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ear infections...


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I have a hound, with floppy ears. they get infected all the time. I clean them, give antibiotics, it goes well for a while and then comes back.
I am trying my own treatment. **I** believe that the reason they get infected so often is that there is no way for air to get in there. the earways never get to dry out, which is a breeding ground for infection. DO will correct me I'm sure (and I hope she does)

I have piled Laurel's ears on top of her head, and secured them loosely with zip strips. I only do this when she is laying on the bed with me. so I can watch her. that's about 3 hours a night. If she is on the bed with me, she will tolerate the zip strips. She probably thinks thats better than ear cleaning anyway. she doesnt fight the zip strips. she looks miserable during ear cleaning...

I wil let you know what happens...

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Courtnek, if that doesn't work, you can take an old pair of nylon stockings and cut the foot out. Fold Laurel's ears over backward and slip the stocking over her head. It'll help keep her ears back and still let air in and might be a little more comfortable.

I hope she gets some relief. If the infections are a pretty regular thing, it might be time to consider if there's something causing it from inside like an overgrowth of yeast.

I hope she gets some relief. I swear by the Blue Power ear potion.

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Cooking oil or mild olive oil is usually the best sort of thing to clean the ears out. If you syringe a few drops in, then massage the ear wel and then use a tissue (never a cotton bud) to clean out any gunk. Also as Divine said , a diet change can help greatly to control infections. Vitamin c in a small dose can also help with inflammation. Antiiotics are wonderful things but sometimes they can dampen down the animals natural immunity therefore it is better to have a healthy immune system and to prevent the onset of infections.

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I was reading up on ear infections in my issue of the whole dog journal. They suggest using green tea brewed for drinking then cooled to room temperature for maintenance cleaning. They like green tea as it is gentle and of course does not contain alcohol but it does have an acidifying antibacterial properties. They also state "don't pour the cleanser into the dog's ear as it will just wash debris dwon and sit on the ear drum irritaing it.
They also say that a combination of boric acid and a thick old fashioned ointment called pellitol is great for treating ear infections. You put the boric acid in the ear and work deep into the ear canal, next attach the pellitol applicator to the tube and squeeze the pasty ointment into the ear canal. Massage the ear. The pellitol dries up within a day or two, but if you leave it undisturbed for a week it removes whatever exudates are in the ear, whether they're sticky, tarry, yeasty, or slimy pus it just attaches to whatevers there, dries it up and every thing falls out together. After a week the ear should be much improved. Then use cotton balls or Q-tips to remove whatever's left. The treatment works well, it doesnt tramatize the ear. Word of warning the pellitol is very sticky, protect your furniture for a day or two as the ointment will stick to any thing it touches, and when you fill the ear it can stick to the outside of the ear of the dogs face. The excess will fall off and the rest you can remove with begetable oil, but, leave the inside of the ear flap alone.
I have never used this treatment myself so I would certainly discuss it with your vet first. There is too much information in the article for me to successful type into this post :-?
My Newf Cassie used to suffer from ear infections quite often, the root of her problem was a yeast build up from too many grains in her diet. A change in diet made a world of difference for her, the same for my Rottie Athena when I first adopted her she had horrible ear infections, a new diet worked for her as well...and also my stray Beau had infections coming out of every opening in his body when I fist found him...he is 100% better being fed wellness and home prepared meals. :wink:

