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Everything posted by courtnek

  1. in this stage submissive peeing is not unusual. he got above himself, you took over, and now he is "apologizing" for every mistake. dont yell, just clean it up, and then find something you and him like and do it. reward him when done, but take the toy away and put it up. you are saying "I accept your place now, but I still run this show.." this will increase his confidence, (so the peeing stops) but also let him know that you are still in charge. PM me if you need help. I can try to develop a plan specific to him if necessary... luv ya DAL. hang in there ok? 8)
  2. true story. next time she's at the vet, have a vitamin panel done. my Golden ate ROCKS...literally...would chew them up into small bits and swallow them, which was ruining his teeth. the vet did a blood panel, and found a MINERAL DEFICIENCY...no joke. put him on a vitamin/mineral supplement, no more rocks... :o
  3. [quote name='DivineOblivion19'][color=indigo]IMO, I don't think that a scent hound would be good for her at all, only because her mom kinda sounds like my dad, ZERO TOLERANCE!!!! I don't think she would tolerate the baying at all..[/color][/quote] you're right DO, that could be an issue. but they are so good with kids, other dogs, and people in general I thought may the one "really bad"trait might get overlooked.... :cry:
  4. hey Dal! Strker is proving to be a problem child, so in his case demotion below the other dog may be necessary as well. if he wont sit still outside for his leash/harness...make him sit INSIDE (NILIF) and then harness him, then treat him. baby steps. he needs to know who's boss... 8)
  5. I'm glad I could help. you now need to elevate X....above the dogs. he should take over NILIf...feeding, praising, the whole nine yards. he shoudl feed them, using NILIF (sit, lay down, whatever) they now need to see him as second-in-comand to you. in the beginning you need to stand there and "approve"...when they see your approval, they will accept X as the beta...and will learn to obey him, with your help. Kyle is secondary alpha, they wont cross him... 8)
  6. [quote name='Horsefeathers!'][quote name='DeafAussieLover']and just now about 20 mins ago Styerk and cody were on the floor at my feet both sleeping, then all the sudden i hear stryker screaming an i look down to see cody attackin the h*** outta him for NO REASON [/quote] DAL, it may not have been apparent to you, but there had to have been a reason in their little doggy minds. Perhaps they were staring each other down? Not really obviously to you, maybe, but THEY notice it. I'm certainly no expert, but I'll tell you how we've handled conflicts in our household. Taking it at face value, meaning I'm going to assume that Cody is not acting differently otherwise... no health issues, nothing else going on, I'm wondering if it's something that has started really small, maybe things you really didn't notice, and it's just escalated to this. That's what happened when my friend had Peaches. Peaches is the most docile, easy to get along with dog I've ever known. However, my friend created a monster with her. When her dogs would "compete" for attention, treats, whatever, she tried too hard to be fair, or her perception of it, and really overdid it. They began competing a little more violently and she tried even harder to coddle them down. Peaches became TOO competitive and began outright attacking one of my friend's other dogs for what would seem like no reason (but looking at the whole picture, in hindsight, I should have seen it coming... it wasn't "out of nowhere..." there had been signs). In my house, Peaches is a different dog. If I hadn't seen her do it at my friend's house, I'd almost swear that she is incapable of attacking another dog. She shares her bed, toys, space, they tromple her, and she just seems to laugh it off. I think we create our own monsters and my friend created one by coddling Peaches whenever she would compete for attention. All that jibberish said, what we do in my house is simply not tolerate it. I know a lot of people believe in letting dogs sort out their problems, and I used to believe it, too, but not anymore. I've had too many near catastrophes. We stop it before it ever starts. We don't allow posturing, lip raising, growling, hackling up, [u]staring[/u], anything that could be perceived as threatening. It never has a chance to escalate to a physical confrontation. The times we've had dogs scuffle, we make it clear in absolutely no uncertain terms that we strongly disapprove and will not tolerate it. This may fly in the face of some of the more esteemed experts, but I just don't let them try to establish any sort of pack rank, anymore. I mean, it's always kind of there, but none of that posturing and reinforcing stuff. With ten dogs in the house, it's imperative that they all get along, and I call the "pack" shots in this house, not them. It's also important for me to know that I can bring home fosters without my dogs wanting to attack them. Since they know that animal aggression isn't tolerated, they don't even do more than sniff a new dog. Now... with all THAT jibberish said, it's probably a good idea to keep Cody and Stryker separated except for when you are monitoring them