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Everything posted by Cairn6

  1. Yikes any temptation they will take it. I had a bad time today. I smelled poop all of a sudden and I look down and Shadow is tracking poop all throughout the living room carpet. He pooped and stepped on it and it got stuck to his paw. It was horrible it was everywhere. When I put him in the tub big clumps of poop were coming off him. [img]http://users.pandora.be/ramones/emoticon/puking.gif[/img]
  2. Mine attacks the hose too. We punctured a couple of them over the years. He's small but has very large teeth. :o
  3. Have you tried compressed rawhide? It's less of a choking hazard.
  4. [quote name='Aroura']When you're still getting them used to it do you add toothpaste? Will a childrens toothbrush do the job?[/quote] I don't add toothpaste because he is just a puppy and really doesn't have his adult teeth yet. But if it's an adult you might as well use the toothpaste because it tastes good and that might help the process. And yes a child's toothbrush is fine.
  5. I just love the Aussie cross what a beautiful dog.
  6. Some dogs just don't like water but if yours swims at other times I am sure you could get them used to a kiddie pool. Toto has one he loves it. Before we moved we had a big pool in the backyard and he and Mandy would jump in all the time from the side. I got him a dog life jacket to keep him floating it was cute.
  7. I also forgot to add he likes to sit on us no matter what position we are in. :lol: [img]http://www.funtigo.com/img/i4311926_39711.jpg[/img]
  8. Thank you all great advice. I am going to get started teaching him new ways. This morning I bought him a bell to ring when he wants to go outside so we'll see how that works and I will have him target my leg before dinner each day just in case mommy is sitting there at 5:15 engrossed in a t.v. program when he was supposed to be fed at 5 and he needs to gently remind me. It doesn't happen too often but when it does he sure tells me. :lol: You know what is terrible I am not this way with any of the other dogs but he was the first of this set of 4 and I babied him and still do. I guess it's wrong to have a favorite but I kinda do. He is the one that I have been working with the longest he learns tricks so easily and loves to be at my feet. I can't help it I am a softie when it comes to him. But I realize it will make us both happier if he gets a better way to communicate with me. I have another confession too he is allowed to sit on the kitchen chair when I eat. He doesn't eat off the table but he sits next to me while I eat. His manners are great he just sits there and never puts his face on the table. But some will be appalled that I let him do that. :oops:
  9. :lol: Over your limit of what, Looking at pictures? You have looked at too many pictures stop it now!!
  10. [b]What idiot said Pits don't communicate? That is ridiculous they are dogs aren't they? Anyway I have never owned one but I think I have a miniture one. Toto has all the qualities that are mentioned in pit bull threads. He is almost over it but he used to completly out of control when it comes to other dogs. He would just nuts on them. He is unbelievably loyal, and kind to people. I know it might seem odd to compare a 20lb cairn to a pit bull but they are both terriers aren't they? The only reason why I would ever hesitate to own a pit bull or any of the other so called aggressive breeds is only because I just don't feel like going through that hassles of people who don't understand them. People used to think it was so funny when Toto would go off on a large dog. I never thought it was funny I was so upset and would get so angry at people who laughed. I was too shy but I should have told them have you seen his teeth he could take a considerable chunk out of you. [/b]
  11. I fully acknowledge that it's all my fault. Toto is now 4 but when I adopted Toto at 14 weeks he came home after spending time in a cage at the shelter without getting any attention from his cries so he slept right through the night. Not a peep out of the crate. Well he was smart he quickly learned that all he had to do was whine and he would be let out. Then he started whining if he wanted his ball off the counter, he would look at it,and whine and I would give it to him. Then if we forgot his dinner he would stare and whine and we would give him his dinner. If he wanted to be held he would whine and step forward until he was held and rocked. Slowly more and more things would be given to him by looking at it and whining. I knew it was wrong but he is so cute and I am stupid. Now this dog whines for everything and now he is once again sitting next to me whining but he's not looking at anything so I don't what he wants but he won't stop. He is driving me mad. Is there anyway that I can fix this problem I have created? I don't want him to stop communicating with me but I wish that I could figure out a way to make him stop when I ask him too. I am doomed aren't I?
