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Lucky Chaos

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Everything posted by Lucky Chaos

  1. Yeah i think I've made up my mind......I love Chalise, but she is a pit and she were to ever become dog aggressive I wouldn't know what to do. Pluse we go to a huge dog park 2-3 times a day and I don't think I could just stop going cause its kinda like dogo, except without the computers. I'm pretty sure I can give the bc enough excercise, like I said we go on three walks a day and I'd really like to do agility. (since I failed that with Lucky, he's afraid of the equitment :roll:) I wanted to start with Chaos but she is so independent that I don't know if it would work. And I love playing fetch but Lucky gets tired and stops bringing it back, and Chaos dosent like bringing it back at all :roll:. I'll let you all know what happens.
  2. [img]I respectfully disagree with your grounds for submitting a survey answer. [/img] The alright everyone is entitled to their own opinion. [quote]She was going to visit a family and was attempting to come in the fence in the back yard. The dog jumped up before she ever made it in the back yard and bit her in the face.[/quote] Don't forget that this was the DOG'S TERRITORY. How was he to know that she wasen't trying to harm his family? Had she ever met the dog before? [quote]One other incident that did NOT involve dogs attacking humans, but another dog I witnessed also. Again, pit bulls. I came to pick up my son from school, but was a little early, so I was driving around looking at the pretty houses in the neighborhood behind the school. A little old lady stopped me and asked me to help her because her pit bulls were attacking this other dog. When I got out, there they were chewing away on this poor little chained up dog. I was eight months pregnant and was afraid they would turn on me if I tried to grab one of them, so I ran up the street to a lady I saw outside in her yard and told her what was going on and ask her to call the police. I've never seen anything so visious in all my life. Those dogs literally shook that poor ole chained dog like a rag doll. That brave(? or was she stupid?) lady grabbed a stick, ran down the street, and jumped right in the middle of these dogs. I went back later and asked the owners of the chained dog how there dog was and they said terrible. The dog was at the vet, but they didn't know if he'd live or not. Were these dogs provoked or chained? WHO CARES (not that I'm in favor of a dog being chained). I've never "personally" known of a chained labrador (or collie, etc.) biting anyone. I have known little dogs that bite easily...and regularly. But luckily little dogs rarely kill.[/quote] This lady obviously did not know the breed. The APBT was bred to be dog aggressive. They were also bred to NOT be human aggressive. I'm not saying that you wouldn't have gotten bit had you stepped in, but I assume (terribly sorry if I'm wrong :D ) that you don't know mcuh about the breed. [img]They are predispositioned to bite, imo and experience. [/img] Yes, to fight dogs, but they were the only breed specifially bred to love humans. When the dogs were fought, the owner had to be able to grab the dog no matter what and the dog would not bite or it would be culled. Can you say the same for a labrador? [quote]My point is not that labradors won't bite. I just believe that Pit bulls and some other breeds have gotten their rep for a reason...and it's NOT just because of the media! [/quote] Your right about this, its not only the media, its the backyard breeders and gangsters who give this wonderful breed a bad name. Its is not the responsible owners and breeders who know their dog and the breed. [quote]Incidentally, I don't always think small biting dogs are a bad thing.[/quote] I hope you mean unprovoked bites. I did not do anything to the minature poodle that bit me, his owner was irrisponsible. I don't think that I should be bitten because its "just a little dog, so who cares your not dead" [quote]If the dog had been larger, I would handle "biting" differently. Am I the only one who feels this way?[/quote] So, its ok to bite because its a little dog? If someone was teasing my border collie/golden mix and he bit would I have him put down? no. Is it fair to based on size what dogs will and will not be killed? I know that large dogs can do more damage, but they would both bite for the same reason, Is this fair that one should die and one should not? a few wekks ago, a little kid hurt Chaos intentionally. He stomped on her tail for absoultely no reason. She yelped. he did it again. I yelled at the dad for not stopping his kid and he LAUGHED! Chaos turned around to the kid and LICKED HIS HAND. I would NOT have blamed her if she had biit him. I would have bit myself if a someone hurt me. BTW Chaos is a pit mis.