[quote]Blue Power Ear Treatment
16 Oz. bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol (standard 70%)
4 Tablespoons of Boric Acid Powder
16 Drops of Gentian Violet Solution 1%
sMix together in alcohol bottle and shake well.
As detailed in It's For The Animals! Natural Care & Resources, you will also need to shake solution every time you use it to disperse the Boric Acid Powder. Purchase a flexible plastic bottle with the opening at the top so that the solution may be gently squeezed out and dispense solution to affected ears. The ideal is a hair-dye bottle available at a pharmacy or beauty supply store.
Evaluate condition of ears before treating and if very inflamed and sore:
do not attempt to pull hair or clean out ear at all. Just flush and then wait until inflammation has subsided, which will be about two days.
Warm the solution (as instructed above) and shake the bottle each time before using.
Flood the ear with solution (gently squirt bottle).
Massage gently to the count of 60, wipe with a tissue.
On first treatment: flood the ear twice, wipe with a tissue, and leave alone without massage.
The dog will shake out the excess, which can be wiped with a tissue.
Note: the Gentian Violet does stain fabrics, etc. so you may want to wear gloves- more information about this is at [url]www.ItsForTheAnimals.com[/url]
The SCHEDULE of treatment is as follows:
Treat 2x per day for the first week to two weeks, depending upon severity of ears.
After the 2nd or 3rd day you can clean out the ear with a Q-tip or cotton balls.
Caution: When using a Q-tip, only insert it as far into the ear canal as you can actually see. Use care to prevent the gunk from falling down into the ear canal.
Treat 1x per day for the next 1-2 weeks.
Treat 1x per month (or even less frequently, depending on the dog).
Note: All of these ingredients should be available at a pharmacy. One brand of the Gentian Violet 1% solution is "Humco" and the one ounce bottle typically sells for slightly over $3. It is called an "Antiseptic First Aid Anti-infective". The Boric Acid powder in the 4 ounce size typically sells for about $3.25 and is usually in stock at the pharmacy. More information about this may be available updated at [url]www.ItsForTheAnimals.com[/url]
Users of the Blue Power Ear Treatment have found that despite the alcohol, the dog will not object to even the first treatment. The Boric Acid Powder soothes the ear. The Gentian Violet Solution is an anti-infection agent, as it is a dye mixture that acts as a bactericide, fungicide, and anthelmintic (destroys worms). Remember, gentian violet will stain fur, clothing, etc. As for the source for Gentian Violet, it, along with all the other ingredients, as was previously mentioned, they should be available at a pharmacy, or may have to be special ordered. The Gentian Violet comes in small bottles, similar to iodine, not at all expensive and will provide enough to make gallons of the Blue Power Ear Treatment. A very easy method to make the formula is to poke a hole in the top of the cap of the bottle of alcohol, add the Boric Acid, and then the drops of Gentian Violet.
The Blue Power Ear Treatment as detailed above appears to work well on any and all ear problems from mites to wax to canker. The success rate for this treatment is said to be 95-99%. Those who do not succeed have usually not done the treatment long enough or have not been regular about it.
Dogs on the verge of ear canal surgery have been returned to normal with only the regular follow-up treatment to keep the ear healthy. If an infection seems to be remaining in the treated ear after the above course of treatment, may also be some Pseudomonas bacteria in the site. This can be eradicated by using a gentle flush of raw apple cider vinegar and water (warmed). Use 2 Tablespoons of vinegar to one cup of water, 2 x per week.
They have found the Blue Power Ear Treatment to be effective for treating fungus-type infections on the feet and elsewhere on the dog, for cuts on dogs or people, and for hot spots. You may find other uses for this simple anti-infective agent. Remember it is for external use only and be careful not to get into the eyes.
One gal let me know that her dog's ear problem responded only when the Gentian Violet was omitted. Another gal, Diane Whitehouse, a Poodle fancier, states: "First, the stuff has worked miracles for us, too! I'm so glad to know about it ... the recipe I was initially given years ago called for 16 drops of 2% Gentian Violet, rather than 1%. I've always mixed it that way, and passed that along to a couple of Poodle friends who did not have success with the recipe [for 1% Gentian Violet] on your web page. In both cases, adding the additional Gentian Violet resulted in success.
She adds a helpful caution: "And.....my initial instructions also say "The vet must rule out a punctured ear drum before using The Blue Power Ear Treatment." The one Poodle friend who told me his Poodle reacted as though treatment was very painful took his girl to the vet and learned she did have a punctured ear drum."
For those who find the Blue Power Ear Treatment successful, I have some suggestions. After your dog's ears are looking normal for a while, it really would be a good idea to find out what is actually causing the ear problem. As mentioned in the book, It's For The Animals! Natural Care & Resources., back when I was feeding commercial feed, my dogs' and cats' ears had quite a bit of that 'black gunk' in them. More than 20 years ago I'd been told by my holistic vet, Richard Kearns, DVM, that this was one of the body's ways of detoxifying itself. Sure enough, after being fed only fresh foods for a few months, that 'black gunk' virtually disappeared.
Also, it's been my experience, and that of many others, to notice a favorable improvement in their dog's and cat's ears and overall health, when the following three supplements are added to the diet. These nutritional supplements are just added to the food and are excellent for us too! A note about the following recommended products: there is no financial affiliation between this author and any company mentioned. The products mentioned are simply ‘tried and true’ favorites, which I feel are superior to others for a variety of reasons.
Three Important Considerations Related to Ear Problems:
1) Probiotics This is commonly referred to as intestinal flora 'normalizers', Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, and Bifidus. These are the friendly bacteria found in a healthy intestinal tract which are crucial for good health and proper absorption of nutrients. According to a recent study (Hamilton-Miller 1996), only 2 out of 13 products had what their label claimed in viable friendly bacteria. So, I buy only the refrigerated brands, either powder or capsules, and rotate the strain. Some of my favorites are: Ethical Nutrients, Flora Gen (in powder), and Natrens (in capsules). Nature's Way enteric-coated capsules are also good. The enteric coating ensures that the maximum number of the beneficial bacteria reach the small or large intestine where they are most effective. Some of the experts suggest that only one strain be taken at a time because they compete with each other. These products are found in the health food stores' refrigerated cases.