  12. The only dog that does this is Toto. He's been doing it since he was a little pup. He loves to grab something when we come home and also when he gets up in the morning he will grab a toy and if there isn't a toy nearby he grabs whatever. Once it was a dirty sock but he thought it was wonderful. He also brings his ball to bed every night. I occasionally roll over on it. :D
  13. I use dog toothpaste I wouldn't use human toothpaste on them. It's not safe in most human toothpastes they have a degergent in it called Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and it's just a good thing to be swallowing. Mandy and Angel hate to get their teeth brushed especially Angel it's really hard to get into such a small mouth even children's toothbrushes are a bit too big. Mandy was 3 when we adopted her so she just didn't have a clue what a toothbrush was and is getting better but it's still as struggle. Toto is wonderful he is so easy he just comes running over and loves every minute of it. Shadow the jury is still out on Shadow I haven't had a serious try yet he still has his baby teeth but I am trying to get him used to the toothbrush so I don't add toothpaste yet.
  14. I just love your pictures!! If only I could take pictures like that but sadly I am not that talented.
  15. It's kind of hard to see in his picture but Toto is a brindle cairn. You can kind of see the coloring in his back end. When his hair grows out you don't see it as much but when I cut his hair way down it looks like little tiger stripes. I too didn't know what the heck brindle was until someone told me Toto was brindle. And before I go on I just want to say that I hadn't a thing to do with Toto's name my niece was 6 at the time and she named him. When I was signing him up for obedience class when he was a pup one of the people I called actually said. "No you didn't name him that? You have to change it right away." I never did call her back.
  16. There is nothing any of us could say that would make you feel worse then you feel about the whole thing. But you are human and we all have horrible days and now you realize just how upset you really are and that you need to get away from the situation when your that upset. Your not the worst person that ever lived we all do things we regret and your dog know you love him. What of the most wonderful things about dog is there capacity to always forgive you no matter what. He loves you and one incident won't change that. Now that you know you can change it. [img]http://mystrmitch.homestead.com/files/icon_hug.gif[/img]
  17. My niece is collecting dog breed stuffed animals and I have never seen a pit bull one either. She has a dalmation, a collie, a snauzer, a pug, a chinese pug, a husky, a bassett hound, poodle, and a cocker spaniel. So if anyone finds a place you can get a pit bull it would be greatly appreciated. She is now trying to find unusual ones we found a cairn terrier which is rare to find but I am not as of yet prepared to pay $50 for a stuffed toy. Maybe for her birthday. :lol:
  18. I am horrified by that flyer they were passing out to children. What about the rights of children not to traumatized. That is way beyond sick!!
  19. [quote]Just one last thing, please do not resort to an electric shock collar. Some people may have had success with one of these collars...but, for every one I know who has tried them they have seen immediate results...and then the dog goes back to square one and is worse. I am helping a friend of mine who was using an e-collar on his Bull Mastiff for dog aggression...the dog is now associating the other dogs with pain and it has esculated his aggression. Some may say he was using the collar wrong...but, he had training with a friend of his who is on the Canine unit with the police dept who has many years of experience training with these collars. [/quote] I am one of those that resorted to an electronic collar. It did work for me and Toto but I didn't realize that it could have backfired terribly for me and him. There was someone on another board who posted what can happen to a dog whose owner kept the collar on non-stop when your only supposed to leave it on a short time and never unsupervised. It was the most horrible sight. I put it on me before I gave it to him so I could see what it felt like and this one felt like a static shock. But there are others that are much worse.
  20. Oh yeah that top one does look like him!!
  21. [quote name='Anonymous']While its all warm and fuzzy to say that you shouldnt breed and think of all those pets behind bars and blah blah..... Just how many of you got ALL your pets from a rescue??? GOOD for you that did! Otherwise shut up![/quote] All of mine came from a shelter. Where did yours come from? Of course you don't have the guts to register and posts such idiotic comments. [img]http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Moonie.gif[/img]
  22. Lokipups that is the cutest signature! How on earth did you manage to get such a nice photo with a puppy in it?
  23. Was anyone able to load that film it will make you cry but yet also make you glad you have your animals.
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