  3. they called him a lab/shepherd mix but i'm not sure...hes really fluffy
  4. Well we went.. I wanted to take every single one home! But we couldn't decide on a dogm its so much harder now that I've met them! The border collie Riley was a true bc. He was so hyper. I got to take him to the yard, and he loves to play fetch. He's also pretty well trained and housebroken. Apparently he was adopted before and then returned cause his owners were moving :x. My dad really likes this dog Diablo [img]http://www.petharbor.com/get_image.asp?RES=Detail&ID=A068055&LOCATION=TRHS[/img] But...... I swear Chaos's sister was there! They look exactally the same, even her weird ears! And her name is Chalise! she's a 6 moth old pit and she was so sweet! she kept licking me and whining at me through the bars. She even cries like Chaos! I took her too the yard and she stayed right by my side. Even though I do love bc's this one really tugged at my heartstrings. [img]http://www.petharbor.com/get_image.asp?RES=Detail&ID=A068598&LOCATION=TRHS[/img] Were going to discuss it and either go back later today or tomorow when we decide which one.
  5. Well we went.. I wanted to take every single one home! But we couldn't decide on a dogm its so much harder now that I've met them! The border collie Riley was a true bc. He was so hyper. I got to take him to the yard, and he loves to play fetch. He's also pretty well trained and housebroken. Apparently he was adopted before and then returned cause his owners were moving :x. My dad really likes this dog Diablo [img]http://www.petharbor.com/get_image.asp?RES=Detail&ID=A068055&LOCATION=TRHS[/img] But...... I swear Chaos's sister was there! They look exactally the same, even her weird ears! And her name is Chalise! she's a 6 moth old pit and she was so sweet! she kept licking me and whining at me through the bars. She even cries like Chaos! I took her too the yard and she stayed right by my side. Even though I do love bc's this one really tugged at my heartstrings. [img]http://www.petharbor.com/get_image.asp?RES=Detail&ID=A068598&LOCATION=TRHS[/img] Were going to discuss it and either go back later today or tomorow when we decide which one.
  6. [quote name='"Aroura"']Its easy to over look things when you want something so much!!![quote] Yep you got that right! :wink: [quote]Lily has taken to SITTING on all the dogs at training [/quote] :lol: Thats just too funny! :lol: I don't really know all the much about pits except what I've read here and seen on a few sites, On the other hand I've been researching border collies for 5 years now, I've always really wanted to rescue one. I think they do have a two week trial period though, which is great.
  7. Well you'd think he'd know all that consitering Chaos is half pit and a rescue but nooo......shes a puppy she wouldn't remember who abused her! :roll: he does adore Chaos though. Your right I forgot about the possibility of dog aggression, plus APBT's are usually dominant right? Chaos has a little problem with overly dominant dogs, Holly was really submissive so no problems but I've noticed that she dosent take to dominate dogs as well.
  8. I always walk them on the leash on the streets, but in the dog park I let them run free. They usually obey my commands, but they're dogs not robots so they respond 99% of the time. I always make sure I know the other dogs before I let them off though, and make sure were no where near the road.
  9. Well....we never went. My parents were too tired after work and we wanted to spend a while with all the dogs to really choose one to fit our family. So were gonna go tomorrow morning after my (ick) dentist appointment. I was looking on the website and Bubbles got adopted! :) I'm happy she did, even though I liked her. But....... [img]http://www.petharbor.com/get_image.asp?RES=Detail&ID=A064617&LOCATION=TRHS[/img]This pup just cam in yesterday and I'm in love! As some of you might now I love border collies and this guy is beautiful! I also really wanted that dog with the cute ears :D But my dad still has this idea that a rescue pit bull with "turn on you". :cry: :x Any advice how to change his mind?
  10. That was really great and too true!!! :D :lol: :D
  11. Im at school in the compute lab right now and in just 10 mins.........I'm going to look for my new dog!!!!! I'm so excited! The day went by so slow. I'll keep you all updated the minute I get back! My camera's ready and everything! 8 minutes left!!!!!
