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This Is Impossible.

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Today I was grooming Rowie and found a tick! This is impossible, I'm so sick if this! She has her flea and tick collar, she's inside 98% of the time, I groom her everyday, our grass is kept short and we spray the yard with insecticide every few months. What went wrong? Of course, I removed the tick (the right way, don't worry) and then found two more which I also removed. What's really getting to me is how the ticks got there when she had her flea and tick collar on? I bought it less than a month ago and it's supposed to work for three! Summer's already here where I live so that might be it. Plus her Frontline just ran out and it was the thing that got her rid of ticks in the first place... So tomorrow afternoon we're going to Dr. Nouni's and getting her some Frontline, then going to get a spray to spray around the house just in case the ticks are inside. I'm just so ticked off (no pun intended :lol:)... Just thought I'd rant a bit and give you all an update!


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Maybe I'm crazy but I don't really worry about ticks. We don't have a problem with deer ticks in our area and Wood ticks are pretty harmless. I usually find at least 1 or 2 on me every summer and about the same amount on Buck.

When I found him I pulled over 30 off of him...

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if you are using frontline, there's really no need to use a flea/tick collar.

besides that, those collars have some really nasty chemicals in them that i would not expose a dog to. one of the most common ones is amitraz, which is for example used in dips to treat mange.

if the frontline doesn't work, try advantix. i've heard from many people when one of the two didn't work out, the other usually did.

you can also add a few drops of essential oil of pine cedar, citronella, rose geranium, lavender, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus or tea tree oil to shampoo and leave it on for a little longer than usual. any combination of the above will work. this is a natural way to repel insects and your pet will smell really good. my personal favorite is a combination of lavender, rosemary and mint.

if conditions are really bad, mix a few drops of essential oils with water in a spray bottle and spray them on the dog before going outside to refresh the insect repellent properties. this spray also works for your yard.

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Guest Anonymous


Since moving to Arkansas, I've pulled two ticks off of me, and flicked several others off my hands and pant legs. I'm so digusted by them.

I've never had to deal with ticks. Heard about them, but never really thought about them too much. But they are gross, evil things.

There's just something inhuman about having a parasite attached to me. *shudders*

We spread tick stuff on the grass in the habitats, but some of the tigers have ticks on them, and it just makes me sick to see them, because it's not like we can just reach in and pull them off. It's especially sad when they've got one right on their nose or in the corner of their eye. Poor babies.

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