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I have created a monster.


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I fully acknowledge that it's all my fault. Toto is now 4 but when I adopted Toto at 14 weeks he came home after spending time in a cage at the shelter without getting any attention from his cries so he slept right through the night. Not a peep out of the crate. Well he was smart he quickly learned that all he had to do was whine and he would be let out. Then he started whining if he wanted his ball off the counter, he would look at it,and whine and I would give it to him. Then if we forgot his dinner he would stare and whine and we would give him his dinner. If he wanted to be held he would whine and step forward until he was held and rocked. Slowly more and more things would be given to him by looking at it and whining. I knew it was wrong but he is so cute and I am stupid. Now this dog whines for everything and now he is once again sitting next to me whining but he's not looking at anything so I don't what he wants but he won't stop. He is driving me mad. Is there anyway that I can fix this problem I have created? I don't want him to stop communicating with me but I wish that I could figure out a way to make him stop when I ask him too. I am doomed aren't I?

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What I would do if this were my dog is to give him another default behavior which I find acceptable. Basically it is the NIFIL policy which I found worked great for my dogs. I rescued a Rottie and Dobie with horrible manners, and I own 4 Newfoundlands which came straight from a kennel (they were mature not pups) I had to teach all of my dogs manners especially when it came feeding time etc.
As you already know a dog will repeat an action which will bring it rewards. If a dog finds that whining is going to magically make food appear, give it attention and pats, etc. etc. of course the dog is going to continue this behavior...Toto has learned that this is what he has to do to get what he wants.
I would ignore him when he starts whining and perhaps put him in his crate...when he is quiet then take him out and pay attention to him and reward him for being quiet. When feeding time is near and Toto starts whining, ignore his whining...,make him sit...do not give him his dinner until he stops whining...it will take awhile; but, if you continue rewarding for the behavior you desire (sit at the door to go out, sit for dinner etc.) then Toto will repeat the good behavior. As for bathroom breaks, get Toto on a set schedule and stick to it...take him out 1st thing in the morning, 15-20 minutes after meals, midday, supper and then before bed time. All of my dogs are on set schedules for bathroom..and they will not go to the bathroom in my yard...they will only go on their walks. So this could be some thing you could get Toto used to ....take him for a walk for his potty times and get him on a set schedule.

As for myself, I don't like dogs whining, or barking to get attention, food etc. I have always trained my dogs that if they want to go out side (emergency time) then they will come in and nudge me and run over to the out side door and sit and wait for old mom to come let them out...and they only use this in an emergency...for example diarrhea. They have set feeding schedules, and while I am preparing their food I have them all sit and wait for dinner. They have learned that if they sit and act wonderful their foood will get to them much quicker.

You can train Toto to communicate to you without whining...reward for the behaviors you want and ignore the behaviors you don't want. :wink:
Good luck to you, and it will take a little time to change this whining behavior which has worked so well for Toto for quite some time.

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Cassie's advice was really good. I would just add this to stress the point: when he whines, be sure not to give him any eye contact and if you can, actually turn your back on him quickly as soon as he does it. He is used to seeking your attention by whining and if he gets the opposite result, he will not like it at all. Good luck, and let us know how it goes. He looks like a cutie!

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I agree with the above posts, but would like to add one thing: When changing/replacing a behavior, expect the behavior to become MUCH WORSE before it gets better. Toto will whine like never before while you are reconditioning him, but be strong and don't crack under the pressure!
Good luck!

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Thank you all great advice. I am going to get started teaching him new ways. This morning I bought him a bell to ring when he wants to go outside so we'll see how that works and I will have him target my leg before dinner each day just in case mommy is sitting there at 5:15 engrossed in a t.v. program when he was supposed to be fed at 5 and he needs to gently remind me. It doesn't happen too often but when it does he sure tells me. :lol:

You know what is terrible I am not this way with any of the other dogs but he was the first of this set of 4 and I babied him and still do. I guess it's wrong to have a favorite but I kinda do. He is the one that I have been working with the longest he learns tricks so easily and loves to be at my feet. I can't help it I am a softie when it comes to him. But I realize it will make us both happier if he gets a better way to communicate with me. I have another confession too he is allowed to sit on the kitchen chair when I eat. He doesn't eat off the table but he sits next to me while I eat. His manners are great he just sits there and never puts his face on the table. But some will be appalled that I let him do that. :oops:

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IGNORE!! IGNORE!! OR!! make him sit, and reward him for that. DONT give him what he was whining for. EVER

but you can reward him for a behavior thats good. like sitting. that may speed up your process a bit. Laurel jumps up on my shoulder, when I get home, and has gotten Free to do it too. I feed them at 7. they want me to fed them as soon as I walk in. AINT gonnahappen. I yelled at both, and made them lie down, til 7. pushing Laurel of my shoulder, and a very stern LAY DOWN! BOTH OF Y0U!

at 7 I said GOOD DOGS!! and fed them both. they'll learn...

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