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Drug dealers keep dogs so they will have dog in heat.


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it wouldnt matter if the dog is a professionally trained drug dog. Most of them will ignore any other scent but what they are looking for, especiallyif neutered. Its becoming commonly accepted to neuter drug dogs for just this reason. But the myth persists with the dealers. Many of them have been slammed for just this reason, they thought they were safe.

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depends on the dog. coffee can throw some drug dogs off, because the scent is overwhelming. When coffee comes into play they use scenthounds, like Laurel, and sometimes even bloodhounds to do the searches. Their noses are even more sensitive than the average dogs. Beagles are especially good at it.

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I currently have a bitch in heat and she is driving my neutered male Dobie mix Beua crazy :roll: not in the sense of the wonderful scent she gives off but the fact she is riding him and sticking her butt in his face every chance she gets :lol: she stands there flagging him and poor Beau is getting very confused as he doesn

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I meant to add, usually there are signs that will signify a person may be growing drugs or selling. If growing Marijuana in the house (In Canada it's pretty difficult to grow out doors unless in the summer). They can tell some one is growing Marijuana in the house due to the unusually high hydro being used. The hydro companies will report very unusual high usage to the police dept to check into. In my area this is how 80% of drug growers are caught. Another give away is the amount of company you have and the length of time they stay. If neighbors report that another neighbor has a lot of guests during the day and throughout the night and they only seem to stay a few minutes...this is also a give away for a drug dealer.
I think (not really sure) that most drug busts are done without the Canine unit ( in home drug bust). They would catch the perp with a small amount on them...then they would bring the Canine unit in. I have a few friends who are cops and they usually wait until after the house is cleared out to look for the stash. Most drug houses have a couple of dogs and it

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