as in eyes on them, at least for a cooling off period. I have a couple of dogs that absolutely cannot stand each other, so we put as much space between them when we aren't able to watch them as we can get. We don't allow them to scuffle and they know better, but I would never trust them implicitly. Sometimes there are just some dogs that have decided, for whatever reason, that they do not like another dog. My Schnauzer and my Lab... ugh! They love everyone else individually, but my Schnauzer HATES my Lab and never misses a chance to try to pick a fight with him. Of nine other dogs, the Lab is the ONLY dog he bothers. Watch them closely. Intervene [b]before[/b] it turns into a violent confrontation. Stop any staring, posturing, growling or anything that could be threatening behavior. Just direct their attention elsewhere. I'm not quite crazy enough to believe we've got it all figured out and that we will NEVER have a fight break out... just that we really stay on top of it, and the dogs seem more content in knowing that they don't have to compete with each other. Hopefully, someone with a little more insight will pop up. This is just what works for us. I tend to try not to over-analyze them and instead deal with the problem at hand rather than try to get into their little heads. I only dig as deep at the problem as I need to unless, of course, I suspect a health issue or some other underlying problem. Good luck.[/quote] HF has it DEAD ON. YOU are pack lead. YOU decide what they do, and stop it at the first sign of an altercation. Mine have bitch wars. they KNOW, as soon as they start, if I STOMP on the hardwood floors and yell ENOUGH they better damn well stop. if they dont, they BOTH get slapped upside the head and stared down. I have been called "mean" for this, but in all my years, none of my pets have ever hurt each other. they do what **I** say, and nothing less. they dont fight when I'm not here. its an attention getting device, and I wont play their game.
  7. since he has only allowed ONE person to ever cut his bangs. he is probably wary of people. he will accept food, but he is basically a feral dog. to trap him and take him in, without much socialization first, would probably be the wrong thing to do. these people have offered, he has refused. he is a wild dog now. I would like to think of him dieing by somebodys fireplace too, but sometimes you just have to go with what IS.... Auditor, sweet dreams when your time comes.Know that people cared for you, if not in the way WE care for our pets, but in the fact that they did what they could to comfort you for all your long years.
  8. ok my sales point..try a hound. they dont have the stigma of PB's (which I am SOOO against but mom seems to be) they are shorthaird (scent hounds), very good with kids, gentle tolerant souls that just want to be paid attention to. if Greyhounds are too big, there are foxhounds, coonhounds, etc. they are slightly smaller. as pups they need tons of exercise, and you have to get accustomed to the bay, but after having laurel I will never be without one. the lovey dog from hell...wants to be under my feet, in my face, etc....adopt an older one and you get the housetraining and laid back aspect too. 8) beagles are good too, and LOTS of them need homes....
  9. tears here too. lots of them :cry:
  10. welcome back Cheeky....stir things up a bit will ya? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. so did I. the similarities, despite the name, set off my radar... it could very well be. if so, she is a teenager who has tried (I'll give her credit for that) to let her parents keep Ceasar inside. she was doing ok for a while, then stopped posting....
  12. I just read thru this entire thread, and once again have SWORN to not eat or drink at the computer..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: first....dogs and cats are not "natural enemies" since they're both predators on the predator/prey scale.... 2nd...I am a member of Petfinder..you want to get slammed, go there. I try to help them and get ragged at because I let my dogs out in a completely fenced yard, in a neighborhood where all my nieghbors have dogs, and for the few hours on the weekend I let them do that I have been slammed for being a "bad owner"...I should stand out there and watch them THE WHOLE TIME....a coyote might jump in my yard and eat them (although both my dogs are bigger than the average coyote)... 3rd.....KG...K is the administrator here. and yes, we like our occasional bar-room brawl....feel lucky she didnt read you the riot act...I got above myself and got read it more than once. bottom line...get OVER yourself. if things get out of hand K and Mei Mei and the other admins will handle it. thats not your job. this is a place where MUCH can be learned. I reread the entire thread before posting and NOTHING that was said originally, when WE were trying to help YOU, was nasty, mean or contraindicated. it was only when you started complaining about your "treatment" that things got ugly. be thankful you got advice as good as you did. and stop complaining about it. you could FIT IN HERE, if you really wanted to. but you have to get off your high horse and stop expecting people to NOT disagree with you. This is a free country. EVERYONE is entilted to their opinon.
