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I'm glad Maya isn't too bright!

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Tonight I got a little discombobulated when I had to get Pooh Bear's cone off, put Maya's bark collar on, and ... let's see, what was that other thing? Oh yeah, Maya's harness! :roll: I didn't realize that I forgot to put her harness on until she was already outside. Of course, she immediately jumped out of the fence.

I took Pooh out for a real quick pee and poop because I knew he REALLY had to go, put his cone back on, and left Jackie and Pooh Bear in the living room while I went to round up Maya. I drove around to the next block, which is where she's always gone when she's gotten loose. As soon as she saw me, she ran up to my car, smiled and wagged her tail, and took off again. I tried a few times, leaving the car door open, and she would do the same thing.

So I turned the car around and started driving slowly the other direction. It took her about a minute to run up to me and jump in the car. LOL

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Guest Anonymous

I know what you mean, if I don't latch Kiani to something when i open the door. Forget it, she's down the road. Sometimes if I hit the car lock, and say ok lets go bye bye, she'll hear the doors unlock and wait to jump in, but will dart if I try to grab her. Other than that, the only thing to do is chase her in the car and generally she'll jump right on in. Or catch her while she's trying to poo, or wait for another dog to grab her attention.

The other day, we headed off to Publix, and she darted out the door cause Kari didn't know she wasn't tied up. Well we got her in the car without a problem. Then when we got back, I got out to get the leash on her, since she was sitting in the back seat. Well she slipped behind the seat and darted off before I could shut the door. Well she did her usually run away, squat go pee, run some more, squat go poo, run some more, go poo. Well she pood in some one yard before she heard another dog barking. Well Kari was chasing after her, and I wasn't too far behind with the leash. Well the yard she pood in, had a nasty owner. He stood there and yelled at Kari for letting her dog poo in his yard and why wasn't it on a leash. And she told him, She's not on a leash because she ran off and I don't have anything to pick the poo up with. I'll take her home and then I'll be right back. Well he sat there and watched me bring over the leash and put her on it, and then waited there until we got back. And I don't see what the big fuss was about, it was on the side of the road, not on his property.

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