her self, she coulnt see, could barley hear, and had arthritus horribly. we were going to have her put down. then one day someone broke into my moms house and put her out side. we know that she didnt go out side by herself becuse we had her penned in so she woulnt have to worry about the other dogs taking her soft food ( she had a lot of missing teeth) and so she woulndt pee al over the house. it wasnt a kennel, she had a lot of room. and she wanderd out into the road and was hit by a car. she didnt make it to the vet. :( she was my last dog.

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I'm so sorry for your poor Lhasa. At least she got to spend her senior years in a good home.

In the small dog area my favourites are the shitzhu, whippet, italian greyhound (unfortunately too fragile for my household), border terrier and the parson russell terrier - the russell has the highest excercise needs and the most [i]outgoing[/i] personality but they are still quite managable with proper excercise and training.

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I dont the the parsons would be good for us eather. we have pet rats, and my sister has cats as well as rats. we would be visting her often. I have looked into them to :D I love whippets, but my guy said no way. too skinny ( think they are elegant and gracefull) have you ever had a shih tzu? what are they like? my lhasa's hair was horrible, she had cotteny hair that matted five mins after being brushed. my absalute favorite breed is the yorkshire terrier. I had one and he was the best dog. but I coulnd never own another. too painfull. I also lost him when I lost my lhaso apso. so he was my last dog as well. but I cant think or talk about him becuse I will start crying.

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The Shitzhus fur is soft and silky but not straight like a Yorkies. They will take longer to matt up than a Lhasa but probably faster than a Yorkie. We almost always had ours with a "puppy cut" which is pretty short all over. Sometimes we would do a modfied puppy cut with a slightly longer tail and the topknot thingy. In the puppycut they look like small fluffy bulldogs. They are broad chested for small dogs and squat bodied. Actually they look a bit like a cross between a bulldog and an Ewok! Tons of personallity, quirky, funny, playful, can be quite stubborn at times, will snuggle. Might be a bit small for rough play with kids but as you've already said you won't be leaving them alone together it shouldn't be a problem.

Border Terriers aren't soft or fluffy but they don't matt up. Good dogs, I'll let you know more about them if your interested.

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my yorkie usually was never matted, even after going thru mud puddles, and the woods. but my lhasa, oh boy. lol my pups were allways in the puppy cut to. well except when my sis got the bright idea to shave my yorkie like a draft horse, with the feathers on the feet. he was so embaresed he hid under the couch for hours lol

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Pugs, ahhhhhh, so cute and sweet looking. Don't have much expierence with them, but I used to be crazy about them. A friend of mine had one, and it was the greatest little dog. I must go read about them myself. Gotta learn!!!

I love the way this is going, talking and discussing and really working to find what is perfect for you life. You are going to be a great dog owner. Good Luck in your hunt for the perfect pooch.

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my guy is not fond of snoring. my lhasa snored and it would keep him awake. I love frenchies. also I like to keep my house warm, like 80 degrees :oops: I was looking thru all my dog fancy, dog world, dog and kennel, ect magazeens, and I was reading breed profiles that intrested me and I came up with a list. heres what I have so far: chinese crested (hairless), maltese, chihuahua,bichon frise,toy fox terrier, and rat terrier. do you guys know any thing about any of these breeds?

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