  13. K will probably have to tell me to SHUT UP, again, but heres my take. this is a civilized board, MUCH MORE CIVILZED tha PF...we try to understand, but if we disagree, we disagree. get over yourself. there is a vast amount of knowledge here to be handed out, but only if you can deal with the fact that SOME PEOPLE WILL DISAGREE....again. get over yourself. this is an internet board, not everyone will agree with you. there is a vast amount of knowledge to be learned here, if you toughen up and agree to learn it. my take. takeit or leave it.
  14. my stupid alerts dont work, for this site or any other, so unless someone tells me to go look there I dont. I will look there tonight... :lol:
  15. well there is no long coated or curly coated lab, but there are so many different breeds of retriever, and most of them used the lab as the base, that I guess if I stretch "just right" they could count.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Kes: "whadya mean I have to PAY for this? Pay WHAT? I can sit, beg, will begging help? I just wanted some chewits....MOM! get me outta this mess!!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. wahhh!@! I dont wanna miss out!!! :cry:
  18. ok I'll play devils advocate (dont yell K, it needs to be done 8) ) for US, this list may seem wrong, or misleading or even biased. but its not meant for us. its meant for the average dog owner/buyer/adopter. we research our dogs, and learn their traints, good points and fallacies. we all know too well JPQ doesnt, so for them, this list couldbe very helpful this especially interested me, because I had a malamute mix, and before learning about pack rules and NILIF, I MADE these mistakes, and almost got badly injured because of it. "According to Sapir Weiss's website Digital Dog "Forcing this breed into submission will only result in incredible aggressive reaction." He follows this statement with the comment "Good luck." Forewarned is forearmed." this is exactly what I did. when he almost removed my arm in his ferocity ( someone had told me to make a breaking stick. I might be armless if I hadnt) I realized I was doing something terribly wrong. I learned. but I wouldnt want a child to learn the way I almost did. He ended up being the best dog ever, once I had figured him, and me out.... 8)
  19. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: although I gotta admit, I would now like to read it. Mei is very tolerant as a general rule, so this must have been SOMETHING to see... 8)
  20. ahh..must be this laptop, it didnt underline 'here'... sorry. :oops: :oops: :oops:
  21. ah...the tattletale.... :lol: thats Free's job. she tattles on Laurel whenever she countersurfs or chews on stuff... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. uh, DO? silly girl, you didnt post the thread.... :lol: :lol: :lol: If you can tell me what she's doing, the general atmosphere at the time she nips, maybe I can help. they nip for lots of reasons, attention, teething, even reacting to being scolded. (A BIG NO NO in my opinion) wolves nip each other in play, in correction, for many reasons. I'd need the situation to help you 8)
  23. [quote]Here is a picture of them. Notice the tough guy (that would be Mr. HF) with them and the heavy duty plastic chain used to keep them at bay[/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Mr. HF looks like a complete sweetheart, and so brave keeping those horrible long haired Pits at bay like that.... I love to see men really enjoying poodles....it always makes me smile. 8)
  24. I dont think there's a cutoff, because no one really knows what triggers a Pit to play wholeheartedly with some dogs and turn on others. thats a study I think should be well invested in. why some dogs and not others? why suddenly a dog they've played with their whole life, with never an incident before? there must be a trigger, something that starts the "turn"...but no one is really sure what it is. Just continue to be careful...
  25. us Midwesterners are suffering, because of the humidity, not so much the heat. I hate walking outside into a freakin' STEAMBATH every morning....but Izzy's, temperature wise, is worse. Iz, dont shave them. thats actually worse. the fur protects them from the sun as well. if anything, get them thinned by a groomer. get the undercoat shaved out, but leave the top coat. on a crested-type coat, the sun is a real liablility...burning, skin cancer, all of that....
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