2) Digestive Enzymes To my knowledge, Prozyme Digestive Enzyme formula is the only digestive enzyme product with peer-reviewed scientific studies to prove that it increases the absorption of vital nutrients (up to a 71% increase), including EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids). I also add Pancreatin (any brand). It comes in a powder that is sprinkled on top of the food in the dish at dinnertime. First-time users may get a free 85-gram trial size by calling Prozyme at 800/522-5537, there's just a $5 shipping and handling charge. Incidentally, Prozyme has a money-back guarantee and has a human formula, TymeZyme (capsules), which my husband and I take with each meal.
3) Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Many years ago I was researching a problem that my husband had: excessive ear wax buildup (think: brown gunk). It turns out that ear wax accumulation is a symptom of a deficiency of EFAs. These types of good fats (EFAs) are critically important for our health as well as our animals, and must be provided in the diet. There are lots of types of EFAs and, to keep it simple here, understand that these fats/oils are NOT for cooking. In fact, they should be kept away from light, heat, and oxygen. Avoid partially hydrogenated fat and trans fats such as margarine.
My favorite EFA is Omega Nutrition's certified organic, Hemp Seed Oil as it is said to be 'nature's perfectly balanced oil'. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs and the vital GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid) GLA is one of the omega-6 EFAs such as Borage Oil, Black Currant Oil and Evening Primrose Oil. Omega Nutrition's Organic Hemp Oil is cold-pressed in Canada and then shipped around the world. Other companies press seeds that have been sterilized (irradiated) and then pressed into oil, which is unacceptable to me. Another good organic EFA blend is Omega Nutrition’s Essential Balance and has the 1:1 Ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. I order the largest liquid size available and opt for 2nd day air delivery. Both products, and many more, are available from Omega Nutrition: [url]www.omeganutrition.com[/url] or call 800/ 661-3529. Their US office is located in Bellingham, WA, and for Canadians, in Vancouver, BC. Be sure to request their very informative "Product Book" and "Catalog 2000" which are free.
Also, another very good organic EFA blend is Barlean's Omega Twin and available in the refrigerated case of most health food stores or you can call 800/ 445-3529 for the nearest distributor.
The Ears and The Body Detoxifying Connection
I suspect that the pesticide residue in the conventionally grown grains may very well be the culprit for what some folks refer to as a "grain allergy" in their dogs. Pesticides are just one chemical adversely affecting our companions (and us). Seriously consider feeding only organic food and supplements. For most of us, organic meat may not always be available or it is too expensive, and, therefore, human-grade quality is the next best choice. However, organic grains are readily available and the cost is only slightly higher, especially when buying in bulk.
Since 1978, I’ve been following a holistic approach to health. In March of 1995, after reading Ann Martin’s article in Natural Pet magazine, “Does Your Dog Food Bark?, I completely eliminated commercially manufactured feed stuff. I can’t consider it food. Remember, most animals need this transition to fresh foods be made gradually. I also avoid exposure to chemicals, including flea/tick preparations, vaccinations, and heartworm drugs.
Toxins can be chemicals which are:
 Absorbed either through the skin -- as in topical flea/tick treatments, dips, shampoos or through the paws -- as with cleaning products, and pressure treated lumber
 Inhaled --from room fresheners, indoor/outdoor pollution and outgassing ofnew carpeting.
 Ingested -- from pesticide-laden food, heartworm drugs, antibiotics, or other medications.
 Injected -- from vaccinations and otherdrugs. Be advised that all vaccine manufacturers' package inserts say: "Only healthy animals should be vaccinated". VACCINE1.HTMEven a rash, itchiness, or a slight infection means that an animal is NOT healthy and should NOT be vaccinated.
Another factor contributing to ear infections may be all those vaccinations that the animals are receiving, unnecessarily. Consider the fact that vaccines contain deadly toxins such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Since 1994, my animals have NOT received those notorious annual “booster” vaccinations because I’ve learned that there is no scientific justification for them. By becoming educated and making the changes for the better, I know that it has helped them to be healthier and happier.
 Some folks are recommending a liquid herbal product specifically formulated for companion animals: "Natural Ear Comfort" by BioPathics [url]http://www.biopathics.com/natural_ear.htm[/url] They are the manufacturers of the product which is so helpful for joints and connective tissue health, "Cartilade". I would appreciate hearing from folks who have found it to be effective.
 Other people have been using Colloidal Silver (CS) with great success -- which is very dependent upon the particular brand or quality of CS. Some folks have seen immediate results with CS, whereas the Blue Power Ear Treatment may take several days to notice improvement. I would think that it would be better to warm the solution prior to putting it into an animal's ear. This can be accomplished by simply soaking the bottle in a bowl of hot water. The typical method is to use an eye dropper-full of CS in each ear to thoroughly coat the entire area every two hours, and you'll notice that the animal will no longer be shaking his or her head. Then, treat with half a dropper-full every two hours. Also, after applying the CS, it's recommended to wipe the ear with a wash cloth soaked in warm water (wrung out) and then repeat this an hour later. Treat twice a day for the first few days, then after improvement is noticeable, reduce the treatment to once a day, and later to once every other day. It's suggested that optimal results are obtained when CS is used frequently and in small doses.
Caution: if you must dilute CS, use distilled water or well water. Tap water, typically contains chlorine and when combined with silver it creates silver chloride which is NOT to be used. Many people consider the CS available at the Health Foods Stores to be of inferior quality as it's not really true electro colloidal silver but a diluted liquid of silver protein. It's not a panacea, and will only be effective if it actually comes in contact with the viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Keep it refrigerated and if it gets cloudy, dispose of it. To obtain high-quality CS (total silver PPM will be between 5 to 15), one source is: Rich, e-mail: [email][email protected][/email]
He provides a lot of information about CS and ordering it here: [url]http://home.kc.rr.com/richadams/cstrade.html[/url]
Additional information about Colloidal Silver is here: [url]http://www.silverlist.com/[/url] Please let me know what has been most helpful for you.
An annual wellness exam for our dogs is recommended during which blood can be drawn and the vaccine titers may be measured rather than have unnecessary revaccinations. For competent, reliable medical advice, it's always good to consult with a compassionate veterinarian who utilizes holistic modalities and is knowledgeable about nutrition in your area. To locate one in your area, contact: The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) [url]www.ahvma.org[/url]
Our warm, loving companions depend upon us for their well-being. We owe it to them to make informed decisions. Hug your dogs for me! [/quote]

