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Ugh. Spoiled puppy

Guest Mutts4Me

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Guest Mutts4Me

Around the same time I brought Scooter, my kitten, in, my best friend's dad got a baby Dachshund. My friend wanted me to see Dixie, the puppy, and I wanted her to see Scooter, but since she's rarely up here (she's still in school), the visits kept getting pstponed, and the babies kept growing. She finally got to see Scooter a few weeks ago, but I didn't get to see the puppy until tonight.

Before we get there, she warns me (for the dozenth time) "She has teeth. She's really cute, but she has teeth. And she gets excited, and she forgets she has teeth." I figure it's no bg deal, because I've had kittens, have one know, and they get a little rough now and then. You tell them no, and be done with it.

Not this puppy. Dixie Sgod was a very cute, happy little puppy. But then she started getting too excited, and she started biting. She didn't stop. I tried to firmly shove her back, but she thought I was playing with her, so she got more excited. Nothing I did worked. Ignoring her didn't work, that just made it easier for her to grab my shirt. I like my shirt, and the puppy was trying to rip my shirt, which did not make me happy. My friend's desparate solution to this was to get the puppy a toy to focus her chewing on, which worked briefly, but did not in the end prove more interesting than my shirt, or my hand.

And she growled. I snapped my finger at her and said "No." And she growled at my finger and leapt at it! Eventually, my friend gave up and put the pup back in her crate, apologizing because Dixie is apparently a sweet dog "usually." But her step brother likes to play rough with her despite his parents' warnings not to - and I guess the warnings are not enforced.

So I left pretty sad for the puppy. She was a monster. It's not her fault, but unless someone does something with her soon, I worry about her. A few years ago, they got the son a JRT puppy because he wanted a dog, but ended up rehoming it because the kid wasn't willing to play with it, and it was too hyper. And then there were the guinea pigs they got then got rid of, and the ferrets... So if Dixie grows to be a moster as a full grown Mini Dachshund - which doesn't sound too terrible, but her jaws will get stronger, and she will be able to inflict damage - then who knows what'll happen to her.

Just venting.

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Amaya was like that. She was the bitiest thing I've ever seen. I basically did what you did except for a couple weeks. I redirected her to toys as well. She doesn't bite at all now. Just on her toys and my cats :o Broke her of that until we got the kittens. New toys she thinks..

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Hippo was like that too, and after trying "no", ignoring her, giving her a time out, screaming in pain, etc. (you can fill in the blanks with anything you can think of), finally the spray bottle worked :lol:
But for a few months everything that we taught her would go out the window if someone came over--she'd get so excited and try pulling on their clothes with such determination :roll: Thanks Dog those days are over :D

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Sounds to me like Dixies days with that family are numbered.

And truthfully, if they can't keep their son under control, they shouldn't have a dog!
Sorry to be so blunt and mean sounding, It just REALLY pi$$e$ me off when people get a pup/dog, let the kid harrass the dog, then get rid of the dog because it has no manners. It is THEIR fault that the puppy is like that. But until they ge control of the kid, there is NO hope!

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Guest Mutts4Me

[quote name='Black GSD'] Sorry to be so blunt and mean sounding, [/quote]

I'm upset, too, which is why I was venting.

The ideas about the articles were nice, but I don't know them. My friend is rarely there (maybe once a month), so she has no control over the situation, either.

I was pretty horrified by the pup, even if it's not her fault. I expected playful puppy biting, maybe even chewing, but she got downright mean, snarling and growling like a tiny monster. I've never seen such a thing :(

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(sigh) I agree with Black GSD. The out of control brat of a kid is ruining the dog.

So many parents feel their bratty kids should be able to do anything they please to an animal and it should take it! They even BRAG that their kids can ride the dog, pull it's ears, tail etc. and it is such a good dog it doesn't do anything!! A *good* dog usually will just get up and move away when it's had enough, but not all dogs are that tolerant. Then when it's finally had enough and inflicts a serious wound, the dog is pts. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

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