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Freebee would've made a good mom....


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I was watching Animal Planet - Animal Precinct and Animal Cops. On both shows, little tiny puppies were rescued (no where near weaned) and they
cried and yelped when handled by humans.... in both cases, she came running into the room, tilted her head to one side, and then started barking and growling at the TV...she could hear puppies in distress and
wanted to defend them, even tho she's fixed and cant have any....

She's such a good girl.....the maternal instincts must remain strong, even tho she cant have them she must understand the sound, the cries, instinctively....I learned this in my thesis on wolves. Even tho they cant have pups of their own, they will defend the Alpha females pups and even develop milk to feed them if necessary....what a wonder nature is!


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That is so cute! I had taped the show "a Baby Story" and played it when the girls were in the room, just to see what they would do when they heard a baby crying. They both kept looking around trying to figure out what that noise was and where is it was coming from.....it was cute. I want to make sure they are part of everything we do around the house to get ready for the baby. Everything we have done and will do in the babies room we let them sniff (well, except for the paint :wink: ) They sniff everything we bring into the house, anyway..... :roll: We just want to make sure they are ready for the baby when the time comes, though........

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That is great sheltielover. :D
Nothing better then to make sure your dogs are ready for a new member in the family.
When nostalgia was just a pup, only 4 months old. As soon as harley was born, she would lay down at my door and not let anyone in my room but me.
And when Harley started crying, nostalgia would jump up on my bed and lean over to the crib to make sure she was o.k.
She may have been young, but she was still a very good girl and very protective baby-dog. :angel:

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