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A bloody morning. :-(


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Bella was outside with dad and ran free and had a wonderfull time. I watched a little from the window and she seemed to enjoy herself so much.
Then she came in and everything was ok. (I thought so...)
Well... then after a few minutes she came to my room and I wonderd what that red thing is on her. I picked her up and she was all bloody! Blood everywhere! I went through the kitchen and the floors were coverd with blood!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I yelled to my mom to come and have a look while I held the bloody puppy.
I went to wash her and noticed that the blood came from her right front paw. Whwn I washed the paw I noticed that it came from the root of the nail. So I washed her up and put some antibacterial liquid on it called Betadine. Then I put a bandade on the leg.
She went to bed straight after that, but now she's occupied by biting on the bandade.

This wasn't a nice morning at all! :cry: I wish I knew where she hurt herself - when, how and why.

I've decided to go to the vet on monday or tuesday (depending on Bella ofcourse). The problem is that dad's going out of town for a couple days (work) so I have no-one to take me there. I guess I just have to call everyone I know asking for a lift. I hope her toe will be fine so I don't have to pleed to everyone.

(sigh) Not fun... not fun at all! :(

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I just called our vet and left a message on her anwsering machine. She's on duty today, so if I'm lucky I might get an appointment today or tomorrow.
It's gone worse you see... :(
She now walks on only three legs and screams from the top of her lungs if anything touches the toe. I've become very scared that she might have broken the toe or something.
I hope the vet calls soon... I hate seeing Bella in pain. :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Aww poor little Bella. If she is very sensitive it sounds like she has ripped out the nail and it is hanging by a thread. She will be better off seeing the vet when you can get her and most likely the nail will be removed, which will ease her of the pain. In the mean time you have done good covering it and there really isn't anything else you can do except give her a quarter of a panadol tablet. The vet will also likely give her oxytetracycline or similar to ensure no infection progresses.

Good luck and keep us posted :wink:

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Kat: The nail is ok, it's not hanging out... it's not twisted and it's not broken. :o
The vet called back and told me to come tomorrow if it's very painfull or if things take a turn for the worse.
I took the cover off as she didn't want to stand or do anything with it on her leg. I put this collar on her so she wouldn't be able to lick the paw, but took it off too (she couldn't eat etc. with it on). Now I'll see if I need to do anything. I've put some antibacterial cream on it wich the skin has absorbed, so I guess I have to wait and see.
But she's not going out for a while. I know it will make it even harder for me to get her housebroken, but that's a smaller problem then this right now.
She's stopped limping now too, wich is good.

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it may be partially torn inside the paw...broken nails high up near the blood vessels and nerves are VERY painful...(having torn my own nails a time or two I know) I always do it to my toenails....does the vet know about the fungal infection? maybe K's idea is a good one. I looked at the website, the cream looks good...fungals are damn hard and take a long time to get rid of (like athlete's foot, same premise...)

hope Bella is A-OK real soon!!

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I have put some antifungal cream on her bum a little now and then and sometimes it gets better and sometimes worse. It often starts to get better and then she starts biting it and there's nothing I can cover it with as it's in a place that's very hard to cover with anything.
The paw seems to be better. I got to take a closer look on it (she didn't scream or try and wiggle out) and noticed that the skin around the nail (the line) has been torn off a bit. Argh... hard to explain... The nail has kind of moved a bit and is now in the right possition. It still moves a bit, but it's not too bad. And it is a good sign that I can look at it.
She seems to be herself, but she doesn't want to play really. She wants to come in your lap and she does have fun and wiggle her tail all the time. She's eaten and she drank water. She's not limping anymore. She's just a bit carefull with her paw.

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[quote]I have put some antifungal cream on her bum a little now and then and sometimes it gets better and sometimes worse. It often starts to get better and then she starts biting it and there's nothing I can cover it with as it's in a place that's very hard to cover with anything.

the problem with fungal infections is that they ITCH...really bad. I have had athletes foot, and the itching is simply unbearable. You want to just rip the spot to shreds because no matter what you do, it wont stop itching. You need to put her on an anti-fungal medication and keep her on it for AT LEAST 14 days, three or four times a day, until the fungus is finally killed and GONE. She may be biting at it because the treatements are not enough to stop the god-awful itching. It's like 100 times worse than a mosquito bite..

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Guest Anonymous

[quote]You need to put her on an anti-fungal medication and keep her on it for AT LEAST 14 days, three or four times a day, until the fungus is finally killed and GONE. [/quote]

Totally agree.

[quote]I put this collar on her so she wouldn't be able to lick the paw, but took it off too (she couldn't eat etc. with it on). [/quote]

I would try using the elizabethan collar to stop her scratching her bottom (while you are using the cream) while it is healing and just take it off while she is eating or you are supervising her.

Or another option is maybe you could try covering her bum with a nappy type thing (used to protect bitches when they are in season). I have seem them in pet shops but as I have all boys I didn't really take a lot of notice about them - I am not sure what sizes they come in. They might be another option.

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courtnek: The cream I'm using is very effective. I have problems myself with fungus occasionally and it usually takes it away in a couple days. Itching is gone almoast immediately. With Bella I put the cream on two times a day and it doesn't seem to itch that much if I do that. Then I put the collar on untill the cream has dried up.

Guest: I have no idea what en Elizabethan collar is as I'm from Finland, but the collar I'm using I got from the vet when I neuterd my other dog Ben. Here's two pics of Ben with the collar:

It's a good size and it fits both Ben and Bella.
I've been meaning to do one of those panties for Bella myself as the ones in shops aren't good at all (the ones I know are made of nylon and hard nylon mixture fabric). I don't have any material for that yet, so I have to keep the collar on. Plus the fact that Bella isn't housebroken yet (I have papers in a couple rooms so she does her buissnesses on them), so it would just end up with her pooping and peeing in her pants.

Her nail is ok now. She's still a bit carefull with it, but otherwise it's ok. I've been keeping her inside now and I'm going to wait untill a week's gone by and then I know it has healed enough for her to go outside again. (I've kept her inside to make sure that no bacteria can come and mess things up)
I called the vet yesterday and she told me to just keep doing what I've done so far to keep it clean and make sure no bacteria will come on it and just keep an eye on her.
She's a bit more tired today and very moody and cranky, but that might be that she's begining to have her first heat (not sure). Her mom got her first heat at 8 moths and the litter before her had their first heats at the age of 6 months. Bella is now 6 months, so I guess I just have to wait and see. :-)

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