  12. Your drawing are awesome are you sure your gonna have time for everyone? (cause you know everyones gonna want one) Ooh are you gonna hate me? :wink: Ya don't have to do them if your gonna run out of ink. [img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QQDeAokT*oHwtEkcd6ENMHYTuiL5WgobvJZsy*8qKc1BgYqWGS7r1yjcX2wh8ZcLjpLRPos1Vweo3t7ElvkS*FAq7Tcw*qZJnvA6n1iY04k/Chaosie.jpg?dc=4675438427295408605[/img] [img]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QgDZAuQTgpyyOP*Rw91ikHNtvWmaKEw7AUYYFu4DIq*jX*8se6JC!31GpAOEqJB9Y3S3HePvSoV5sWmCXYC6ocUvZGinr8I9V2ZPskDZbWs/squirrel.JPG?dc=4675438427773343022[/img]
  13. I used to feed BARF but it got to be too much of a hassle so we feed Wellness chicken and old mother hubbard treats. Thay also get yogurt and and an egg 3 times a week
  14. I get payed $5 every time I pick up in the yard and I always bring baggies in case they go in the park or on our walk.
  15. [quote name='Dog Lover']I JUST LOVE THE BROWN ONE'S EARS! :D OH MY DOG! I JUST LOVE HIM TO PIECES! :loveu: I wanna cuddle his cute little face. I'm soooo happy that you are getting another dog. Let us know how it goes.[/quote] I know you love him...we were talking about him earlier remember? :wink: I wanted to name him Damien, I didn't think that I'd have a chance to actually get him.
  16. [quote name='stacer126']We need something like this in Canada.[/quote] Yes we do. Your in Canada? cool, where are you? I'm in Toronto, Ontario
  17. My parents were saying how much they missed having Holly around so........... this weekend were going to look at adopting another dog! Oh now I can't wait till saturday! I've already been looking at the website and I've narrowed it down to two dogs that I really like. [img]http://www.petharbor.com/get_image.asp?RES=Detail&ID=A068056&LOCATION=TRHS[/img] This is Bubbles shes a lab/shepherd mix. [img]http://www.petharbor.com/get_image.asp?RES=Detail&ID=A067962&LOCATION=TRHS[/img] This guy doasne't have a name :( but I LOVE his ears!
  18. Oh yeah, Miniture Poodle 2 Dachsund 1 Pekingnese 1 Golden Retriever 1 Yorkshire Terrier 1
  19. I've been bit by two dogs, both small dogs. One was a yorkie was aggressive to everyone who came through the door. I was about 6 at the time, and we were visiting friends, when their yorkie came yapping and biting my heels I ran to where my mom was standing, obviously this wasn't the best thing to do. he grabbed onto my foot and bit, and it did draw blood. The second time was when I was biking accross a park and a miniture poodle ran up to my bike. When I stopped the bike, instead of backing off he latched onto my leg. The owner was like "Oh, I'm so sorry he didnt know what he was doing he's always a good dog" I didn't find out till later when I looked that he had broken the skin.
  20. I found my dog too :cry: [url]http://www.greatlakesbcrescue.org/Graces_Stories/Bozley/BozleyStory.htm[/url] It's kinda long though if you want to read the story. I'll be glad to join you for all the dogs. :cry:
  21. I'll do it with ya Abker. :wink: I just have to find a dog though.
  22. Those poor dogs! Especially Bruno. I'd also like to drag that guy behind a car and beat him and then duct tape his bleeding feet! :evil: I found a website too. If there are any problems I'll take it down. [url]http://www.workingpitbull.com/informationservices.htm[/url] Scroll down to "The Following is an excellent article on the realities of dog fighting" And scroll past the street fighting to "a pit Bull isen't hard to find in L.A." I think its interesting though I think this is the fighting not the "rolling" if that makes any sense.
  23. [quote name='Kiwi']I see things a little differently.. Hmmmm although I don't necessarily agree with Dog Fighting :) I always have appreciated you answering questions honestly, when you know full well that the majority of us here at Dogo disagree with what you do. I can see both sides of the argument, and I haven't made my mind up yet. I would like to learn a little more before making my mind up, Please feel free to PM me too. I have a few questions on this, but I am unsure whether it's appropriate posting them on here, when this topic is forbidden :-?[/quote] I have to agree with Kiwi. I don't agree with fighting either but I have always been a little curious...... I don't think we should lock this topic just yet....Its not out of hand as of now.
  24. [quote name='yellowlabsrule']This is going to be LONG :o [/quote] :o You weren't kidding.
  25. This is the Wellness site [url]http://www.oldmotherhubbard.com/dogs/wellness_overview.html[/url] It helped me so I hope it can help you too.
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