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I too will play devils advocate. while I've never done it, what if you workk full time, live in an apartment or townhouse, and the dog just wont shut up? so you have 1, maybe 2 days a week to try and train the dog, but youre gone all day. he doesnt bark when your're home, only when you're out. the neighbors complain, file a suit. until this happened, you didnt even know he was barking. some people will call the police, or AC, and they may leave a note on your door, but thats usually after they have been aggravated beyond belief. so the judge says "debark"...you cant train, you're not home to do so.

so what do you do?

I work full time.my dogs bark at every sound, but they are inside a house, not an apartment or a townhouse....

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I used to dogsit a deaf sheltie that barked nearly all the time. Her owners could not get her to stop. They learned to live with it and really didn't have any neighbors, so it worked for them. Had they decided they couldn't handle it, I would have no problem with them having that dog debarked. I probably would have done it.

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