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well, she didnt like the zip strips, so I tried an ace bandage, which she was ok with but it keeps slipping off. So I think I'll try HF's pantyhose method. that sounds good.

she is on the antibiotic because the infection was bad enough to need it. The vet prescribed it. It's deep in her ear, and wasnt coming out with any cleaning. I noticed since starting the antibiotic that it's "breaking up" and
coming to the surface, making it easier to clean out. you couldnt see it
looking in her ear, it was that deep and "lodged" down there somehow. The vet said her eardrum is ok, and that this infection has probably been there a long time, I have never had a dog that needed regular ear cleaning, so I guess I didnt do a good job of preventing this. :oops: :oops:

The vet actually said "never had a floppy-eared dog before, did you?" but she was smiling. I said "isnt Free a floppy eared dog?" (the Lab) and she said "no, Free is a '1/2 floppy'....her ears "perk up" in the front and allow air to enter freely." I guess its the fact that Laurels ears hang down flat on her head, now that I realized it, there is no way for air to get in there. they hug the sides of her head....she said that if I can air them out and keep them clean, the infection should stay away. She thinks three hours a day of airing out will probably be good enough.

*sigh* I feel both stupid, and guilty. Poor thing....shouldnt her ears have "smelled bad?" they didnt....

I forgot to ask the vet that.


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Why is it that when our dogs get an ear infection, we feel guilty?? :o

In ALL these years with ALL these dogs, I've never had a problem with ears except the [u]one[/u] time with Pauly. I'm pretty vigilant about keeping check on their ears (particularly Pauly & Perry since Standard Poodles are so prone to ear infections) and one day BAM! it's like it came out of nowhere and Pauly had a yeast infection. I felt sooooo guilty as if it were some personal failure. He didn't have a smell, either, unless you flipped the ear backward and leaned into it and even then it wasn't bad. That's the only ear infection I can think of ever having in any of my dogs (other than infections I treated upon fostering and adoption), but I still felt like I had personally given it to him.

I hope Laurel is getting some relief. When you said you felt guilty, it kind of brought it back for me. It must be a "normal" reaction.

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I think its maternal...when my kid gets sick I feel guilty too (like I could have DONE anything about it)

Thanks HF> I tried the pantyhose thing and that worked great. it only stays on when she is laying on the bed with me (which is a privledge) otherwise she shakes her head so hard it gets displaced. But its working, so thank you.

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