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Fun question to the multiple-dog families


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To all of you who have multiple dogs in your house, what good things and what bad things have your dogs taught each other?

Jackie taught Maya that squirrels are the most exciting thing in the universe. But she never was able to teach Maya how to stalk something.

Jackie taught Maya that sirens are a very serious thing, and that you're supposed to howl at them (Maya only howls at the tornado sirens).

Maya taught Pooh Bear that digging is okay until mom tells you to stop at least twice. Jackie only digs when she doesn't think I'm watching. But I think that maybe Jackie taught Maya how to dig initially.

Maya taught Pooh Bear to sit at the back door while Maya gets her harness on.

Maya must have taught Pooh Bear to jump up on the patio table, because Maya used to do it, and now Pooh Bear does it.

Maya taught Pooh Bear that you have to bark as loud as you can when you're in the house and you see someone walking by in the street, and ESPECIALLY when the mailman puts the mail in the slot!

Jackie and Maya taught Pooh Bear that he has to come up to me and sit and wait for slow Jackie to finish her food. Then they all go and lick each others' bowls.

Maya taught Pooh Bear to sit on the arm of the sofa and put his front paws over the back of the sofa to look out.

Jackie taught Pooh Bear how to zoom around the trees in the back yard.

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Let's see. Mini taught Speckles:

how to kick up dirt and grass after peeing
How to scratch open the bedroom door
How to
bark and snarl madly every time the doorbell rings and at other dogs

Speckles taught Mini:

Nothing. Speckles is sweet but not too bright at figuring stuff out

They are both trying to teach Qwill not to play with their tails. He's not picking up that lesson very quickly.

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Guest Anonymous

Zoey taught Stryker to chew up mommy's thongs and pj shorts...

Zoey taught Cody to dig holes and sleep in them outside.

Stryker taught Cody to lift his leg when he pees... although he's only done it a few times..

hmm.. that's alli can think of right now....

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Well we dont have multiple dogs... but.. I can tell you for a fact that the Cats has taught Carson a thing or two!

1) Trashcan = Goodness
2) Couches are for climbing
3) People are for sitting on
4) The front window is a great place to sleep in the sun, even if you must lay ontop of the couch in order to get to it.
5) When mom and dad are in bed, it is very fun to lay down RIGHT on top of them, suddenly waking them up, forcing them to get up and go to the bathroom. In the mean time, lay on their pillow and look cute. They wont make you move.

Carsons taught them one thing...

Beg. Beg beg beg beg beg!!!! :lol:

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Free taught Laurel that she should bark/bay and go ballistic every time someone comes to the door and especially when the mail comes.

Laurel taught Free to countersurf.

Free taught Laurel to NOT bother her while she's eating, even though Laurel eats three times as fast. Sharing is NOT an option....

Laurel taught Free that the first one to get to the water bowl gets to drink first, so she waits while I fill it and put it down. She taught the cats this as well. Poor Free always drinks last....

Free is trying to teach Laurel to NOT countersurf, by tattling on her every time she does. Laurel does not however tattle on Free. I have to catch her in the act....

Laurel taught Free how to rip open the dog food bag if I neglect to put it in the vittles vault immediately.

Free taught Laurel to not bother the old PushyC@t, by snapping at her right after PushyC@t swatted her.

Free taught Laurel to NOT insist I get up at 4:00 am, by running her out of the room and pushing the door closed with her nose...(I couldnt stop laughing....)

all and all, I think they've both shared all their bad habits....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Good thread. This can segway into my story of the very first night we brought Dexter home. When we got back home from the vet, Kira was trying to block the doorway to not let Dexter in. Saying she was jealous would be an understatement.
Anyhow Kira is not thrilled about Dex being in the picture, but she wont attack him cause he is a puppy. So, night-time comes, and Kira takes her normal sleeping position next to Christine on the floor. Dex decided his new sleeping area is Christine's walk in closet. Kira is so upset about us adding another member to the pack that she starts making noises with her throat, kind of like she is choking. Christine and I both knew that it was all a farce, that nothing was wrong with her. So, Kira is "pretend choking" on the floor, and two minutes later, Dexter starts making the same noises! He totally was copying his big sister LMFAO! :lol:
It was prolly the cutest thing I had ever seen.
My dogs have taught each other many things, but the thing I think is the most important is that Dex taught Kira how to have fun in life. Before Dex, Kira was a bit nervous and had separation anxiety. Sometimes she would freak out and rip off the metal door frame straight off the wall when Christine and I would leave. Also, she did not have any doggie friends. Honestly, it did not matter if another dog submitted to her, she was still going to go after them. So, Dexter taught Kira how to play and goof around. Christine's parents could not believe the videos we sent them with Kira on her back, pushing Dex away with her paws and nipping his heels, with a big smile on her face.
It was really interesting to watch Kira "learn" to play with another dog. It was def. a process, sometimes she would get a little too excited and Dex would yelp, Kira would come over to me with her eyes folded back, looking sorry for what she had done.
Hopefully one day Kira can teach Dex that he only needs to bark when there is a serious threat, but I dont think thats going to happen.

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This is a quote from my own post above:

[quote]Maya taught Pooh Bear that digging is okay until mom tells you to stop at least twice. Jackie only digs when she doesn't think I'm watching. But I think that maybe Jackie taught Maya how to dig initially. [/quote]

Today the kids were out in the back yard, and I was right inside the back door with the door open. It was real quiet, so I snuck around the door to see what they were doing. Jackie was facing one of their favorite digging spots. Then she started digging because she didn't know I was there. I said "Jackie!" and she stopped immediately and turned around really quick and came up to me. She pretends that she's the perfect princess who can do no wrong. She's just smarter than Maya is and only does naughty things when I'm not watching. LOL

And Pooh Bear started digging, and he kept digging until I told him no three times. Pooh Bear is definitely listening to Maya more than Jackie. LOL

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Hmmm, intersting to note that the little dears seem to learn what we deem the 'bad habits' so much more readily. Go figure.

China has taught Zoey several things:

- She taught Zoey to find her voice- Trust me a hound voice pretending to be a husky is not easy on the ears.
- Taught her to pick at her meals- Neither dog will eat their meals regularly now
- Taught her to destroy any and every tennis ball on site.
- To eat my fiances socks- No underwear, just socks.
- And of course digging- No shallow little ditches in the ground, this is serious buisness- they dig tunnels

China has not learned anything from Zoey. She is crotchety, set in her ways, and not really the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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oh good!
Pyrs have this thing we owners call "Pyr pats" which is more like "Pyr punches", they like to paw you or just place paws on your leg, arm, head, whatever. Unfortunately now my other two do this, the funniest is Taz who kind of stomps his feet at you...

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oh good!
Pyrs have this thing we owners call "Pyr pats" which is more like "Pyr punches", they like to paw you or just place paws on your leg, arm, head, whatever. Unfortunately now my other two do this, the funniest is Taz who kind of stomps his feet at you...

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[quote]- She taught Zoey to find her voice- Trust me a hound voice pretending to be a husky is not easy on the ears.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

a hound being a HOUND is not easy on the ears....mine is 65 lbs and bays like she's 95 lbs....

the neighbors are all scared of her. they think she's part wolf when she

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Today, Pooh Bear learned how to howl at sirens from Jackie! It was so darn cute! Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, but I'm sure I'll get plenty of opportunities for howling pics. They both kept feeding off each other, so the more one would howl, the more the other one would. Pooh Bear threw his head back just like big sis Jackie taught him to.

Maya still only howls at the tornado sirens.

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